Survey for playschool umar

I just survey brainy bunch semalam and you know what? Tetiba i rasa taknak hantar umar kat situ haha.
Okla here i list some of my pro and cons of my taska/ playschool / preschool utk umar.
Bear in mind tahun depan umar 3 tahun:-

1) Letz Hop - mula2 akak memang dah sebulat hati nak anto sini. Dia kat shoplot tingkat 3 ko. Tp lately ni construction kat area letz hop ni melampau2. Dah la aku pregnant masa bulan 1 tahun depan lagi la heavy pregnant. Kalau umar buat hal nangis2 masa day 1 taknak masuk kelas mestila aku knr standby duduk luar kelas or tunggu kat bawah kan. Acamne nak parking tu. Tho i luv the fact that they didnt accept so many kids and i love the teaching method too, still parking is a big issue. Yuran RM400 monthly. Pastu start kol 9pagi prob sikit sbb aku da pk kalau pepagi aku nak suh alip anto. 9 pagi nti lambat la husband aku nk ke opis.

2) Brainy Bunch kat taman tun - yuran RM350 monthly. Bab yuran aku suka la sbb murah sikit dari Letz Hop. Pastu senang parking sbb dekat ngn tempat aku slalu shopping ikan :p. 
Problem is the space is so small for 20 kids and above. They said tahun depan their intake will be 30 kids. Pfft for that small space, i dun think i want to put umar there. I dun have any problem with the teachers at all. They all look nice! It just the space tooooooo small for 30kids. I have asked my friend who send her kid there still not convince me enough. My instinct said no. Tak paham la. Parents invest yuran memahal g la invest sikit kat bigger space. Im sure it will attract more parents. Pastu 1 cikgu handle 10 kids. Bayangkan 10 umar berak at the same time? Huwaaaa

3) CIC (children islamin centre) - yuran RM330 monthly. Akak suka akak suka sbb murah dari brainy bunch. Haha. Plus dia ada playground outdoor. Ada la taman kicik. I think that's what kids want. Islamic based. Amik maksimum pon 6orang je. Bagusla. Aku tak le imagine if 6 umar berak serentak. Pitam cikgu dia kan. Apapon depends ngn appointment aku jumpa cikgu dia senin depan ni. If ok, tros aku register minggu dpn jugakkk haha semangat. Waktu playschool pon pukul 8.30 - 12.00pm. (Aku amik half day je takya belajar lelama umar sbb nanti makin besar, makin panjanggg waktu belajar. So enjoy ur life first hehe)

Ni la salah satu sebab aku nyampah duk area sini. Option nye sikit je. Lagi2 if nak yg islamic nye environment. Korang share la experience korg hantar anak2 korg if ada hantar ke any of this playschool.


LisaLisut said...

Aik. Pttnye lagi best la duk damansara. Choice blambak. Haha. Drpd i kt ujung dunia kt pncak alam ni limited choices. To me, bb tu mcm dh overrated hiks.. Mahal pn ye poket xbrapa nk tebal. Genius aulad ade kata ok tp ikut branch. Mcm branch kt puncak alam ni most jiran kata xbest cikgunya. Cic shah alam ke mana tah, again, ikut branch, pn ade isu. sbb bdk tu xde improvement ke apa tah. U kne bc review experience pn ye jgk kot huhu. I pn ade dilemma nk cr school hannah nx yr. dia 4thn thn dpn so far sni limited btul... But i kcikkan pencarian n list 2 je. Either smart reader kids ke qdees. Both good. Dua2 pn ade islamic lessons. Cuma lokasi la pulak jd concern. Smart reader mostly shoplot. Kureng btul bab ni. I prefer corner lot house huhu. U try la tgk smart reader n qdees ni. Hehe yuran around 300 je rsnye

Rai said...

Qdees i tak check lg. Tq lisa for the input. I nak sekangkang kera je dari rumah kalau leh haha.

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