He will say "good morning fan~".
When we walk downstairs, he will greet his toys, "good morning bus. Good morning van~"
When give things to him, he will say "thank you umar daniel".
Haha adoiyai try to correct him, he will still say the same.
But he good at saying goodnite.
He will say "goodnite mummy. Goodnite daddy. I love you".
Melts our heart.
His new habit that bothers me lately was he wont let me cook in the kitchen every evening.
He will cry loudly like i will leave him like dat. So drama this lil one.
Try open youtubes wut so ever didnt work. He will say "dukung umar. Dukung. Dukung umar."
He will say it so many times until i pick him up.
This happened 2 weeks already.
Before this he's not clingy like this.
So this 3 days i ignore him. Let him cried out loud while cooking in the kitchen.
I cook in half an hour je instead of 1 hour. But tadah je la telinga if husband cakap sambal ni so so tak mcm selalu. Malas la nk cter yg umar melekat kat kaki masa masak. Agaknye jiran aku pon da nyampah je. Mesti dia ingt aku malas jaga umar. Macam tu la jugak if baca blog gosip. Jgn percaya 100% kalau tatau situation sebenar kan. Aku knr sabar as this is part of membesarkan umar. Lain anak lain kan. Umar nye cranky ni jap je. Normally pas mandi n solat maghrib dia normal je. Ptg je nak melekat sgt. Tp if ajak g playground mmg dia happy sgt.
Tinggal sebulan until wean off umar.
Boleh ke wean off? Mcm x de byg nak stop si umar ni.
Dah tentu tido selalu la nk melekat.
I dun think i can ask husband's help on this sbb husband keluar pepagi g kjr naik lrt semua.
He's so bz in the office balik pon selalu kol 8pm, i dun want to trouble him to go tru the process.
I mean i will be so happy if he's volunteer, but knowing him, he wont do that.
Redha. Tatau la cmne nak wean off. Maybe i will try to put him to sleep in different room so that bila terbgun tengah malam when he cry, he wont bother husband's sleep.
He drink his fm like normal tp masih bf. Makan pon normal. Lets go with the flow.
Aku doa semoga Allah permudahkan proses ni.
But this lil guy mmg kaki jalan. Kalau keluar mmg happy je tak pernah nangis. Kalau dia nangis means somethg wrong. Ada la yg tak kena tu.
Lampu mana nak pilih ni daddy?
Btw umar ni kalau nak tido, kalau belum sampai time dia nak tido suka tol membebel, nyanyi, lompat2 atas katil. Aku yg geram hehe. Sbb aku da ngntuk anak nye belum. Tp comel la. Skg ni dia suka nak bagi monkey n dragon dia breastfeed. Dia angkat baju dia sendiri, dia ckp "susu monkey". Pastu cium n peluk kitorg berkali2. Okla tu je update pasal umar.
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