
Bye2 2015

Im 25 weeks pregnant.
That means 5 bulan pregnant ye? Ke 6? Pfft yang pasti EDD i 12 april hehe.
Kalau bulan 5 kan senang boleh buat besday umar skali.
Tapi dah pk, nanti nak buat akikah baby 2nd ngn besday umar serentak.

Nak beranak kat mana pon tak pk lagi.
Time umar beranak kat tropicana hospital tp sbb jahitan tu amik masa 6 hari utk recover plus nurse kk check kata jahitan tu tak betul aku seriauuu taknak beranak situ dah. Padahal experience beranak situ sangat la ok. Doc n nurse n ward semua ok.
It's ok masih ada masa fikir.

Btw for umar, makin active n bijak.
Naseb la aku amik Shaklee skrg, kalau tak sure umar n rumah tak terurus wey.
Hahaha memang tenaga yg byk diperlukan untuk handle kedua2 nye.
Siapa nak amik set shaklee boleh la contact i kie. Whatsapp 0123318084. Serius lain sgt time pregnant umar dulu malam2 selalu cramp kaki and backpain. Now no more. Penat bila malam tu biasa la. Tp bangun tido pagi biasanye dah recover.
Yerla jd housewife bukan sng, nak masak, nak kemas rumah n nak handle umar, fuhhh.
Sesambil buat on9 business.
Minggu depan sempena tahun baru nak start potty train umar.
Semoga dikuatkan semangat.

Last weekend cuti kitorg picnic kat morib je. Aku tak pernah g pon. Aku da fikir mesti tempat tu cramp mcm teluk kemang port dickson kotor n ramai org. Hahaha tak pon! So muchhhh better. Bersih la jugak time aku pergi tu and tak ramai org.
Yang paling penting pantai dia bersih. Umar berlari sepuas2 hati kat situ.
Terasa nak pergi lagi esok. Cuma tengokla rajin or tak je.
Ni pon kuatkan semangat bangun awal pagi. Siapkan bekal nasi lemak. Gerak dalam kol 7.30 pagi.
Sampai sana dlm kol 8.30pagi cmtu. Just nice le.
Siap mandikan umar kat tandas awam lepas tu.
Aku suka la kesimpulannye.
Kalau ada rezeki insyaallah before beranak harap dapat la bercuti betul2 tepi pantai lama2 sikit.

Laut tengah surut so jauh gak la laut so umar main lopak air je. Hehe elok la kan.

Siap taknak balik padahal da comot 1 badan haha

Lepas mandikan umar kat toilet kat situ, bawak dia main kite plak. Bukan main happy.
Balik teros pengsan.

Aku tak balik kampung masa cuti ni sbb penat nye nak harung jamm. Walaupon rindu sgt kat mak abah. Sigh.

Okla untuk 2016 nanti, aku harap:-
1) on9 business semakin berjaya
2) diberi kesihatan baik
3) berjaya homeschool umar utk setahun
4) organize rumah dengan lebih cantik dan tersusun
5) bykkan memberi/ bwk parents g holiday
6) bykkan saving
7) perhaps umrah ujung tahun who knows kan?

Tu je kot hehe 
Btw aku bersyukur sgt set akikah aku jual tru @shortalesbunny and @shortalesbunny_kids sgt menggalakkan. Alhamdulillah.

Alhamdulillah for the supports.

Bye 2015~ you've been great despite all the challenges.


Batuk kering

Last weekend we ate sate after visited SIL who just gave birth at kajang hospital.
Since pergi sekali keter ngn FIL we all ikot je la dorg nye plan.
Aku pon da lapar n umar lagi ler.
Lucky i always bring umar nye bekal ke mana2 sbb tempat sate tu takde nasi and all.
Pheww, walaupon i bwk nasi and egg je tapi boleh la untuk isi perut umar dinner mlm tu.
Cuma budak ni terlebih hyper main ngn cousin dia kat hospital, im pretty sure he would be really hungry plus we ate quite late at 9.30pm like that.

End up the next day i got sore throat.
Masa pregnant ni aku senang alah makanan pedas or berempah la. Sabo je la.
Mmg takleh sebarangan makan.
Tp masih rajin berjalan di big bad wolf esok nye haha ada rezeki sikit beli la buku untuk umar.
Alang2 otw balik bangi ke damansara singgah la kejap kan. Rugila if tak singgah.
Mmg pergi kids session je and tapis buku ikot budget n tros bayar.
But really love to go there again next time.
Maybe our timing was great, not really crowded with people, umar pon sgt behave dok je dlm stroller makan roti with daddy dia, senang tol kjr pemilihan buku.
Sejam je pon i pilih but satisfied with my purchase.
My sister pon da belikan byk buku cter utk umar so i choose more on activity books plus saw his fav cartoon book 'peppa pig' story book and belikan.
N buku peppa pig tu jd fav umar tetiap ari nak baca buku tu jerrrr buku yang lain2 taknak baca pfft.
Tp aku pon suka buku peppa pig tuh.
Haha not only we already familiar with the characters tp illustration and popup2 nye pon cantik.
Berbaloi la rm15 for that kind of book.
Korg kalau nak anak terer speaking london boleh la suh tgok kartun peppa pig tu.
Not only the msg is good, the dialogues are easy to understand by childrens too.

Pastu smpai rumah ioll dah rasa lain mcm.
Batuk non stop.
Sambung la ke isnin n selasa.
I kumur asam jawa tu mmg works hilang sakit tekak tp boleh plak kelmarin aku kena batuk kering.
First time aku rasa aku knr cmtu.
Non stop batuk. Tekak rasa gatal gila. N takle makan ubat batuk sbb pregnant. Pfft.
So aku pon pantang la 2 hari tak makan berminyak, tak pedas n tak minum coffee.
Minum byk kali tea lemon n ginger wih honey really legakan my throat.
N for tday i feel so much better tp tunggu sok n lusa la hope recover sepenuhnya.

Now my mom pon tgh batuk.
I cannot imagine cmne my mom handle.
I batuk kering sehari pon rasa stress lagila my mom yg selalu amik masa sebulan utk recover.
Sian kan. I pray for my mom's recovery.


Sayang umar...

Semalam umar demam.
Seperti biasa bila umar demam mak pak nye yg lebih.
Bangun pagi semalam je ada objek panas merengek2 sebelah aku.
Argh sudah. Kol 8 pagi aku check demam dia dalam 38.8 deg.
So aku kasi ubat demam. Lama tol umar tido smpai kol 10 pagi.
Aku kejut n suap breakfast.
Naseb masih berselera.

Pas mandi dia sambung tido. Skip lunch.
Petang dia bgun ckp nak makan. Lega.
So aku kasi makan nasi habis.
Tapi kena gak g klinik sbb umar batuk n kebetulan ubat batuk dia da abes.
Dalam penat layan umar demam, suap makan buat kerja2 rumah, time to cook dinner.
Aku masak cepat2 tp sedap haha sbb aku tau confirm husband aku balik awal sbb da btau nak g klinik kan.
Alip kalau smpai rumah memang cepat je lapar nak dinner.
Aku buat nasi goreng sempoi and ayam masak paprik je.
End up aku yg tak sempat makan sbb rushing mandikan umar, solat n g klinik.
Doc ckp umar ada viral fever. Sbb tingggi gak demam umar, kena la cucuk ubat kat bontot.

Tapi aku kagum.
Sbb umar dah besar haha.
Dulu masuk bilik doc je da nanges.
Ni tak nangis pon. Doc suh bukak mulut pon dia ikot je dgr.
Ohs lagi 1 aku perasan dulu kat rumah FIL aku, dia takot ngn ayah mertua aku. Skg dah ok siap pimpin tangan.
Dulu aku kena berada dekat ngn umar kalau dia nak kemana2 main ngn cousin dia skg takya.
Tak heran dah aku.
Malah pandai plak tu bawak diri.
Masa doa selamat last weekend, tgh baca yassin, aku dgr suara dia gelak paling kuat masa main ngn cousin2 dia.
Ntah apa bende ye yg kelakar.
Sbb umar duduk rumah je ngn aku.
Risau la dia pasif mcm aku masa aku kecik2 dulu aku sgt pasif.
Maybe sbb aku byk bwk dia beriadah petang2 main ngn neighbours dari kecik so dia boleh la bersosial. 

Btw sambung cter umar demam.
Balik rumah malam smlm, umar teros tetido skip dinner.
Tapi aku kejutkan dia jugak untuk minum susu.
Kol 3 pagi dia terbgun mintak nasi huwaaa mmg takla aku nak trun dapur 3 pagi.
Naseb dia tido balik.
Tp kol 7 pagi terbgun mintak roti. Ok yg tu xde hal hehe.
Lepas breakfast, bwk dia naik basikal keliling taman, main kucing neighbour, aku plak yg ngntuk gilers.
Aku suh umar tgok kartun kat tv aku tros auto tetido.
15 minit je pon aku terlelap.
Aku bukak mata tgok umar pon tetido kat kaki aku.
Haha ok la tu.
Boleh la aku settle kan kjr paper yg patot.

Lama gak la dia tido nak dekat kol 11.30 pagi baru bgun balik.
Pastu berpeloh la aku nak suh dia nap petang plak sbb dia dah ter nap pagi lama.
Naseb berjaya dengan aku sekali ter nap ptg haha.
Penat hoi jaga budak sakit, uruskan rumahtangga, uruskan on9 business.
Tapi aku bersyukur sbb dapat la gak nap ptg bila penat sgt. Syukur hoiiii dulu x dpt nikmat cmtu.

Pastu confirm da tak demam sbb dia da start membebel nonstop sambil make a mess in every corner of the house. Batuk je sikit.
Well, we prefer the chatty umar than the sick umar sbb the sick umar sgt kasihan tido melepek je.
Pastu dia asik ckp gigi sakit.
Aku check takde lubang mahupon makanan terselit pon.
Aku syak dia demam ni sbb ada gigi geraham nak tumbuh ni.

Alhamdulillah umar da baik demam. Okla gotta sleep now. Another day tomorrow~ 


Tentang Shaklee dan pregnancy

Alhamdulillah dah 7 hari consume Shaklee.
Hari ke 6 baru nampak effect dia.
Hari ke 5 aku kena tawaf ou old wing n new wing. Malam knr keluar lagi tawaf the curve cari urgent stuff haha.
Yang kat ou tu dahla aku n umar je, pastu tak bwk stroller. Bygkan.
Balik mmg penat giler. Malam tu pengsan tido.
Naseb umar dah tak bangun tengah malam lagi mintak susu. Lega. Dia bangun pagi2 je mintak susu.
So i got straight 7 hours sleep.

On the 6th day, i able to wake up without feel tired.
AMAZING. Never happen to me before dah penat jalan mcm apa a day before the next day penuh tenaga.
But my fault because i feel so energetic, i end up do all the housechores in the morning - lipat kain, sidai kain, vacuum rumah and basuh toilet. All that in the morning.
End up petang start da sakit kaki. Hahaha so sila jangan lupa diri ye.
Berpada2 la buat kjr tu ikot kemampuan diri. 

Setelah 7 hari consume Shaklee, i started to know and undertand that it is important to take the Shaklee supplements at the right time so that you will get the energy you needed at the right time too.

Kenapa masa mengandung perlukan Supplements tambahan?
Nutrisi lengkap untuk mommy and baby. Masa pregnantkan umar dulu, i just consume Salindah. Hasil dia memang dapat anak yang bijak and aktif dan hensem iaitu umar daniel (mampuih angkat bakul) tapi i suffer at trimester 2 and 3 with leg cramps and backpain. I dont know how but i just able to go tru the pregnancy. Maybe sebab i jarang masak time tu sbb i kjr. Balik kjr kitorg tros makan kat luar. 

Pregnant kali ni, yes i suffer from backpain and leg cramps again at trimester 2. Husband pon penat dengar i ckp cramp2 malam2. Tapi this time around, i cant afford to be sick like that. I have to cook everyday, i have to do housechores, i have to take care of umar and at the same time tak mengabaikan tanggungjawab sebagai isteri. Oh wait, i have to handle my online businesses too! At this time, i knew my body lack of nutrition and i need supplements ASAP. Sebab masa berpantang umar amik shaklee and it really works on my body that time, so this time around, i try shaklee again untuk Set lengkap Kehamilan Shaklee. Harga memang mahal sikit tapi insyaallah berbaloi sbb tahan few months.

Ni semua manfaat Supplements shaklee yang diambil untuk set pregnancy shaklee

Trust me ambil ubat doctor kasi tu tak cukup. Kalau korang try to eat balance food everyday pon boleh ke korg terkejar makan buah, minum susu, makan balance protein + carbo + zat besi + etc everyday. Alhamdulillah if korg berjaya. I think untuk yang terkejar2 masa and tahu takkan dapat nutrisi lengkap everyday boleh la cuba set shaklee ni. Sbb terbukti memang works. 

Remember prevention is better than cure. Jangan dah jatuh sakit baru nak cari supplements. Jangan kena bed rest baru cari supplements. Kalau dah rasa body lain macam tu cepat2 la consume supplements. Kena berusaha and invest sikit untuk yang terbaik pada diri dan keluarga. Kalau diri sendiri sihat, baru la boleh jaga keluarga kan?

I promote bukan sbb i baru nak jual. N i tak jual benda i rasa tak works for me. Kalau nak ikotkan dari dulu lagi i patot jual shaklee tp biasa la i mcm uolls dah masuk 30-an, badan da rasa lesu time pregnant baru serabut nak beli shaklee balik. Haha better late than never. Lepas ni insyaallah i akan berterusan ambil shaklee.

Kalau rasa nak beli set shaklee pregnancy and set shaklee untuk masa confinement boleh whatsapp i kie kat 0123318084. Insyaallah i bagi harga terbaik sbb akhir tahun ni memang dorg kasi diskaun kaw2.

Shaker tu untuk guna masa ambil esp pagi2.

Kalau nak creative lagi boleh la buat resepi air macam ni. Nyums!

I will consult you when is the right time to consume shaklee. Sbb aku dah try pagi, ptg n malam. So nak tau waktu mana yang paling berkesan, boleh la whatsapp i kie.

Life updates

Lot of things happened pass this 1 week. Let me recap few that i can remember.

1. 2 parcel customers tertukar. Glad that finally both of them got their items back! Pheww

2. Umar terkunci kan aku kat belakang rumah masa aku nak angkat kain. He didnt use key. He just use chopstic. So korang boleh imagine tak betapa cerdik and lasak nye umar sekarang. Btw i able to guide him to take the key but i think he was too nervous he was not be able to take the key properly. It was hang on a high area. But good job umar. He just 2 years plus yet he can listen to my instruction properly. To pull a stool and climb on the stool definitely need a courage. He never climb on that stool before. I kinda afraid he might fall down but lucky ntg happen. He tried few time using other thgs but his height is not enough for him to reach the key. So i whatsapp my husband and he rushed back 1 hour later. Funny part was when he was tired tried everythg, he lie down on the carpet continue watching his disney junior on tv and forgot about me for about 15 mins. I was so tired giving instruction to him too so i just sit down on the floor outside browsing ig and fb hahaha. It was definitely memorable moment for us. Both neighbours asked for what happened try to help but i told them nvm my husband was rushing home. I kinda sure the topics for their dinner was "you know what our neighbour got locked outside the house by her son..."

3. Aku terlanggar anak kucing jiran semalam. Tp still hidup kaki depan je patah. I was so sad i hardly sleep yesterday and i keep cry all day. But a long sleep make me feel better. They send the poor kitten to the hospital and cost them 2k. Hurms. But they didnt blame me. I already check under the car no kittens when i reverse the car. I kinda sure the kitten suddenly appear from somewhere. The sad thg is it's umar's fav kitten. Paling manja ngn aku n umar.

Pastu baca quote ct lagi buat aku kuat. Allah takkan duga kita dengan dugaan yang kita tak mampu hadapi. Somethg like that.

At the same time im happy that my akikah set / newborn set sangatla macam pisang goreng panas. Alhamdulillah sgt2 skg tgh restock items and now tinggal few more je ready stocks.

Visit @shortalesbunny or @shortalesbunny_kids

Visit @shortalesbunny or @shortalesbunny_kids

Visit @shortalesbunny or @shortalesbunny_kids

Some of customer feedbacks.

Some of customer feedbacks.

Okla gotta need to sleep now. Tomorrow im gonna start my day with shaklee. Will share the experience later samada cramp malam2 ni hilang ke tak lepas ni. N adakah tenaga aku cukup utk handle umar yang active nyeeee + doing housechores + on9 businesses.


Decision on playschool umar

Umar will turn 3yo by may next year. First let me recap few schools that i have survey near to my house area. (Damansara uptowon, ttdi):-

1) Lets Hop - monthly fees is RM400. I luv their teaching method and they only take 6-7 students for 3yo. THE ONLY thg lacking is it is in shop lot area at level 3. And the parking area there....is simply stressfull.

2) Brainy Bunch - too many students! 1 teacher for 10 students in a very small room. Simply NO! But the fees are cheap. RM290.

3) Qdees - i luv this school because they have gym day and swimming class once in a week. I always prefer kids to play more at their 2-3yo age. Simply because they are developing their motor skills right now. Their uniforms are cute too. Sadly they started teach islamic program at 4yo and above. For 3yo no islamic program. Other than that their fees are expensive. Monthly rm290 like that but have to pay extra (the extra is alot like RM600 for every quarter) for certain thg every quater month. Gahh. For 3yo kids i think not worth it but 4yo and above is ok. They teach mandarin too! I think this will be perfect school for umar when he reach 4yo. But not next year. Pembaziran sbb umar baru 3yo tahun depan. Too expensive for his playschool at umar's age.

4) Little Calliph - i read alot of good reviews about this school at other branch but not at TTDI. Everythg so kesian. It's at the corner house, their swing is broken, rumput so panjang, students ramai, and lot more i dun want to mention here. Sorry i just have to tell the truth here. The management really have to do somethg for the school. Kesian budak2 plz.

5) CIC - i would consider this as the best among the others. Fees pon ok. RM300 je monthly. Students tak ramai. Cikgu2 nampak passionate nak ajar budak2, ada playground dlm sekolah. Cuma bila masuk dalam so-so je tak berapa bersih. I mean a bit berdebu. Tapi ok la sbb aircond manjang. Other thgs are ok kot. Program dia pon nampak ok. Cuma i tak rasa diorg speaking 24hours with children. Pon tak kisah sgt. Sbb umar ni ok je ckp bm or english. Umar mmg ckp manglish haha mcm blog aku. Aku tak la fussy sgt bab tu. Sbb sebagai parents pon kita kena memainkan peranan kita mendidik anak. No school is perfect for your lil ones. As long persekitaran nampak ok, harga ikot budget n cikgu ok, dah memadai.

The only school yang aku tak sempat survey is Smart readers kat bandar utama. Sbb nye we already made decision to homeschool umar for this year only. Aku da study sikit2 pasal homeschool tidak la susah mana, cuma kesabaran kena setinggi gunung haha. Tapi aku da ckp ngn husband kena invest sket kat kawasan belajar umar. Seperti rak buku, meja n kerusi umar. Every month insyaallah kitorg akan put aside budget utk beli buku2 umar yang sesuai. DIY stuffs utk aktiviti homeschool dia nti aku buat.

Kenapa at the end kitorg decide utk homeschool? (Tahun ni je tau)
1) sbb kalau hantar g playschool, umar kena tido seawal kol 8 or 9 malam and bangun kol 6.30 pagi? Bila la bonding session umar and daddy dia gitu kalau alip pon tetiap malam balik kol 8 and 8.30? Bonding session anak and ayah penting dan mengatasi segalanya. So for the time being rasanya biarla umar belajar kat rumah dulu setahun ni.

2) semua school pon aku rasa mahal je lebih tapi kurang pada aktiviti bermain. Pendapat aku je la. Ada 1 tu kat mutiara damansara and kat ttdi, tapi dah full house. N soooo expensive. RM500 monthly. Wahhh tu aku tanye harga kat tepon je la. Malas nak g sbb tau tak mampu. 

3) umar tak diaper free lagi. Hehe insyaallah bila badan aku da kuat amik shaklee nti, boleh la aku start train umar diaper free kie.

4) aku nak start ajar umar makan sendiri sepenohnya and without ipad. Makan kena ngadap ipad. Grr tp kalau kat luar takya sbb byk distraction. Anak aku mmg terbalik.

Gitu la. Wish me luck to homeschool umar and insyaallah i will share the activities soon here supaya jadi rujukan kita sesama parents. Jadual aku pon akan berubah gila2 but that's ok utk kebaikan bersama.


Getting old

I hardly sleep if umar fall asleep first.
And easily sleep when struggling put him to sleep.
Haha no wonder petang2 kalau umar bukan main payah nak tido, aku yg tetido dulu.
Macam ada magic pon ye. 

Td petang almost settle kan 50% problem aku.
Hehe another 50% knr tunggu esok.
First time ye nak dekat setahun buat on9 business ni, problem gini happen. Serentak plak tu.
Mana la aku tak cuak pening pala.
Yang penting barang customer sampai kat masing2. Soal rugi sikit takpe aku sanggup tanggung.
Since this is the first time i encounter this problem, i will be extra careful next time.

Since it's consider a bad day, i had myself a toffee nut latte which was not bad at all.
Try la. Sempena christmas je dia ada kot.
Lama da tak beli starbuck.
Last minum 3 bulan lepas share ngn husband.
Thgs are too expensive nowadays. With gst and all.
Cant afford premium coffee anymore.
I dunno if anyone in kl still depends on 1 income without doing on9 business/any side income jobs, you guys mmg hebat.

Anyway, kebetulan umar ter nap awal, so dia bangun dlm pukul 2pm, just the right time to go out and settle thgs.
Aku jarang sgt dah kuar sendiri masa pregnant ni.
Dengan musim hujan, dengan pregnant, lagipon setiap hari knr tunggu posmen anto barang and kutip barang, haha. By the time posmen kutip barang je, dah nak dekat waktu nap umar.
So kebetulan sgt harini takde barang utk dipos sbb smlm nye dah pos byk plus kebetulan lagi umar ternap awal. Wuhuuu just nice.
Dahla sekarang hujan pagi dan petang, bila nak sidai kain kann.
So being a supermom agaga i bring along baju utk keringkan kat dobi. Lalala
Tq la the self service machine. Rajin tak rajin je nak keluar rumah.
Alang2 kena g pos opis, marila keringkan baju sekali.

Mula2 bgtau umar nak g pos ofis je.
Pastu bukan main gembira si umar bila dia nampak ikea the curve semua tu.
Asik menjerit escalator.

Tapi budak ni memang senang bawak keluar sbb dia behave je dengar cakap.
Cukai pon mintak ball 50sen hahaha.
I luv u la umar.
So i tapau ayam penyet, starbuck and settle pos barang customer.
Selalu aku pakai easy parcel je servis kutip barang dari rumah. Tp sbb arini urgent barang tertukar kan, tak sedap ati aku nk tunggu sehari lagi. So g la pos manual.

Sampai rumah, suap umar makan kenyang termasuk la aku sekali yg kelaparan.
Now masuk malam je aku cramp kaki, and sakit belakang.
Aku da masuk minggu ke 20 of trimester 2.
Walaupon dah amik vitamin yg doc kasi, still sakit. Nak dekat 2 minggu cmni!
Aku baru beli shaklee ni haa for pregnancy. Da tak tahan sakit sangat.
Husband pon nyampah agaknye dengar seminggu aku bebel sakit.
Dapat gaji teros dia kata hah g la beli.
Will share the progress after consume nanti.
Lusa la kot baru smpai.
Dulu aku masa pantang pon amik shaklee, tapi lepas abes, aku stop.
Sbb kunun da kuat da badan haha.
Now umur pon da 31 lagila nak handle umar everyday, sbb tula sakit nye lain macam.

Dulu masa aku pregnant umar, time tu dok opis je.
Takde la masak sgt balik rumah.
So aku bear with the pain je la kot.
Now aku kena handle umar plus masak everyday, mana la badan tak sakit sini sana kan.

Okla sian korg knr dgr aku bebel.


Minggu lepas n minggu ni adalah minggu yang sangat sangat menguji kesabaran.
I had a problem with poslaju.
Tapi bukan dorg yg salah 100%.
Ada salah dari supplier, ada yang salah dari pos laju, and semalam salah dari aku!

Rasa nak nangis n takmo buat on9 business.
Rugi tak la banyak mana.
Bawah RM100 la bila campur semua but still... Pfft
Yg salah supplier tu, sbb dorg salah ship ke aku. So tu dorg nak refund balik.

Yg salah pos laju, dorg hilangkan item aku.
Yg tu take agessss utk drg selesaikan.

Yg salah aku plak tersalah pos kat customer.
Kebetulan semalam ada 3 parcel.
Padahal selama ni rilek je handle more than 5 parcels in a day.
Tak pernah tersalah send. Smlm first time tersalah send.

Sighh apalahhhh naseb.
Okla nak g settle semua problem.

Cant make any decision yet

Comel tak tgok umar tido?

Hehe senang dia nap petang arini.
Tetido depan makanan :p.
Alkisahnye arini antar daddy umar g lrt. Ada la sebabnye setelah sekian lama tak anto.
So umar bgun awal la dlm kol 8pagi kot.
Aku pon ok je since mlm td da tetido awal so byk tenaga la pagi td.
Siap berjaya asingkan toy2 umar yang kecik2 yg sakit ati aku nak kemas letak dlm plastic.
Aku acah2 ckp ngn umar nak buang tp takkan la aku nak buang. Nti aku sorokkan je la.
Pastu kasi breakfast, kemas rumah, basuh baju, sidai baju n sempat cuci toilet.
Umar bagi bonus berak lagi haha.
So dlm kol 2 dia da tetido. Alhamdulillah nasi semangkuk pon hampir abes masa dia tetido tu.
As long dia makan complete breakfast n lunch aku lega hehe.

Last weekend aku susun balik katil umar sebelah katil kitorg.
So dah seminggu dia nak tido katil sendiri.
Lega den. Yerla aku kan tgh pregnant i need moreeeee space haha.
Cuma kalau ada baby nti ntah camne penig pala aku pk susun atur katil ni.
Tau je la baby kan manjang bgun malam nak susu badan.

Now jap g pon aku nak nap.
Aku tgh fasa backpain bila masuk mlm.
So lil time like this i would appreciate it so much hehe.
Btw umar nye school aku takle decide lagi la. Tensi tol aku.
Aku ckp ngn husband end of this month nak decide samada nak homeschool umar or antar umar playschool.
Kalau aku tgok rumah berserabut rasa mmg cecepat nak register playschool.
Tp lepas kemas rumah, tenang n aman je, rasa mcm mampu n ada tenaga lagi utk homeschool ni.
Cuma aku terlupa time tu nti ada baby. Haish...tau je la baby setiap sejam nak susu.
Baby yg susu badan mcm umar lelaki confirm kuat susu kan.
Xde istilah tidur 3 jam straight. Seingt aku la.
Umar memang jenis setiap sejam bangun nak susu dulu2 masa baby.
Sbb tu la aku sng kurus dulu. Gile ke tak kurus dah kalau setiap sejam baby susu je.
Karang aku tensi, playschool ke mana, umar plak asik knr marah setiap hari.
I know myself so well.
The anger or the level of stress i can handle.

Tapi tuh la punyalah payah cari playschool umar.
Nak dekat tp harga jgn cekik darah sgt bleyh.
Ataupon if harga ok, tp school nye plak mcm kotor2, aku yg risau persekitaran cmtu.
Tp tuhla nak yg best, bersih, cantik, cikgu2 speaking london best, knr la invest kan.
Mana makbapak yg taknak terbaik utk anak2.
Umar mmg tgh fasa bijak sgt2. So sayang kalau aku salah buat pilihan utk dia.
Umur dari 2 sampai 4 mmg tgh mcm sponge, ko ajar apa, insyaallah dia boleh serap dengan baik.
Dahla dunia skg makin mencabar. Kalau ko lambat, ko ketinggalan.
Kalau english ko tak power, ko akan kecundang dlm dunia pekerjaan.
Gitu la.
Ohs lagi 1 tgh pk jugak. Umar ni dah la sejenis bangun kol 9pagi. Kalau dia knr bgun kol 6/7 pagi mesti dia hangin kan. Sigh decision decision.

Well, till next time.
Hope next entry aku dah leh decide apa yang terbaik untuk umar.


Latest update

Last week im so bz with my sickness haha gila lama sakit kali ni. Batuk n selsema sampai seminggu. Now tinggal runny nose je alhamdulillah so much better tday.
Sangat2 aku hargai nikmat sihat Allah kasi selama ni.
My friend share that she started to feel backpain and all.
Jd jaga la kesihatan korg ok.
Tu husband ku dah knr bebel ngn doc suh benti rokok hehe sbb dia da start wheezing OMG.

Sblom aku jatuh sakit tu sempat la aku survey playschool umar kat taman tun.
School apa xle btau.
Kesimpulannye aku mmg tak jumpa playschool idaman utk hantar umar.
Bgtau husband lebih baikla aku ajar umar sendiri pastu weekend joinla apa2 program kids.
Kan skg ni mcm2 kelas baking la, brain program for kids blablabla.
Those program bukan cheap dah sama je mcm ko register playschool.
Well i havent decide yet.
Sbb baru baik sakit tros focus kat online business this week.
Masa sakit last week, ptg aku auto tido join umar nap.
Kepala berat gila, tekak sakit semua. Mmg nyampah tgok ig hahaha.
Now this 2 days supplier buat gila2 kaw discounts plak mestila aku knr cpt grab.
Sian umar aku neglect dia 2 harini.
Muahaha tp pagi td dah bawak dia naik basikal 1 taman, bukan main happy dia.
Alhamdulillah trimester 2 ni so much better.
Trimester 1 kan aku emosi manjang. Trimester 2 aku ilek2 je. Semua masalah kitorg berjaya discuss leklok. Takde mengidam bebukan.
Everythg back to normal. Alhamdulillah.
My husband pon sangat2 helpful dlm semua benda.
Walaupon dia bz, aku bz. Sama2 boleh give n take.

Btw aku baru launch akikah set last week kat ig shop aku @shortalesbunny and @shortalesbunny_kids.
Feel free tengok kie.

Harga n details korg tgok kat ig kie?

Saper penggemar pink? :)

Umar plak makin bijak sangat2.
Sigh i hope i can expose him with lot of creative thgs everyday.
Okla nti sambung lagi.
Now nak kemas rumah, lipat kain n masak jap lagi for dinner.


Very weng

I just took husband's cough medicine this morning and im so weng until now.
After i took it, i just realize that im pregnant hahaha sorry baby Y.
I had trouble to sleep last nite because i had cough, husband n umar gilir2 berdengkur dah mcm buat lagu orchestra. Pity husband because he had his semput and cough so tidur pon berbunyi la.
So i got this cough from him.

But i able to finish alot of housechores this morning including settle bungkus barang customer.
Tinggal tunggu orang pos laju pickup je jap lagi.
Also i made umar's fav nasi goreng.
Sbb ada byk balance nasi smlm. Sekali harung jela.
I made nasi goreng ayam n he ate alot.
Senang je. I dah tau takya sesusah nak masak utk umar.
Tumbuk 4 ulas bawang putih ngn sengenggam ikan bilis.
Tumis, letak la ayam if ada. Letak garam.
Then letak telur sebiji, jangan kacau.
Letak nasi, kacau. Done.
He luv that simple nasi goreng.
Ko takya letak carrot ke kobis ke any sayur nanti meroyan sbb bila dia rasa je kubis dia taknak makan. 
But he does love carrot just not in his nasi goreng.
He's weird i know.

Pastu malam tadi sbb takle tido i pon survey la baca review pasal playschool umar yg tak settle2 lagi.
Tiba2 dapat idea nak homeschool umar.
Yeah im so ambitious like that rite.
But i straight away scratch the idea from mind after im so weng of this ubat batuk.
After im so tired clean up the house.
There's not much energy left.
I realize i cant be supermom.
Impossible tho the idea seems soooooo interesting.

Somethg happen yesterday.
I went to Little Caliph near my place to survey the playschool.
No wonder not so much info about the school (the branch that near my place).
The place so kesian. Usang.
The worst part bila budak2 tu abes session dorg, dorg p rampas egg toy umar dari tangan umar.
I tak blame dorg.
I rasa drg tak cukup funding.
Obviously management nye salah.

In conclusion semua playschool yg sederhana kat taman tun sangat2 mengecewakan.
Not well maintain, too many kids, not really clean and all.
Uniform pon satu hal sgt2 saddd.
Qdees je uniform comel.
Is it because the fees tak semahal those expensive one?
I didnt bother to survey tadika diyana and all.
Those expensive kiddies registration je dah mcm registration masuk university.

Conclusion nye i tatau lagi nak antar umar katne hahaha.
I really wish ada tadika islam yg best tp penuh dengan aktiviti yg kreatif kat taman i.
Malangnye takde.
Hehe nti la pk lagi.

Update on survey playschool umar

Yesterday we went to 2 schools to survey the surrounding, system they use and the teachers:-

1) Q-dees - tq lisa for suggesting this school. I was impressed by the school uniform, surrounding, and the system they use. However, i think their fees a bit pricey. N furthermore they didnt teach islamic program for 3y students. Well every school have their pros and cons. Tho i foresee umar will develop his reading and writing skills very well there but still my instinct said no. If they teach islamic program for the 3yo, it will be perfect. I kinda turn off when the teacher said it's too early to expose islamic program for 3yo kids. For me u can give many more reasons but never too early for lil kids. Ohs they teach swimming class every wednesday.

2) cic - the fees are within our budget. No additional fees at the middle of the year or wutevs. The programs seems great - with islamic program, the teachers are friendly tho they are young, umar look happy there. They didnt take so many students so it's good. The only lacking is the interior look a bit old skool. But they do have small playground outside. I guess you cant be fussy too much. No school is perfect for lil one. Sure each school have pro and cons.

In conclusion, i might go for cic. But i need to call 1 more school - lil caliph tho their intake for students 4-6y but let just confirm bout it. Alang2 da survey semua playschool.

Yesterday after survey those 2 schools, i have bodyache all over me. That's what happen when u didnt exercise much rite. Haha. I even sleep early yesterday and bangun feel good this morning.

Survey for playschool umar

I just survey brainy bunch semalam and you know what? Tetiba i rasa taknak hantar umar kat situ haha.
Okla here i list some of my pro and cons of my taska/ playschool / preschool utk umar.
Bear in mind tahun depan umar 3 tahun:-

1) Letz Hop - mula2 akak memang dah sebulat hati nak anto sini. Dia kat shoplot tingkat 3 ko. Tp lately ni construction kat area letz hop ni melampau2. Dah la aku pregnant masa bulan 1 tahun depan lagi la heavy pregnant. Kalau umar buat hal nangis2 masa day 1 taknak masuk kelas mestila aku knr standby duduk luar kelas or tunggu kat bawah kan. Acamne nak parking tu. Tho i luv the fact that they didnt accept so many kids and i love the teaching method too, still parking is a big issue. Yuran RM400 monthly. Pastu start kol 9pagi prob sikit sbb aku da pk kalau pepagi aku nak suh alip anto. 9 pagi nti lambat la husband aku nk ke opis.

2) Brainy Bunch kat taman tun - yuran RM350 monthly. Bab yuran aku suka la sbb murah sikit dari Letz Hop. Pastu senang parking sbb dekat ngn tempat aku slalu shopping ikan :p. 
Problem is the space is so small for 20 kids and above. They said tahun depan their intake will be 30 kids. Pfft for that small space, i dun think i want to put umar there. I dun have any problem with the teachers at all. They all look nice! It just the space tooooooo small for 30kids. I have asked my friend who send her kid there still not convince me enough. My instinct said no. Tak paham la. Parents invest yuran memahal g la invest sikit kat bigger space. Im sure it will attract more parents. Pastu 1 cikgu handle 10 kids. Bayangkan 10 umar berak at the same time? Huwaaaa

3) CIC (children islamin centre) - yuran RM330 monthly. Akak suka akak suka sbb murah dari brainy bunch. Haha. Plus dia ada playground outdoor. Ada la taman kicik. I think that's what kids want. Islamic based. Amik maksimum pon 6orang je. Bagusla. Aku tak le imagine if 6 umar berak serentak. Pitam cikgu dia kan. Apapon depends ngn appointment aku jumpa cikgu dia senin depan ni. If ok, tros aku register minggu dpn jugakkk haha semangat. Waktu playschool pon pukul 8.30 - 12.00pm. (Aku amik half day je takya belajar lelama umar sbb nanti makin besar, makin panjanggg waktu belajar. So enjoy ur life first hehe)

Ni la salah satu sebab aku nyampah duk area sini. Option nye sikit je. Lagi2 if nak yg islamic nye environment. Korang share la experience korg hantar anak2 korg if ada hantar ke any of this playschool.

Bebelan rabu

Sementara layan umar ni breakfast, boleh la aku bebel2 kat blog jap.
Lepas ni kena buat non stop housechores.
Tgh in doubt nak sidai kain ke tak sbb ptg nti confirm la hujan spt buang air di daun keladi je.
Baik la g hantar dry machine tu je kan. Will see how.
Kain tgh berlambak nak knr lipat.
Nak masak utk lunch.
Maybe ill make bihun goreng for both of us.
Tghari kunun mcm nak g survey playschool umar.
Well i change my mind from letz hop to brainy bunch just because it's easier to parking there.
Husband agree with my decision too.
Just want to see the teacher that i called that day and see the surrounding before make any decision.
Cant wait to send umar there not because i want me time (tho yes it's 1 of the concern when i deliver the 2nd baby later) tp nak umar expose to better surrounding. Nak dia berkawan.
Ni dia da bosan baper lama tak g playground bernyamuk tu. With jerebu and all.
Mcm mustahil la nak g playground tu selagi jerebu tak ilang2.
Not really concern pasal belajar apa2 kat playschool sbb umar dah pass abc, 1-20, and talk quite well in malay and english. But since brainy bunch is a mondetarry islamic school i hope he can learn the islamic/arabic part well. Paling penting aku harap lepas dia g playschool dia pandai kemas toy dia sendiri hahaha penat la aku guna psycology soft and strong hampeh tak jalan.
Penat aku laki bini kena kemas oit.

Pastu aku harap dia suka makan tanpa memilih makanan.
Haha yerla mana tau bergaul ngn kengkawan lepas ni suka makan kan...
Boleh makan asam pedas lepas ni...

Okla tu je nak bebel.
Gotta go alot of thgs to do.


Gender anak

Hehe sajer la nak compare gender anak laki n pompuan:-

Anak laki
- active dan hyper bagaikan juara
- menambahkan kaum lelaki kat malaysia. Seriously dulu kat tuition sek i, nisbah laki pompuan 1:10. Susah tak jumpa jodoh langsung masa sekolah hahaha. Pastu skg makin ramai orang beranak pompuan tak caya cuba tgok owner radiusite, calaqisya, bellaammara, rinasalleh, awal ashaari... Haha just name few coz that's all in my mind

Anak perempuan
- boleh diharap di dapur. I think parents memainkan peranan penting mendidik anak tanpa mengira gender. My husband really good in the kitchen. My pakcik have 4 anak laki and all of them sangat ringan tulang kat dapur takya jerit pon panggil nama.
- teman shopping? 
- boleh tolong jaga sakit bila da tua
- best boleh gayakan mcm2 jenis baju

Since i dah ada umar, i mmg berharap yg second ni girl. Tapi....ada sesuatu yang mengubah persepsi i.

Masa i checkup kat doc last weekend, doc tgh scan, and the details scan mmg i nampak jelas baby tgh bergerak and his shape is really clear this time. I was so amazed sbb masa umar dulu mesin scan mcm old school kat pusrawi. Kali ni i checkup tempat lain, which im so satisfied, almost get into tears to see the baby. To see the baby at the screen which i know healthy living in my body is MasyaAllah nothg can beat that feeling. I just pray hard that the baby is safe and healthy. After seeing the baby, my feeling change. I dun care about the gender anymore haha.

The baby is boy btw. Haha sorry i cant keep the secret longer. And i thought i would feel sad to hear that news from the doc. But im not. Im happy when the doc said that. Boy or girl, it doesnt matter anymore. I think 2 are enuff for now. Im happy and good with 2 boys. :)

Okla nanti kita cerita2 lagi. Now nak baring and tido. Backpain is killing me.

Late post of maal hijrah and life update

Salam maal hijrah to all.
Alhamdulillah rezeki dalam online business semakin baik sejak dua menjak ni.
I have 4 online business in instagram so far:-

@shortalesbunny - sell clothing for adults and kids

@shortalesbunny_kids - sell shoes for kids (for now. I might sell other products for kids soon too)

@ohweddingku - for renting out items for wedding/ photobooth purpose for any events. still very new since we are still collecting items and plan to reshoot new concepts soon. But feel free to visit this ig. Tho it's new it receive quite good feedbacks. People keep asking for quotation. Alot of plans towards this business hope everythg goes well.

@alvinacollection - for muslimah clothing. Seriously this is the only business that's not goes well at all. Hahaha nevermind at least we learn somethg. Dun sell somethg that is so competitive out there. Like seriously how u want to compete the big brand out there nor the small one who sell pretty and cheap instant shawls. Like how far can you go? Im gonna close @alvinacollection soon and only focus on the other 3 online business since the other 3 are really good so far. Alhamdulillah.

It's not really easy since i have to do housechores, cook and take care of umar at the same time. The only time i can focus do the on9 business is when he had his nap. Now that im pregnant again it's getting tougher with the backpain and all. But i believe Allah is a great planner since the rezeki never stop means Allah wants me to be stronger.

@ohweddingku collaborate with 1 event company to do a photobooth last week. Such a nice experiences! Our first client is Qu Puteh tru collaboration with the event company.

The owner shared a lot of experiences about her business while we setup the photobooth and waiting the event to finish. Both our sons name are daniels and same age too! Hehe

So anyone who interested to have a photobooth for any events, feel free to visit @ohweddingku on instagram ok? Will update alot more itemd there soon!

On umar
He's so smart and clever nowadays.
Definitely will send him to playschool early next year so that he can learn and play with a better surrounding.
3 jam je pon hehe at least he will have quality time rite.
Rite now we already know where to send him just that parking there is a big issue.
The 2 weeks trials might need me to monitor him first at the playschool and how am i suppose to park there is a mystery haha.
Will figure out soon.
His vocabs simply amazing nowadays and he can understand the adults conversation very well so dun ever break promises with him huhu or not he will show tantrum right away.
When im wearing tudung and change to different clothes, he will immediately said "nak pergi shopping yeyyy"
I didnt teach him the word 'shopping' guys he learn by himself tru watching peppa pig haha.
This morning i asked him what do u want for breakfast and he said "pancakes".
Craps the nutella and yogurt just finished yesterday and i only have honey and choc syrup as replacement.
Lucky i have banana too... And he accepted it. Phewww only moms with fussy eater child would understand this situation.
Yesterday i put cabbage into his nasi goreng and he refuse to eat it and i have to seperate the tiny cabbage 1 by 1.
Ohs motherhood really testing my patience and make me miss both my moms more.
I dunno how my mom used to handle all of us.
With different characters and all.

On pregnancy
Secong semester is getting better just that husband have to bear with me as i cant live without cili padi each day haha.
Tomorrow i have a checkup hope everythgs gonna be ok.
This week i didnt eat nasi lemak at all just to make sure i didnt gain weight much for tomorrow checkup hahaha.

Okla gotta eat somethg before umar wake up from his nap.


Hello monday

Penatnye harini lepas subuh tros buat bfast husband and gosok baju dia.
Pastu umar plak bangun tros bz layan keperluan umar sampaila dia baru nap ni baru lega...fuhhhh.
Tu pon aku knr jerit "tido now".
Teros dia baring and tido.
Agagaga umar tak makan saman aku ckp lembut2. Tataula banyak betul tenaga dia da makan, mandi, main, ajar dia coloring, susu...apalagi kan sila la nap.
Selalunya aku knr pura2 tido baru dia nak tido.
Tp tadi aku da pura2 tido aku still dengar dia bongkar toys dia n mcm2 la.
Last2 aku tetido bebetul tu pon terbangun lepas 15 minit tgok eh budak ni still bz main.
Tu yg teros jerit eh boleh plak dia tido senyap tros tak banyak bunyi.
Nampak sangat sbnrnye da ngntuk tp dia tahan2. Oh la umar.

Sebab aku bgun awal tadi, kol 10 pagi aku da lapar rasa nak makan nasi.
Nasebla ada balance ikan pedas smlm. Oh heavennye.

Lepas makan barula bertenaga nak kemas rumah n layan umar balik.

Aku bengang sbnrnye ni tenant aku setiap bulan buat hal bayar duit sewa rumah kitorg lambat 10 hari.
Bulan ni lambat 12 hari.
Sakit ati tol. Korg ada experience tenant cmni?
Can share cerita? Hurms

Weekend tak g memana just g breakfast kat luar jap and kasi la umar main indoor playground kat curve tu jap.
Pastu masuk kedai lego kasi dia main kat situ.
Umar ni kan tinggi untuk usia dia.
Suka hati dia je amik lego dari budak lain and g kasi kat daddy dia. (Ala yg kawasan budak2 play lego tu)
Budak2 tu terlopong je tgok umar haha.
Dorg nak mara pon x bley sbb bukan dorg punya pon kan.
Umar takde perasaan sbb baru 2 tahun stgh ada dia kesah.
Budak2 tu mcm 4 or 5 tahun kot.
Tp tinggi dorg n umar mcm lebih kurang je.
Bagus jugak la confident level umar tu cuma nanti la aku ajar umar belajar main sama2 ngn budak2 lain.

Suka dia berjalan non stop main cmtu.
Balik rumah pon knr paksa nap siap nangis ckp "umar tak suka sleep".
Oh u will appreciate your sleep when you getting older umar. :p

Pastu smlm teringin buat char kuew teow.
Kali ni okla jd aritu buat tak jd.
Kena la ngn tekak aku.

Cuma kurang berair. Next time knr buat kuah dia lebih. Kenyang giler. Yg penting knr ada udang and isi kerang. Skg isi kerang jual kat hero sng betul nak masak. Kalau suh aku rebus ngn kulit kerang sure malas haha.

Terlampau byk craving pregnant kali ni. Layan je la. Next craving yg belum dapat adalah murtabak singapore. Aritu nak beli kat muar boleh plak dia tutup kedai. Eee sabo je la. Weekend ni checkup baby. Harap semuanye ok.

Oh ya weekend sempat layan budak ni swim dalam pool. Dari last week lagi dia asik berendam. Janji umar happy.


Update on umar (2y 5m)

Sebenarnya nak cerita tentang weekend tp tak boleh sbb melibat kan makanan.
Haha ni kol 11.20pm ni waktu kritikal perot penuh smpai anak tekak.
Makan gaviscon pon tak jalan maybe kena beli yg double action tu kot.
Kinda immune with my body by now.
Ni penuh smpai anak tekak pon sbb gatal g telan tembikai kol 7pm. Padahal 2 ketul kecik je aku telan. Nyampah.
By right kena makan before 6pm (masa time aku nye night sickness yg masih berlangsung smpai skg).

So kita cerita pasal umar la.
Lama tak bebel pasal umar.
Minggu lepas kan dia demam-batuk-selsema.
Demam 1 ari je batuk n selsema yg terok last week.
Now recovering alhamdulillah.
Aku rasa most kids affected by jerebu kan.
Tp umar aku rasa sbb allergic kat habuk bantal (genetic daddy dia sgt).
Sbb tu la aku vacume rumah hari2. Mop je tak rajin. Sok kena mop sbb aku da start rasa lantai lekit2.
Adala tu si umar tu buat 'project' bukan2 time aku kat dapur ke apa.

Now umar dah 2 tahun 5 bulan aku rasa perkembangan dia impressive.
Bukan nak puji anak tinggi bakul tp vocab dia sgt la byk.
Bermacam2 ayat dia leh buat english n bm.
Ada la yg tak betul of course tp for his age he can talk that much i think that's kinda amazing.
I think tuh la antara benefit stay at home mum kan.
Dah berhari2 bercakap ngn anak sendiri hahaha kalau tak ckp ngn umar takkan nak ckp ngn dinding kan.
Aku kenkadang tak perasan pon apabender aku bebel ngn umar.
Memang betol la otak budak2 ni mcm sponge time ni la korg leh ajar macam2.
Kalau korg tak ajar pon kasi dia tgok kartun english tu mmg membantu la.
Sbb kdg2 vocab english dia yg aku kagum dia leh buat sentence aku rasa sbb dia tgok kartun 'peppa pig' or pocoyo dan seangkatan dengannya. Dulu dia tak minat sgt skg aku rasa dia da start paham dia suka tgok.
Setakat ni doa tidur pon dia da hafal.
Doa makan je tak pass asik ngadap ipad masa makan acamne tu.
Ntila sok lusa aku ajar haha.
Biar pon bijak berbicara, byk lagi skill kehidupan yg aku knr didik umar.

Contoh nya swim...alahai umar takot bebenor tp tuh la jarang berpeluang g swim kan.
Mungkin kalau rumah ada swimming pool dia terer tros kahkahkah. 
Daddy dia tak suka sgt aku pakai pool angin tu sbb kata dia bazir bil air -_-.
Bagusla pool tu pon da kempis angin malas aku nak pump pakai kaki n tangan.
Lepas ni kalo nk beli aku nk beli yg pool letrik pam tu.

2nd - memilih makan.
Hanya makan yg aku masak je. Tp kat luar tak susah sgt.
Kalau ada jual nasi ayam, ayam goreng, or ikan goreng, tempe goreng, fries n nugget memang pass xde hal. Pheww
Maksud aku dia tak sker yg berempah.
Jgn harap la dia nk try ayam masak paprik mahupon ayam kari LOL.
Kalau g sekolah ntah cmne.
Ni naseb la aku da ajar makan roti canai mamak dari setahun lebih.
Kalau tak susah la kan nak travel g makan tetempat gitu huhu.
Padan muka sbb aku dari dulu asik ajar makan pancake pastu manja breakfast nak telan pancake je.
Now ok la kenkadang aku bagi roti, kenkadang hashbrown.
Tp pancake mengenyangkan, berkhasiat n senang. Leh letak banana kan. Sbb tu aku suka kasi dia pancake.

3rd - kalau tido tak cukup ko bwk dia jalan mmg abesla tantrum yg menguji keimanan.
Contoh smlm. Nak taknak knr g ikea kol 9pagi sbb nak sng parking n malas nak sesak2.
So kol 11pagi kitorg dah settle n nak balik.
Kebetulan a night before budak ni tido kol 12 ye sbb main ngn ayah dia.
Pfft pastu knr paksa bgun mmg emo abes.
Kat ikea ok la tak buat hal.
Tp bila time nak balik, dia mara tol sbb dia nak jalan lagi.
Sampai ke umah emo nak tido tp nak cranky.
Cranky dia tu pakej nak susu berkali2, telan makanan sikit je, berak 2x.
Aku yg end up tantrum hahaha last2 tido pon nap ptg bila dia tgok mummy dia sikit lagi jd harimau jadian.
Umar nye schedule memang takle lari sgt setiap hari.
Maksudnye waktu nap ptg n waktu tido malam mmg knr timing dia yg sepatotnye.
Kalau lari sikit, effect dia keesokan harinya la.
Kesan dia aku la yg hangin 1 badan.
Anak baru sorg aku da psyco.
Tahun depan ada 2 anak ntah cmne. Seram plak pk boleh ke aku handle the stress.
Insyaallah boleh kot.
Tgok namee roslan tu boleh, insyaallah aku boleh kot.

Ni tgh haze ni kesian tol dia asik ckp nak main slide and nak main basikal outside.
Pfft aku terpaksa terangkan the weather is very bad blablabla and umar still sick somemore.
Hurms aku rasa haze ni mcm amik lagi 2 bulan gak utk hilang.
Naseb la aku dok rumah buat on9 business pon ada org amik barang utk pos kan, so takde hal.
I cannot imagine go to work in haze. Pfft so uncomfortable rite.
Skg pon aku tak sidai kain kat luar rumah.
Samada aku dry kat dryer kat kedai or aku air dry dulu, pastu sidai dlm rumah.
Tgok la kerajinan hari tu huhu.

Arini mmg hari yg tak kemana2 kecuali g hiro jap pagi td beli groceries.
Umar sgt behave arini.
Yerla budak tu bgun lambat, perot kenyang makan semua cukup. Daddy cuti some more.
Alhamdulillah daddy dia pon rajin layan umar harini.
Happy aku tgok dorg main together and umar in very good mood.

Ok la nak tido dah.
Hope korg tak monday blues ok.

Mummy with umar yang bijak berkata2.

Pregnancy update and umar

Saje la nak cter pasal kelmarin dan smlm.
Aku da masuk week 12 pregnant ni dah hujung2 trimester 1 patotnye da kurang la night sickness nye tp makin terok plak hujung2 ni.
Kali ni seawal kol 4 ptg aku da takde perasaan nak telan makanan + xle bau bebukan.
Pukul 9 malam waktu kritikal time tu la aku muntah. Pfft.
Dah 2 minggu aku x dinner just makan light2 before 8pm macam buah or biskut kering.
Tu pon aku muntah kan. LOL.
Aku harap minggu depan or next 2 weeks aku dah leh jadi normal.
Sian laki aku, balik kjr, aku mmg takle nak layan dia sgt.
Nak ajak borak pon aku tak larat. Lembik and nak baring je.
Layan umar main pon sambil baring.
Umar memang aku kasi dinner b4 7.30pm dia da habis makan.
By 6pm aku da siap mandikan dia.
Dia pon nap ptg awal skg. 12.30tghari dah nap. Kol 2.30ptg da bgun. Haha penat kat aku la tp takpela bila malam mmg kitorg tido awal kol 10mlm da pengsan.
Dinner husband pon gigih sempat aku siapkan dlm keadaan lembik2 tu.
Ntg fancy pon. Tp insyaallah kenyangla utk husband ku makan.

Btw umar allergic with cushion cover kat rumah aku kot. 
Smlm dia selsema tahap cranky pepagi. Grr stress aku.
Pastu nyesal sbb termara umar bila dia tido ptg sayu je tgok umar.
Sorry umar.
Yerla bila anak sakit mak nye pon penat ok. Aku cuma mampu kemas umah and masak je smlm.
Tak touch pon on9 business aku smlm sbb aku penat.
Pastu ptg dia da hyper walaupon hidung dia tersumbat.
Malam tu dia susah nak tido. Tido dlm keadan hokhekhokhek nangis. Sian tol.
Aku pon sengal tak clean kan nose dia padahal ada je nose spray tu mmg boleh bersihkan hidung anak waktu selsema. Yerla mlm td aku lepas muntah rasa selfish nak tido je xnk pk apa.
Pastu laki aku terbgun nak cari spray tu tak tahan sian kat umar.
Lepas spray hidung dia, umar mintak susu, teros dia tido lena smpai pagi.
Barula anak happy, mak pon happy dpt tido ye.

Pagi ni dia bgun awal, alhamdulillah getting better.
Still selsema tp tak terok mcm smlm.
Aku kasi ubat flu and spray lagi hidung dia kasi clear.
Pagi td aku da settle lipat baju yg hampir 12kg LOL.
Now umar tgh nap baru la ada masa sikit nak ngadap on9 businessku.
Beginila cter housewife. Sakit pon kena ngadap gak semuanya.
Tp still bersyukur masih kuat masa day time boleh la buat macam2.
Allah duga sikit je waktu malam cmtu.
Okla nti kita cter2 lg.

Budak selsema tgh nap time ni la mummy dia jd lipas kudung mcm2 nak buat.


Raya haji, balik kampung dan balik dari kampung

Haha sebab selalu bz, maka biarla aku update sekaligus ye. 

Raya haji
Tahun ni, turn beraya haji di bangi. 
Of course suasana berbeza tanpa mama tahun ni. However life goes on.
So aku, akak ipar aku n biras da plan awal2 nak masak apa.
Biras aku exceptional la sbb dia da sarat. 7 bulan pregnant tp still dia bawak dessert pavlova hehe.
Akak ipar aku kata nak buat ketupat pulut and rendang ayam.
So aku pon plan buat daging kari, nasi impit, kuah lodeh and sambal udang. Pastu kitorg beli kuah kacang sbg tambahan.
Baru la raya ku complete. Sbb aku bukan boleh makan pulut sgt. Setakat setoet rasa2 tu boleh la. Biasala tekak berbeza.
Macam lodehku tak berapa laku kt bangi padahal sedap giloks cuma aku tak la potong segala sayur perfect mcm mak aku potong haha. Gilo berapa jam aku kat dapur kang. Janji presentable and rasa perfect. Gituu.

Preparation buat lodeh

Nyums! Alhamdulillah happy perot aku haha

Kalau kat johor confirm lodehku laku huhu. Tapi tak kisahla yg pasti aku bersyukur sbb kegigihan aku a day before kat dapur berbaloi sbb semua pon turn out sedap. Kalau sedap kat tekak aku sedapla kat tekak dorg haha. Cuma style kat bangi lain sikit. Pagi makan benda2 tu tghari makan lain.
So aku awal2 ckp aku tak masak lunch lain. Korg repeat la makan ye sape yg lapo.
So by lunch time aku panaskan balik lauk.
Pastu husband aku dapat daging korban sikit akak ipar aku dtg buat nasi daging.
Sedap tp aku rasa sikit je la. Lepas kol 4pm tekak n perot aku da takle makan benda heavy2.

By the way pagi tu lepas makan dlm kol 10 pagi kitorg g kubur mama baca yassin ramai2. Umar sbb dah kali ke 2 g kubur dia sangat2 behave alhamdulillah. We miss u mama. Hope u r happy we came to visit u that day.

Camtu je la cter raya haji.

Anak korg gila main egg tak? Anak aku ye. Gado ngn cousin dia sbb egg ni je haha. Sorg ada, sorg takde. Gado la apa lagi. Terpaksa aku g 7e beli egg color sama, baru dorg ok n main sama2 balik. Pitam mak.

Ptg layan budak2 ni main gado main gado. Malam balik rumah. Sbb esoknya plan tido melaka smlm.

Balik kampung
Sebenarnya plan nak balik kg aku minggu depan. Tp alang2 husband aku cuti hari jumaat baikla balik je weekend ni. Sekali harung penat haha. Boleh gitu? Tapi kitorg tido smlm kat melaka saja la. Kunun nak kasi umar swim kat swimming pool apartment service ayah alip. Tp ramai sgt org. Umar pon takot nanges2. Aku pon rimas. The best place kat bukit gambang aritu. Cetek n tak ramai org sesuai utk beginner mcm umar.

Takpela umar next time kita try lagi kat tempat lain bukan cuti sekolah ok.

Esok pagi2 dlm pukul 8.30 pagi gerak dari apartment ayah alip. Tp byk la persinggahan. Mula2 drive tru mcd breakfast pastu singgah klebang sbb umar cakap nak tgok beach.

Sabtu pagi haze memang terok kat melaka tahap pedih mata. Adalah 15 minit je kitorg kat sini pon kasi umar jenjalan atas pasir sikit. Hehe. Pastu dlm keter dia teros tido sampai la kat bp. Senang tol travel dgn umar. Tp harusla kasi makan kenyang2 dulu before tu.

Happy sgt umar jumpa atok2 dia n cousin2 dia sampai skip nap ptg n mlm masa tido meracau2 sikit. Penat sgt la tuh. Aku pon happy alhamdulillah dpt jumpa mak abah. Terubat rindu ok.

Mak bekalkan aku ayam masak merah and ayam masak paprik. Haha sedap gila aku makan sorg2 dlm keter masa otw balik kl. alip bz drive dia kata takpe mknla nti dia tapau mcd je. Bagusla. Sbb aku ptg mmg tak lalu mkn. Tghari n pagi je aku leh menikmati makanan. Hoih sedap gila rindu tol masakan mak. Alip kata untungla dapat makan makanan mak. Dia da takle. Sedey plak aku dgr. Nanti aku buatkan dia soto ayam huhu.

Jamm balik kl mmg terok tol. Kol 1 ptg aku dari parit raja. Well, cuti awam kan. Redha je la. Itu pon stop kat tangkak utk solat. Naseb umar behave masa on the road. Nyanyi2 bebel pasti tido balik. Smpai damansara kol 6.30pm pastu umar mengamuk nak jalan lagi dia kata. Haha sabo je la anak. Mak pak nye dah kepenatan gila gabeng.

Btw sbb aku happy dapat balik kg aku, arini aku extra rajin tros kemas rumah, vacuum carpet, basuh toilet, basuh baju n dry kan siap2 (thanks to dry machine self service tu), sambil tunggu 25 minit tunggu baju kering, aku sempat beli brg dapur kat tesco. Beli siang weekdays senang. Tak ramai org, takya tunggu kat counter lama2 n aku takde mabuk2 nak muntah. Kalau malam aku mmg lembik. Aritu beli groceries malam, balik rumah aku tros muntah n lembik. Yang tak best beli siang sbb husband takde. Booo. Takpela. Buat yang termampu. Janji by now aku da lega semua benda da settle. Tinggal nak masak je kol 5 ptg nti.

That's basically my raya haji, weekends n monday hehe. How bout u?


Hello Baby Y

Dear baby y,
I just put initial Y tho i havent decide for your name yet.
You will just turn 3 months this week and still long way to go for the complete you.
You are just as big as prune yet you hear so many things from the inside.
Allah knows everythg but im sure you feel what i felt today.
Baby Y, this time around i didnt vormit much, only once.
But i do craving to eat alot of stuffs.
For today it's char kuew teow without taugeh and with telur mata.
I think it only cost about RM5/ RM6 yet your dad cant fulfill it due to his stupid reasons.

Im sorry your brother and you heard us fighting over stupid things but hey that's all marriage is about i guess. We always end up fighting over stupid thgs.
N im not sure why he end up buying roti nan for me and you.
For god sake the curry smell make me wants to puke right away.

Your dad wont understand this thg for the rest of his life because he just heartless like that.
I dun even think he cares about how i feel or about what i want either.
I only try to be strong rite now because of you and your brother.
The last thg i ate tday is oreo at 6pm.
Sorry Baby Y for having parents like us.
All i know ill do the best for you and your brother.

Be patient for tnite kie.
Tomorrow im gonna bring u and your brother jalan2 a bit.
We'll eat somethg nyummy for breakfast.
For now bear with the empty stomach and sleep ok?


Weekend and haze

The haze is really bad.
I really dun want to go out tday but have to since....

1) im craving to eat asam pedas. Did grocery shopping last weekend but si pemotong ikan takde. So pergi weekdays la senang tak payah berebut. Alang2 beli 2 jenis ikan. Ikan pari and Ikan merah. Tesco tgh murah skg ikan. Td ikan pari panjang betul lebar plak tu RM8 je. Aku jarang beli tp aku rasa murah betul boleh buat 2x masak tu.

2) tersalah beli pampers umar. Sengal betulla. Beli time rushing cmtu la. Time tu aku da pancit kan econsave, ingt da amik brand yg aku selalu beli. Mmg betul tp rupanye jenis yg lekat2 untuk baby tu. Alahai umar da pakai jenis sarung. Try gak la malam td ampes budak ni asik la suh bukak balik. Terpaksa la beli baru td. Anak la anak.

3) i need to tapau lunch there sbb pagi td bz urus bungkus postage customers. Tapau kat food court tesco murah and sedap ok. I bought 3 type of lauk with 1 nasi only cost me RM10! N it's really nyummy. Td aku tapau ikan kerisi asam pedas, ikan goreng untuk umar and pedal goreng. Dah la ikan jenis besar2. Memang sedap plak tu. May Allah blessed them for cook with sincerity.

Sejam je da settle. Dlm keter aku nak muntah bau haze yg terok. Tp bersyukur la smpai umah boleh berkurung je takya keluar. Sian korg kerja kat luar. Bersabar kie. Aku pon tak basuh n sidai kain arini sbb aku still penat weekend travel.

Well, i had great weekend coz i dun need to cook for 2 days. Hooreys~

Last friday we had doa selamat for the SIL who will go further study oversea. So each of us cook somethg. My biras and SIL made lontong, ayam rendang, spaghetti carbonara and SIL bought pizza. So i just cook mee hoon goreng, sambal sotong and karipap sardine to compliment other food. Husband said sedap all the food i masak. I dunno where i got the energy to made those tho especially during my mabuk-nausea-pening-low blood pressure on off moment haha. I guess when it comes to cook for the loved ones, Allah make it easy for us rite? Thank you Allah.

Not much food wasted. Each of us tapau some back.

On saturday morning, did some checkup with doc. All is good except the doc said i had low blood pressure, i must always had pening on off. Haha coudnt agree more. And worst when i reach PIL's house i had bad headache and it only gone after umar had his nap. Haha not sure whats that suppose to mean. When umar wake up, we brought him to the park to play bubbles with the sil. Saja la kasi luangkan masa before adik iparku terbang rabu depan ni. Setahun x jumpa lepas ni. Despite the bad haze, the park still full with people.

Haze plz go away asap.

Sunday, bought groceries at econsave bangi (it's really cheappppp buy stuffs there compare to tesco or hiro), tapau lunch at 1 restaurant nearby, and teros balik damansara. It was nice, just rest at home and husband made dinner weeee.

Dinner last nite by husband. Ntah la apa nama ni. Aku mmg request simple2 je sbb dinner aku takle telan byk.

That's basically my weekend. I couldnt wait to make asam pedas ikan pari kejap lagi for dinner. Hope sedap.