Day 3 and 4 raya

Masa day 3 raya tu seawal pukul 6.30 dah bgun n bersiap tanpa iron baju raya sbb kat hotel budget kitorg tido tu takde iron. Ok maybe ada but too tired to ask.
A nite before we arrived pretty late around 11.30pm.

Raya ke 3 plan nye beraya di muar.
Our arwah atuks belah abah from muor.
Dulu tradition setiap raya pertama di muor.
Now bila both atuks da takde, tradition nye raya ke tiga di muor berkumpul adik beradik abah.
Abah kata pukul 8 pagi kena gerak.
So pukul 7.30 pagi kitorg checkout hotel gerak to rumah abah yg cuma 5 minit je dari hotel.
Sampai2 umar tak puas bfeed lagi. (Remember he havent wean off lagi time ni).
Agaknye dia pon masih penat dari smlm pastu xdpt mengempeng mengamuk plak.
Try pujuk with fm gagal.
Dah la nak kena bertolak secepat mungkin. Huwaa.
Naseb husband offer utk iron baju dia n baju aku.
Still it's not easy to handle cranky umar.
Family aku gerak dulu and by 9am baru kitorg gerak.
Now terpk heaven nye if raya aritu umar dah wean off mcm skg.

Before gerak drive tru mcd dulu.
Yg penting perot husband n umar.
Aku biasa2 je x lapar sgt more to mengantuk n penat.
Aku kalau penat nak tido je. Makanan boleh tolak tepi.
Ohs but a coffee will heals everythg haha.
Damn sok pagi knr beli coffee.

Sampai muor ada tahlil sikit for both arwah atuk.
Umar masih cranky nak tarik aku g belakang rumah.

Orang tengah tahlil kat dlm aku main buai kat belakang.
Ohs i miss this swing. Umar jakun tak pernah jumpa this kind of swing so he refuse to sit on it.

Pastu dia nak berjalan2 kat belakang tp nak aku ikot.
Mula2 layan la pastu hari makin panas, malas tau.
Kunun nak mingle around sikit with sedara mara n sepupu2 x dpt sgt sbb umar mood melekat.
Imagine adam anak namee roslan yg namee selalu cter tu. Cmtu la umar.
Umar if time moody dia dtg haper pon takle.
I know dia lapar but i didnt prepare anythg for his lunch.
He didnt eat ketupat with rendang.
At least kena ada sup or ayam goreng.
Well, raya kan.
Lgpon mood dia tgh cranky gitu jgn harap la dia nak telan paper.
So i just let him bfeed and minum air masak je.
Umar ni kalau lapar cmne pon bukan reti ckp lapar.
Now dah wean ni, pandai plak tetiba jerit nak pancake or jerit nak nasi.
Which i like. At least i know what he wants.

So terkejar2 nak amik gambar family with sedara mara and all.
It's our ritual when gets together.
Aku join mana yg cpt n pantas.
Yg lambat nak susun2 org pastu umar cranky n jerit bye2 le.

Our complete family. Hehe

With sepupu sepapat.

Kunun nak ikot our family g beraya di melaka rumah atok2 sedara tp husband da penat and umar is very cranky we cancel the idea n tros ke servis apartment ayah alip. Means it's time to say goodbye to our family. Sobs.

Sampai ke apartment melaka pon aku masih no mood. 
Makan bekal mak kasi pon aku sob sob sob.
Rindu nak berkumpul balik dengan the whole family and talk about almost anythg. Pfft.

Apapon life goes on rite.

Mlm tu kitorg makan kat secret receipe mahkota parade.
Sayu tol rasa sbb raya ketiga malam dah mkn kat luar. Sigh.
The next day husband kata jom la g melawat kapal selam melaka which i dunno the existing for all this while haha. 
Rm3 je tp i kan i rasa baik korg takya g.
Takde bender pon.

Lucky it's near to klebang beach! Weeee husband said before this they renovate the place and now they just reopen it to the public.
No wonder the beach so clean!
We spend about an hour here playing kite, and drinking coconut shake.
Unexpected plan turns out so much fun. :)
Umar love play the kite he dun want to go back.

Dorg tgh main kite aku minum air coconut shake yg stgh jam aku beratur nak beli. Huhu

Tros mood sayu sedih tinggalkan parents tu terubat sikit ekeke

Nanti kita pergi beach lagi k umar?

Im a beach lover :p

Definitely will go here again!!


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