

Umar. Hehe belom nak cter pasal wedding adikku.
Belom datang mood lagi.
Nak citer pasal umar sementara ingt abender nak cter.

This week start monday, 2 hari aku try buat umar tido malam tanpa ngempeng.
Jadi ko! Aku segan nak btau cmne..
Tp aku cter je la.

Ada plastic parcel barang aku warna hitam.
Aku koyakkan sikit letak kat *toot*.
Umar takot dia ingt tuh insect.
Dia panggil kupu2 insect lol.
Hihi so dia snggup x susu tp punya la lama nk buat dia tido.
Dia bebel sindri - sambil minum air masak - nyanyi - panjat2 katil last2 tetido sendiri. Pheww.
It was a success for 2 days coz husband at downstair so it's kinda easy to manage umar alone.
Aku tak sampai ati la bapaknye kjr berat balik 8mlm pastu masuk bilik umar nye masih active nyanyi2 panjat katil. Selalu by 10pm umar da tido if mengempeng.
So bila x mengempeng kol 11 and 11.30pm baru dia tetido.
Tp bila dia terjaga tgh malam aku kasik je la susu.
It just that aku nak biasakan dia tido tanpa mengempeng.
Aku rasa salah satu sbb umar sgt clingy ngn aku sbb aku jaga dia sendiri, cuci bontot dia sendiri and still bfeed sampai skg. Everythg sendiri. So aku tak kisah pon org nak ckp umar anak mak sbb dah mmg anak mak dia la kan hahaha. Kira ko mcm produce product A ko la yg dapat nama takkan owner B kan. Tp bukan bermakna husband tak tolong. Husband realize now that dia byk lepas tgn dlm uruskan umar, so he slowly help utk uruskan umar.
Mandikan la jugak seminggu sekali. Tu pon weekend. Jd la dari nan ado.
I nak kecik ati pon da smpai xde perasaan nak kecik ati.

Bila baca namee roslan nye blog post td pasal anak dia adam yg memacam perangai, sama je la mcm umar. Hehe beza nye aku leh tido xde masalah mlm2 sbb masih bfeed.
Umar ni pon da pandai ckp byk sgt vocabs dia.
Dia sendiri ckp nak tgok video. Nak main buai. Nak tido. Eh memacam nak la. Nak banana. Nak kerepek. Nak mandi. 
Pastu aku rasa dia sgt cepat pergerakan nye. Tiba2 rumah aku da jd semak. Belum lagi carpet yg baru vacuum tertumpah dgn makanan yg dia baru kuarkan dari mulut. Masak makanan sedap utk dinner adalah terapi aku hahaha.

Pakai baju daddy.

Skg ni ptg dia tak melekat sgt sbb ada kartun dibo dia kat tv. Aku dapat channel disney sbb iptv. So aku memasak ngn tenang sgt2. Sbb lepas dia tgok dibo, mood dia sgt baik. Dulu sejam dia meraung menangis, aku pekakkan telinga je masak. 

Biasala anak. Perangai lain2 kan. Aku berharap umar membesar menjadi seorg yg wise n tak membuli budak2 lain dah ckup baik. 

Sbb umar bfeed and macam2 perangai, mummy pon kurus tp sedikit buncit haha. Yg penting ada cousin2 yg da lama x jumpa masa wed aritu tanye aku. 

"Rai, awak bila lagi?"

Aku xde hal if org nak tanye bila nak dapat anak kedua. Bagi aku tuh standard question jumpa org. 

"Bila apa"

"Bila nak kahwin?"

Hahahaha gelak beso aku. Of course masa dia tanye tu umar either tgh tido dlm stroller kat sudut or tgh main ngn cousin2 dia. Terus aku ckp "oit kita da kawin n ada anak la. Kan awak dtg wed kita."
Mcm la aku ingt semua cousin yg dtg wed aku kan.

I really didnt aspect ppl will ask me that kind of question especially when im 30 this year.
It's amazing when 2 people ask the same question. 
I take it as compliment. :p

N ada yg ckp aku tough sbb umar super clingy.
Tp bagusla clingy karang dia lari2 ilang aku gak yg susah ati kan.
Tu pon bila umar tgh happy, mmg dia lari2 ilang. Budak ni kalau kuar jalan mood dia happy je.
Aritu boleh dia kejar anak arab mana ntah. Anak arab tu baya umar n suka bila umar kejar dia.
Aku da mcm org gila kjr anak sendiri. Couple arab tu pon tgok aku semacam.

Bukan tu je skg fasa tantrum.
Skg kegilaan dia tolak bakul kat supermarket.
Bila time to go home, nangis sbb nak bawak balik bakul. -_- 
Skg aku n alip bwk 2 troli.
Satu troli letak umar. Satu bakul/ troli lain letak barang.
Sbb budak ni bukan reti duduk diam. Hehe

Okla tu je nak bebel pasal umar. Bye.

The one who suck at remaining relationships

Since im at bp for a week, i able to meet my good old friend, epi!
We've been friends since standard 6 tp form 1 baru become best friends.
I think im suck at remaining relationships.
Im too bz handling umar and daily routines, i hardly keep in touch with all my friends.
Not only friends, i hardly call or whatsapp my mom too.
I call my mom once in 2 weeks. I cant remember the last time i update on fb.
But i love to update on instagram and blog. I knew my mom and my family can read/see my daily life tru this 2 mediums. Prob is all my good friends not really into ig and blog.
Pfft. They only active on fb which i only see friends updates on fb once in a while.
Since now i have grey hair already, i think i shud keep in touch with them more often.
But i think nothing beats meet up! Just now epi came to my house and we have 1 hour talk. Time so fast i think it's not enuff for us. Shud meet up again which dunno when. Sigh. If only epi live in my neighbourhood. Or another my good chinese friend, lisa in the neighbourhood. I miss them already.
Eh wait if only my good friend, diana is my neighbour too. 
Shud contact all of them again.

Btw about wed preparation is crazy. The thg is my mom give kerepeks as doorgifts.
As we checking all the kerepeks, some of the plastic koyak a bit and make the kerepek lemau. Omg.
Thgs that im so scared of. So terpaksa la bakar balik n put inside the plastic again. So tiring!
Lucky im here helping them.

Lesson for next sister wed, no more kerepek ubi.
Use quality plastic.
Seal it properly. Pfft.

Umar plak mcm duduk kat heaven asikla kunyah kerepek pagi ptg mlm.
Kerepek fav dia. Now dia da panas sikit takderla melekat je kat aku. Pheww lega.
Thats 1 of the reason aku balik kg awal spy umar boleh adapt sikit kat sini ngn semua org n tak buat hal kat wed nti harapnye hehe.

Btw lega la gak sempat beli few thgs online for the wed coz i really tired to go out of the house plus the weather so hot nowadays. My mom siap terkejut beli tudung smlm arini dah smpai. 

On my ig shop, some of customer items sampai and alip la yg knr bersusah payah bungkus, tulis address n g pos opis. Takpela, bersusah payah sikit kan bukan selalu. Kesian gak la as aku knr bagi instruction kat whatsapp punya byk utk dia digest sesatu instruction. Risau gak aku boleh ke dia follow instruction properly. Hehe btw comel tak kasut budak2 kat bawah ni? Ni customer2 aku nye baru smpai td. Quality nampak cantik. Boleh la ke ig shop aku @shortalesbunny_kids kalau nak order kasut budak ok? Raya pon da nk dekat ni.


Bz nye

Was at my hometown now and so tired helping doing the wed preparations.
I know my husband sure double tired sbb dia gigih siapkan photobooth sorg2.
Tp in between time, i manage to manage customer nye orders and beli last minute thgy stuffs like necklace and tudung for my mom (my sister yg belanja i tolong belikan je). ALL ONLINE. Haha coz we dun have leisure time to spend in shopping mall plus i tak bawak keter kan. Malas la nk pinjam keter ayah i. Dia lagi bz gilers. Jemput kengkawan tak abes2. Kad pon tak ckup. Harap makanan nti cukup sudah le.

I rasa masa wed my bro nanti sure i paling selebet n pipi paling berminyak sbb umar sure nak melekat ngn i je (clingy stage), and at the same time i kena make sure photobooth n guestbook corner ok. N sbb compact powder i dah cakey n i malas nak membazir beli baru haha ni semua sala umar semua benda dia shake2 cmpak kat lantai. Pfft.

Wuteva la. Harap semua berjalan lancar amin.

Btw for my new igshop @shortalesbunny_kids ni gambar customer i nyer anak anak pakai kids shoes yg i jual. Happy giler tahap bergenang2 air mata sbb budak secomel ni suka kasut ig shop ku. Argh it's always my dream jual kasut budak. Small steps to those dreams. Satu hari nanti mungkin kita mampu produce kasut sindri who knows rite. Amin. Bulan rejab doa senang dimakbulkan. Hehe


Tasks before go back to my hometown

Aku ada tulis entry b4 this naseb la saper sempat baca. At the end i decided to keep it in draft. Was lega lepas tulis and after that i didnt feel a thg. Wow im easily heal like that? Plus my love for my loved ones is more than anythg. I know the bad impact of those writing. Then i realize somethg; if you love somethg or someone so deep, u dun ask for the same return. Because thats how love works. For example as much as i luv umar, i dun expect he to love me as much as i do when he grow up. Contoh je la. He's in the stage of so clingy that tday i decided to run away for 15 mins and at the end everyone mad at me. -_-. Then i realized somethg. Allah knows. As much as i want them to be in my shoes, perhaps they want me to be in their shoes too. Well perhaps 15 mins were too much to ask. Redha. Diam. Diam kadang2 mungkin boleh buat semua org happy. Malam ni, aku focus buat apa aku nak buat sambil biar umar layan youtubes for 1 hour. Have so many thgs to do. Just tnite je have to ignore umar. 

I will leave my husband for a week, so there are few tasks i need to do before i go back to my hometown:-

1) gosok baju husband untuk seminggu - plan to send to laundry shop tp sbb malas nak find parking spot n yada2 i finally ironed 6 baju kjr husband dgn seluar kjr. What an achievement! 

2) settle lipat 3 bakul baju n esok sebakul lg.

3) basuh toilet - coz i dun like to come back from kampung and see dirty toilet.

4) plan masak makanan husband untuk 3 days - at least he wont b starving when he reach home after work. But then to think on how umar cried everytime i cook in the kitchen, i think i wont be doing this. As much as i luv doing my best as a good wife, i cant ignore umar's attention n my me time too. I know i will end up moody for being tired. So husband have to tapau mcd or wuteva. Pepandai la ye.

5) siapkan plastic parcel untuk customer siap2 with their address so that husband boleh tolong post kan. I almost forgot about this when suddenly husband remind me barang2 customer untuk next week. 

I think that's about all before i can go back to my hometown peacefully for my bro's reception next 2 weekend. I plan to go back early so that i can help my parents whatever needs to be done. Tho it just majlis bertandang but im sure there will be lot of thgs need to do last mins. At least i can help my mom on house chores.

For my bro's wed, kitorg tolong mana yg mampu. Like my younger sister she's doing the paper bag for the guests, husband and i volunteered to do the photo booth. No pelamin sbb nak save budget hehe. Lagipon my bro taknak. Tp jgn high expectation tau. Sempoi je photobooth ni. Tp sangat2 appreciate keringat husband. He's so working hard to finish it up. We plan to rent it out after my bro's wed. Hehe tak sangka la dia pandai bertukang. Nampak kemas. So every weekend mmg berkampung kat rumah mil bcoz he do the stuffs there. Okla nanti will update lagi insyaallah if rajin. If x rajin, will update after my bro's wed kie.

Clingy umar (almost 1y 11m)

Umar had this habit when wake up every morning.
He will say "good morning fan~".
When we walk downstairs, he will greet his toys, "good morning bus. Good morning van~"

When give things to him, he will say "thank you umar daniel".
Haha adoiyai try to correct him, he will still say the same.

But he good at saying goodnite.
He will say "goodnite mummy. Goodnite daddy. I love you".
Melts our heart.

His new habit that bothers me lately was he wont let me cook in the kitchen every evening.
He will cry loudly like i will leave him like dat. So drama this lil one.
Try open youtubes wut so ever didnt work. He will say "dukung umar. Dukung. Dukung umar."
He will say it so many times until i pick him up.
This happened 2 weeks already.
Before this he's not clingy like this.

So this 3 days i ignore him. Let him cried out loud while cooking in the kitchen.
I cook in half an hour je instead of 1 hour. But tadah je la telinga if husband cakap sambal ni so so tak mcm selalu. Malas la nk cter yg umar melekat kat kaki masa masak. Agaknye jiran aku pon da nyampah je. Mesti dia ingt aku malas jaga umar. Macam tu la jugak if baca blog gosip. Jgn percaya 100% kalau tatau situation sebenar kan. Aku knr sabar as this is part of membesarkan umar. Lain anak lain kan. Umar nye cranky ni jap je. Normally pas mandi n solat maghrib dia normal je. Ptg je nak melekat sgt. Tp if ajak g playground mmg dia happy sgt.

Tinggal sebulan until wean off umar.
Boleh ke wean off? Mcm x de byg nak stop si umar ni.
Dah tentu tido selalu la nk melekat.
I dun think i can ask husband's help on this sbb husband keluar pepagi g kjr naik lrt semua.
He's so bz in the office balik pon selalu kol 8pm, i dun want to trouble him to go tru the process.
I mean i will be so happy if he's volunteer, but knowing him, he wont do that.
Redha. Tatau la cmne nak wean off. Maybe i will try to put him to sleep in different room so that bila terbgun tengah malam when he cry, he wont bother husband's sleep.
He drink his fm like normal tp masih bf. Makan pon normal. Lets go with the flow.
Aku doa semoga Allah permudahkan proses ni.

But this lil guy mmg kaki jalan. Kalau keluar mmg happy je tak pernah nangis. Kalau dia nangis means somethg wrong. Ada la yg tak kena tu.

Lampu mana nak pilih ni daddy?

Aritu masa nak balik dari ikano, nak menuju ke keter, boleh plak kasut dia sebelah lagi missing. Berderau darah. Hehe kita rakyat marhaen ye umar. Bukan sng mummy nak selalu beli shoes umar. Maka kitorg pon cari balik kat last shop kitorg g which was 'spotlight' kat ikano. Naseb ada. Baik plak tu staff kat situ. Next time bila parents ku turun kl, will bring them there. Sure abah will be happy to browse the items there. Kedai tu baru bukak kat ikano. Tp femes kan. They have so many stuffs there. More to home decor and crafts stuffs. The price ok la not so cheap not so expensive. Kalau akak kayo, akak amik2 je letak dlm troli....hehe for me tmpt tu mmg best giloks.

Btw umar ni kalau nak tido, kalau belum sampai time dia nak tido suka tol membebel, nyanyi, lompat2 atas katil. Aku yg geram hehe. Sbb aku da ngntuk anak nye belum. Tp comel la. Skg ni dia suka nak bagi monkey n dragon dia breastfeed. Dia angkat baju dia sendiri, dia ckp "susu monkey". Pastu cium n peluk kitorg berkali2. Okla tu je update pasal umar.

Hello friday

Alhamdulillah this week has been great to us.
Sbb minggu ni ramai sgt order harem pants. Semalam plak ada yang borong clutch. 
Tq Allah. Bila Dia nak kasi, Dia kasi je kan.
Bila dia uji, maksudnye dia suruh kita lebih bersabar dan berusaha lagi dan lagi.
Umar plak da buat pos laju tu mcm rumah kedua dia.
Tp semua orang pon suka layan umar. Sbb dia lari2 n turun naik kerusi.
Aku plak berdiri je kat pintu keluar mcm pak guard sambil tunggu giliran.
Yerla senang sikit aku awasi umar. Karang dia bukak pintu lari keluar mampos.
Bila sampai giliran, jap je pon settle cepat n blah.
Aku mmg suka la post office ttdi. Awesome. Takder parking pon aku leh bersabar parking jauh sikit. X kisah. Kalau nk melilau pas pos baru la aku g pos ofis ikano. Cmtu la ikot mood.
Arini mood period so x kuasa nak jalan2 ke apa. Nak balik n settle kan kjr rumah n rest.
X rest pon. Dapat la nap 15 minit jap masa umar nap hehe tu pon da bersyukur.
No matter how tired my life is, i still enjoy my current life compare to working life before.

Next, pasal umar.
Despite his great development, ada satu perangai dia yg kadang2 mmg buat iman aku gegar gitu. Huhu ini dinamakan seperation anxiety.
1 minit pon si umar ni taknak berenggang ngn aku skg.
Ni hanya terjadi kalau di rumah ye.
Kalau outdoor, umar ni sangat la x kisah.
So bayangkan la aku knr dukung dia sambil memasak.
Kalau aku kasi dia adik, adakah prob solve or ini hanya temporary nye perangai? Huwaaaa
So ko leh imagine x perangai umar ni cmne masa kat rumah mil aku?
Hehe so aku knr tackle mood dia dulu, dia dah kenyang makan n susu fm n susu badan barulah aku boleh tolong mil aku kat kitchen kalau tak dia nak aku melekat ngn dia mcm magnet.
Tu belom lagi perngai dia yg takot kat fil aku. Aku harap fil aku x kecik ati.
Takkan la manjang knr beli toy baru kan. Nak suh umar main kat laman rumah pil rumput panjang byk nyamuk, so tahan je la dia nangis meraung mcm anak hilang mak. 
Kalau dah besar nanti, ntah umar kisah pasal mummy or tak. Kot2 nak balik kampung pon setahun sekali. 

Ok dats all for tday.
Sok byk benda nak buat.
Seawal pagi nk g bfast mcd, nak g pos opis, nk singgah kedai lampu n nak balik bangi sbb husband nk siapkan photobooth adik.
Hoi cuak tinggal 2 minggu je lagi ni until wed adik kat bp.


Tentang macam2

Aritu pasal gas dah settle. Haha sengal baru tau kalau abes gas, boleh call gas petronas ok.
Ni number nye:-

Baru la happy aku memasak. Tak perlu drive keluar rumah demi sesuap nasi haha.

Pasal hal rumah di bsp hampir settle - rumput, lampu, kipas. grill je sikit lagi. Katanye lagi 2 minggu.
Now sebok dengan photobooth adik aku. In progress.

Btw different topic, kitorg still buat jugak kjr web sikit2 tp more on my husband's part. Aku nye setakat handle invoice n manage timeline je.
Ada client x ni aku mmg da ckp ngn hubby bermati2an xmo continue buat project ngn dia sbb she just plain stupid. Aku bukan jenis nak letak kt blog pasal perihal client.
Tp once dia dah melangkau kesabaran, yes u deserve an entry here.
Dun think she will read this entry pon sbb excell pon dia tak reti. 
Tahap communicate ngn dia mmg knr explain dari beras tu nak masak berapa pot. Letak air ikot atas jari cmne. Haha cmtu la cternye.

So im jot gonna explain the detail here but she didnt read the last email i send to her and keep on barking us not doing proper work.
Padahal dah siap tunjuk demo lagi. Wth.
Then she read the email n she manipulate thgs.
Paling best dia panggil aku 'gondol'.
Nampak tak perangai jenis manusia cmne aku deal ni.
Show the msg to husband and told him thats the last chat. I dun wanna deal with her anymore.

X ni dulu ex-colleague aku kat opis lama.
Kat situ semua orang pulaukan dia.
Well, aku pon tak suka opismates aku time aku kjr situ.
Plus aku kjr situ pon 3 bulan je haha.
So she keep on complaining about her works n stuffs to me.
Dun mind at all as long tak kacau kjr aku. Plus actually dia baik.
Bagi aku dia lebih baik dari ex-colleagues aku yg lain2 tu.
Cuma ya Allah work etique dia ada problem kot.
Communication dia pon prob dats why make thgs worst.
Tp aku pk takperla hati dia baik aku pasti pasal benda tu, so kitorg continue being friends tho our age gap is huge.
We lost contact until last year she contacted me to do her web projects.
Yada2 mcm2 prob bila deal ngn org yg tak firm dengan apa yg dia nak.
Paling best merendah2 kan hasil kjr kitorg.
So ini ke nilai friendship tu?
Haha now i know y everyone cant work with her. Pfft.
U have to have a good heart n ATTITUDE too. 
Sometimes aku rasa dia ni boleh berfikir secara waras ke tak. Sometimes apa yg dia ckp tak masuk akal.

Paling best tu dia nak ckp ngn another designer to get her initial for the design, but she spell it as IGNITAL. Adoiyai yg designer tu tanye kitorg apa benda tu dia da google tak jumpa maksudnye.
We laugh like mad! I know husband n i so bitchy rite?
Well, u deserve it lady.
Maybe yesterday she deal with huge stress wutever like i dun have other thgs in my life too.
Toxic camni aku tinggalkan kat blog ni supaya aku xya pk lagi.
X sedih pon. Bagi aku ni part of life. Sometimes mmg kena deal ngn benda2 cmni.
Sorry korg knr baca cter cmni. Hehe sesi meluahkan perasaan namanye.

On umar.
Ya Allah budak ni makin bijak berkata2.
Sometimes benda yg kitorg tak sangka dia dah digest.
Can even sing lot of songs with correct rhythm! He really listen when we sing to him.
He even sing the alif ba taa song quite well. Im so impressed hampir berkaca2 mataku sbb kagum.
I didnt push him at all.
(Obviously i open those youtube songs when i want to feed him food or to make sure he drinks his fm).
A mom gotta do wutever she needs to do you know as long you limit the time. :p
So half an hour for youtubes, then done.
Yesterday he count 1-20! Told husband bout it n he couldnt believe it.
Nvm ill make sure umar count it again in front of husband.
For 1y10m ++ i think dats a great progress.
He can even undertand simple instructions like plz put ur baju inside the pink bakul. Or plz take your abc book. N he choose the correct book that i meant. 
Hehe but still not success to make him clean up his own toys or drink his fm without need to watch youtube or tv. Boleh tp mmg menguji kesabaran sangat2.
Nvm everythg take time rite?

If you want to see his daily progress u can follow my ig @raihanalatip.

He insisted to buy that sunny in black color ok. Pfft layan la walaupon terbang RM9.

Penggila balloon. Ni masa birthday anak buah aku last weekend.

My face like bibik bcoz i didnt makeup at all. Help to mount the photobooth paper to wall and mandikan umar n anak buah aku lg sorg. Wahh

Ni masa takder gas tapau lauk from nearest gerai and i luv the sup sayur! So td aku try buat sup sayur cmtu huhu jd! So next time nak beli fish ball, suhun sayur2 lain buat stock sup sayur.

Btw korg nak beli harem pants mcm aku pakai tu tak? Boleh follow ig shop aku kie @shortalesbunny. Preorder 2-3 weeks. Material polyester jenis licin sikit mcm material raincoat up to korg suka ke tak. Aku ok je. Dia tak jarang at all. Yg aku pakai ni size XL. Biasala vontot besar haha plus cutting dia mmg kicik. Kalau xtatau size boleh tanye aku kat whatsapp details sng aku guide. 

Aku pernah beli freesize harem pants cotton kejap je hancur wey. Mebi sbb vontot aku besar sgt. So yg ni aku dah pakai 2-3 kali masuk mesin basuh 2-3 kali pon tak rosak lagi xde benang terkeluar. For Rm40 inc postage i think quite reasonable. :)

Lastly, raya dah dekat korg taknak beli kasut raya untuk anak2 korg. Preorder la dari skg nanti raya dah leh pakai. :) ohs yg ni sila follow ig shop ku lagi satu @shortalesbunny_kids khas untuk kasut budak2. 


Rumah kehabisan gas.

Dah 2 hari rumah aku kehabisan gas.
Gila buntu wey nak lunch n dinner apa.
Bukan taknak call org gas, dah call takder saper angkat.
Da tanye jiran sebelah, dia kasi no contact sama yg aku ada pfft.
Penat la cari kedai dedekat yg jual gas pon takder.
Apa ke bangang dok kat damansara utama, sebelah ou tp nak cari kedai gas sikit punyerla susah.
Hangin ok. Malas nak g check jejauh nanti jamm sana sini.
Aku survey ngn umar berdua je waktu siang.
So mana la boleh lelama sgt dlm keter. Umar tu lama sikit karang dia lemau.
So dah 2 hari aku makan mcd. Macam org kaya sgt.
Just bcoz easy to drive tru. Nak g damansara uptown tu nak menangis if nak cari parking.
Belum lagi stuck dalam jamm.
Convenient sgt kan tempat tinggal aku ni.
Maap la umar 2 hari umar kena makan fries for lunch. So unhealthy.
Malam mcm td ajak husband makan chic rice shop so berkhasiat la sikit. 
Sok pepagi harap lori gas lalu dpn rumah.
Aku malas nak penat on the road sbb nanti bila badan penat, benda lain tak jalan.
Contoh mcm bila weekend aku terlampau penat, aku malas nak gosok baju husband, vacuum rumah, nak basuh baju nak sidai kain on senin.
Aku buat tp alahai lembab sgt. 
Pastu waktu umar nap ptg aku pon tetido sama.
Senin je la selalu lemau cmtu.
Biasa hari paling productive hari rabu n kamis.
So bila benda2 cmni happen, sunguh stress. 
Last weekend dok rumah mil kat bangi kan.
Sangat la convenient umah mil aku tu, sbb weekend hectic so tak larat aku nak cook for umar plus mil pon bz kat kitchen so malas la aku nk sebok gak memasak food umar at the same time kan, took me only 10 mins g beli ikan goreng kat kedai mamak depan rumah dorg, n umar leh teros makan. RM2.50 je pon. Kalau kat damansara ni, everythg is money. Nasi ayam dah rm8. Nasi kukus pon rm8. Lauk campur tak pernah try beli.
See the difference dok bangi n damansara ni?

Yerla kena la berjimat cermat kan.
Aku kalau kuar ngn umar tu biasanya sbb nak pos barang so alang2 g la melilau sikit kat dlm ikano or curve tu. Sambil menyelam minum air kan.
Umar kalau dengar perkataan jalan2, first dia ckp "where's the shoes? Where's the shoes"
Dia suka escalator, lift, and stroller. So mmg sng la bawak dia jalan.
Cuma kudrat aku je kenala byk.

Btw stress aku td. 
Aku da nak tetido.
Tetiba husband masuk bilik, dengar dia tercari2 benda la.
Few times aku da nak tetido dengar dia batuk la selsema la.
Sigh geram ok. Aku ni mmg jenis susah nak tido mlm.
Last statement aku kat dia, aku nk g lipat baju kat bawah sbb takle tido dgr dia batuk.
Baru la dia dah in lalala land now.
Tinggal la aku terkebil2 ntah cmne la nk tido ni.
Tu yg aku end up berblog la jap.

Ni td kat chic rice shop. Anak aku yg tengah pura2 mkn

Suka betul dia makan kat sini memalam. Yerla kitorg kan jarang makan kat luar weekdays. Mesti dia ingt dah weekend. Behave plak tu masa makan.