Decision on playschool umar

Umar will turn 3yo by may next year. First let me recap few schools that i have survey near to my house area. (Damansara uptowon, ttdi):-

1) Lets Hop - monthly fees is RM400. I luv their teaching method and they only take 6-7 students for 3yo. THE ONLY thg lacking is it is in shop lot area at level 3. And the parking area simply stressfull.

2) Brainy Bunch - too many students! 1 teacher for 10 students in a very small room. Simply NO! But the fees are cheap. RM290.

3) Qdees - i luv this school because they have gym day and swimming class once in a week. I always prefer kids to play more at their 2-3yo age. Simply because they are developing their motor skills right now. Their uniforms are cute too. Sadly they started teach islamic program at 4yo and above. For 3yo no islamic program. Other than that their fees are expensive. Monthly rm290 like that but have to pay extra (the extra is alot like RM600 for every quarter) for certain thg every quater month. Gahh. For 3yo kids i think not worth it but 4yo and above is ok. They teach mandarin too! I think this will be perfect school for umar when he reach 4yo. But not next year. Pembaziran sbb umar baru 3yo tahun depan. Too expensive for his playschool at umar's age.

4) Little Calliph - i read alot of good reviews about this school at other branch but not at TTDI. Everythg so kesian. It's at the corner house, their swing is broken, rumput so panjang, students ramai, and lot more i dun want to mention here. Sorry i just have to tell the truth here. The management really have to do somethg for the school. Kesian budak2 plz.

5) CIC - i would consider this as the best among the others. Fees pon ok. RM300 je monthly. Students tak ramai. Cikgu2 nampak passionate nak ajar budak2, ada playground dlm sekolah. Cuma bila masuk dalam so-so je tak berapa bersih. I mean a bit berdebu. Tapi ok la sbb aircond manjang. Other thgs are ok kot. Program dia pon nampak ok. Cuma i tak rasa diorg speaking 24hours with children. Pon tak kisah sgt. Sbb umar ni ok je ckp bm or english. Umar mmg ckp manglish haha mcm blog aku. Aku tak la fussy sgt bab tu. Sbb sebagai parents pon kita kena memainkan peranan kita mendidik anak. No school is perfect for your lil ones. As long persekitaran nampak ok, harga ikot budget n cikgu ok, dah memadai.

The only school yang aku tak sempat survey is Smart readers kat bandar utama. Sbb nye we already made decision to homeschool umar for this year only. Aku da study sikit2 pasal homeschool tidak la susah mana, cuma kesabaran kena setinggi gunung haha. Tapi aku da ckp ngn husband kena invest sket kat kawasan belajar umar. Seperti rak buku, meja n kerusi umar. Every month insyaallah kitorg akan put aside budget utk beli buku2 umar yang sesuai. DIY stuffs utk aktiviti homeschool dia nti aku buat.

Kenapa at the end kitorg decide utk homeschool? (Tahun ni je tau)
1) sbb kalau hantar g playschool, umar kena tido seawal kol 8 or 9 malam and bangun kol 6.30 pagi? Bila la bonding session umar and daddy dia gitu kalau alip pon tetiap malam balik kol 8 and 8.30? Bonding session anak and ayah penting dan mengatasi segalanya. So for the time being rasanya biarla umar belajar kat rumah dulu setahun ni.

2) semua school pon aku rasa mahal je lebih tapi kurang pada aktiviti bermain. Pendapat aku je la. Ada 1 tu kat mutiara damansara and kat ttdi, tapi dah full house. N soooo expensive. RM500 monthly. Wahhh tu aku tanye harga kat tepon je la. Malas nak g sbb tau tak mampu. 

3) umar tak diaper free lagi. Hehe insyaallah bila badan aku da kuat amik shaklee nti, boleh la aku start train umar diaper free kie.

4) aku nak start ajar umar makan sendiri sepenohnya and without ipad. Makan kena ngadap ipad. Grr tp kalau kat luar takya sbb byk distraction. Anak aku mmg terbalik.

Gitu la. Wish me luck to homeschool umar and insyaallah i will share the activities soon here supaya jadi rujukan kita sesama parents. Jadual aku pon akan berubah gila2 but that's ok utk kebaikan bersama.


schazaza said...

Kak, qdees ada utk 2tahun ke? sy mencari playschool utk umur 2tahun.

Mai Okinokiyo said...

Rai, kalau nak playschool, kene bukan hari2 belajar. Dia kene ada interaction dgn org lain, pg visit park ke etc. sbb belajar tu anytime bleh belajar. Kat fb ada homeschool group. Kwn aku anak dia baya nasya pun homeschool. Tp kalau ko nak tau sbnrnya investment playschool lg banyak dr school biasa.

Kasi dia learn kat, no gadget at all, and interest kat books sbb real school tak pakai ipad, melainkan nak masukkan skolah international ke. So interest in books kene ada. Once dia wean off gadget, dia lebih focus semua pun jadi sng

Mai Okinokiyo said...

And one more, sekolah mana2 akan ada mid term fee tu. Sbb dorg nak secure students utk retain cikgu. Kalau takde, ada bahaya sket sbb turn around cikgu tinggi, so kalau cikgu tukar2 so anak ko pun bljr campur aduk. Ada tu kang pg je sekolah tp tak belajar. And kalau bleh jgn cari kindy yg franchise ni. Cari mcm tadika xxx yg stand alone. Biasanya lg bagus sbb yg franchise ni fee dorg kene mahal sbb dorg nak byr franchisee. And kalau yg takde ajar agama tu, ko start kat rumah sendiri sbb tgjwb bljr agama kat parents bukan sekolah. And kalau skolah kebangsaan pun subjek agama sejam je and 3x seminggu pdhal agama kan penting. So kene topup mmg tak ckukup

Rai said...

Schazaza: takde. Dorg start with 3y
Kmai: tq im aware of it. Aku nak homeschool setahun je. Will start playschool bila umar 4 tahun. Of course sblom aku buat decision aku dah fikir pro n cons for all schools. N sbb dah g semua playschool kat atas tu la yg aku buat decision cmtu.

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