Bebelan friday

I thought i will be less busy this week because my iphone got prob, so i borrowed husband's phone and his phone cant download whatsapp.
Well it kinda good and bad news for me. Good because client can only email me instead of bugging me tru whatsapp.
Bad because i cant sms short line rite. It will waste my credit. Booo.
This week is all about planning life. Hahaha dats all i can say at this moment until the plan work. Insyaallah.

Btw last week my parents came to my house.
It's good to see them after a month didnt see them. I miss them everyday!
So when they came, we jalan2 almost everyday hahahaha. 
What to do, my house just near to ou, the curve and ikea.
So it's very convenient to go there instead of going to shah alam rite.

They stay at my house for 4 days. When they went back to johor, umar and i felt so empty (lil dramatic there).
Took us a while to accept the fact that it's only the 2 of us again at daytime.
Huhu umar keep on going to atuk's room to check either they are there or not.
Giggle when i show him his picture with his atuks.
He's so attached to them when they were here.
When the atuk went to their room, he will follow them.
Ignore me and only come to me for susu.
I think if he's on fm, he will completely ignore me.
I dun mind at all because i knew the time is so short so i love to see their bonding even tho it's only for 4 days. Lucky that umar still remembered his atuks even tho a month didnt see their face. Alhamdulillah.
Im not sure why in bangi he's not really close to my PIL.
We spend more time there actually.
Maybe with my parents, they love to kiss him and read books, play some abc video, bought him toys that made the bonding strong.
But his cousin which few months older than him on my husband side is more close to my PIL.

Ni masa lepak kat teh tarik place sabtu pagi. Seronok sgt dapat breakfast ngn dorg. Rasa da lama sgtttttt tak breakfast luar cmni sesama. Rindu kat dorg da. Lagi2 bila mak msg ckp sampai bp je teros batuk with phlegm. Sigh my mom memang takle penat sgt. Mmg sng je batuk akan attack dia. Which normally will take a month to recover. Stay strong mak. 

Mood pepagi kelaut. Mandi pon belom. A nite before tido lambat. Sbb dia asik nk kua bilik nak g bilik atuk. So kasikla dia spend masa ngn atuk dia lama sikit. Tu yg tido lambat.

Pastu g ou the same day lunch kat situ. Umar moody giler sbnrnye sbb dia skip nap dia. Tp kebetulan kat sini ada menu fried banana ice cream. Terbaik. Banana and ice cream mmg fav umar. So bila kasi dia mkn, mood dia terus ok.

The next day mkn kat ayam penyet the curve plak. Umar tu tgh nyampah kat aku sbb dia tgh tgok dibo aku sebok kaco.

Adik laki aku pon dapat join sama. Hehe. Husband aku je tak dpt join sbb nk visit mak dia jap n nk jumpa bf dia. (Best friend). Bila kahwin ngn alip, aku cuba untuk terima dia seadanya. Hahaha means sometimes mmg dia akan tinggalkan aku untuk lepak ngn kawan dia lama la gak stgh hari. Ni bila parents aku ada kat sini tak la terasa sgt. Kdg2 dia tinggalkan aku kat bangi ngn umar je ngn MIL aku. So ko rasa aku bosan tak dok rumah lama2 stgh hari weekend plak tu!  Ntah le tak kuasa aku nk debate issue ni. Buat pening je. Ahad ni if dia buat benda sama, aku rasa aku nak lepak ngn umar kat bangi gateaway. Situ aku tgok mcm2 da ada. Tengok la. 

With atuks sebelum my parents balik.

Bila 2-3 hari baru la mood dia ok pagi2.

Ok means bawak barangan dapur kuar n gedegang gedegung. Aku biar je. Kata sel2 otak dia tgh berkembang. Dari tgok abc or dibo je. So sila la buat sepah n bising.

A day after. Bgun2 terus main blocks ni. Bagus. Kawasan mainan dia mmg rutin aku kemas b4 tido n b4 husband balik kjr. So pagi biar je umar main.

Ni muka happy dah susu, breakfast, mandi, susu, lunch n susu lagi. Huhu

Ni muka nap kol 3 ptg-5ptg selepas penat menyepahkan rumah n kekenyangan.

Im glad it's friday again as i dun need to iron husband nye working clothes sbb dorg pakai casual.
God bless his company haha.


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