
Bye 2014.

Aku akhiri 2014 ni dengan badan yang tak berapa nk sihat.
Selsema sikit. Pening sikit.
Tapi bila aku fikir mangsa banjir kat pantai timur tu apa la sgt sakit sikit2 aku ni.
Still dapat tidur atas tilam empuk, kipas, aircond, n mandi air panas pagi2 yang sejuk. dorg?

Btw wean off progress went well.
That day i tried to put asam jawa a bit on my breast. Just a bit haha as i want to see what happened.
Im curious i need to know. Yeah umar dun like it.
Make it worst when it's time for his nap he refused to bf and started cranky.
Dahla im not feeling well, a bit tough moment there. At the end, i pejam mata n pura2 tido.
So umar yg cranky raba2 last2 tetido sendiri.
I knew it he can sleep on his own without mengempeng.
But it definitely take time for both of us rite.
I miss to bf again, plus dah nak bengkak susu so i tried to make umar wanted to bf again.
It took a while but at the end he wanted it.
Pheww. Not gonna use the asam jawa method again anytime soon.
But might use the method again if he still dun want to wean off completely at the age of 2++ later.

But i can see huge different.
Dia cuma bf masa bgun tido. Biasa la mamai so dia lupa pasal asam jawa moment.
Tp bila tgh sedar, tgh waktu main dia, memory dia kuat, so dia refuse bf.
But he drank his fm better.
For now i bagi 3 session fm as planned, pagi lepas breakfast, ptg lepas lunch dlm kol 2 and malam dlm kol 9 lepas his dinner.
5oz each session, kdg2 habis kdg2 x. Aku tak paksa dia habes kan sgt pon since it take time rite utk dia biasakan diri. But his apetite pon quite good. Setakat ni xde masalah nak makan.

My birthday was on 20th december.
Malas je nak post about it hehe sbb rasa da tua.
Thx to my friend bagi baloon n kek, my lil sis belanja steamboat n my husband belanja big breakfast.

Since it's already end of year, here are my wishes/ resolution for 2015:-

1) i hope umar can wean off completely by may 2015

2) i hope my businesses goes well in 2015. I hope my business, shortalesbunny have a chance to join big bazaar or as vendor in boutique style shop. There's 1 more business will b launching soon. Im not feeling too well this few days so cant finish it before early jan as planned. Soon ya.

Sila follow kat ig korg kie? Thank you. :)

3) i hope and wish can give more back to people- in so many ways. Bykkan menderma, able to bagi duit belanja to both our parents n belanja dorg mkn angin.

4) i hope we all include our family have good health. So many thgs happened in 2014. I hope 2015 bring us better hope.

Thats the most important thgs i guess. Thats all i can remember for now. May add soon to the list if i can remember anythg new. Thank you for read my blog all this while. Hope 2015 bring more luck to any of us kie? Till then. :)

Weekend and some updates

Byk sbnrnye nak update tp taip laju2 sbb ngntuk giler nk tido je ni.
Weekend kali ni agak santai sbb tak balik bangi tp apsal badan aku penat smcm.
Mesti la sbb bila tak balik bangi means aku knr masak la lunch n dinner.
Da masak knr la kemas rumah terus.
Naseb la breakfast takya prepare paper. Beli je n tday breakfast kat luar.
Tp takper aku suka je lepak rumah pastu laki bini buat kjr business sama2.
Tu pon tak berapa produktif sgt la sbb bila badan aku penat mmg kejap je la aku buat kjr.
Or bila aku lapar susa tol nk concentrate buat kjr.
So ni last project website aku buat 2015 no more. Hahaha da byk kali ckp cmni. Harap berjaya la ye.

Btw update on umar tak abes2 pasal wean off progress dia. Korg bertabah la baca if taknak baca pon xpe i tak paksa.

Wah malas sgt ni siap print screen je dari ig ku. Hehe. Btw he slept 3 hours straight dari last tido kol 11pm td. Means it works! Kalo tak setiap sejam da bgun. Tp aku mengsia2 kan plak waktu yg ada sbb tak berjaya settle kan bug website aku buat utk client. Hoih so tido je awal tnite. Lagipon da lapar. Malas nk turun amik makanan blablabla. Otak aku da pk breakfast n nk post barang customer pagi sok. Knr post awal pagi kalo x ptg ramai org tak sker. Pepagi takder org sng sgt nak park n post barang. 

So skg ni kira dia da accept fm. Botol susu ok, sippy cup ok and by normal cup pon dia ok. So aku pon tatau nak focus kat mana satu. Hahahaha mebi normal cup kot. Aku akan train lagi sok lusa tgok which one the best. Btw blog mana aku baca yg dia pujuk n ckp je kat anak dia "awak da besar xle minum dari mummy lagi". Aku buat kaedah tu kat umar mmg tak berjaya langsung. Terus dia nangis beria nak susu lagi adalah siap raba2 tarik baju. Hoih tak sampai hati langsung terus aku kasi la df.

Mmg kena hati kering kan. Tp aku masih ada masa lagi sbb umar baru 1 tahun 9 bulan. Aku mmg tak nak buat drastik sgt pon wean off. Bagi aku da campur fm ni pon da bagus. If wean off ni berjaya pon aku kalau boleh nak dia menyusu 3 session je setiap hari. Pagi after breakfast, ptg before nap and after dinner at nite. Mebi mula2 x strict sgt cmtu will see how tengok keadaan n mood umar la kie. Susah nak ckp since terlalu awal utk predict what will happen next.

Update pasal lain2 nanti la next2 entry. Lagipon kita semua still berdukacita dengan 2 benda kan. Banjir kat pantai timur dan kehilangan pesawat air asia. Takziah pada yang menjadi mangsa banjir ni. Harap tabah hadapi dugaan. Alhamdulillah if any of u dah contribute any stuffs yg ter mampu to those people. The last thg we can do is berdoa that thgs will getting better and they get all the strengths needed to start a new life.


Umar on sippy cup

Actually umar dari kecik seawal 6 bulan dah minum dari sippy cup.
Tapi makin besar tukar to straw bottle then to normal glass.
Kdg2 minum direct pakai glass sbb selalu la nak tersedak2 as dia tak pandai control lagi kan.

Haritu pernah cter kan beli botol fiffy tu murah works as feeding bottle and sippy cup.
So this 2 days i tried using that sippy cup plak bagi susu fm dia.
He drank 3oz of his fm this 2 days. Alhamdulillah this progress getting better and im happy with it.

If other mummies nak wean off, can try my way kie utk wean off. 
Btw i gave him formula milk perisa strawberry choc.
So cara nye dengan bribe ur kids with ipad atau dengan apa2 la yg dia suka. (Evil mom)
Sbb dia da paham kan sng la. Aku ckp je hah saper nak tgok abc knr minum 'air' dulu. Kalau x minum air tak boleh tgok abc. Mmg jadi. Memang dia minum. Tapi byk pause la.
Aku paham la. Lagipon dia tak biasa kan. Dia minum sippy cup sambil duduk. sippy cup tu muncung dia material silikon getah. Aku suka material cmtu. Aku rasa umar pon suka. Aku ckp fm tu air kat dia sbb if aku sebut susu dia akan attack aku nk df. Aku pon knr sabar feed dia pakai sippy cup sbb dia x biasa kan. So amik masa smpi stgh jam untuk dia abeskan susu. 

So sebulan ni mmg sku nk train dia fm mlm. Pastu slowly siang and pagi.
Actually umar siang tak byk df sgt pon.
Bgun tido, before nap ptg n bgun dari nap ptg.
Bgun dari nap ptg tu yg sgt lama oit.
Time tu dengan cranky2 aku tatau cmne if wean off nanti mesti cranky gak kan.
Mlm xde masalah utk bagi fm. N before tido la dia ngempeng.
Walaupon da mkn byk n minum air masak, tp umar still kuat susu.

Tapi xpe. Semangat wean off dia mengatasi segalanye.
Tu antara salah satu resolution aku 2015 hahaha boleh? Selain make sure umar tido tanpa ngempeng.

Sippy cup fiffy. Bagus and murah. Beli kat cold storage. Slack sikit sbb xde penutup. Ke aku da terilang kan? X pasti. Tapi aku nak try brand lain plak la. Saje. Tp mmg nk sippy cup x nk bottle.

Aku rasa umar ni boleh tidur tanpa ngempeng. Sbb if dlm ktr, lepas susu letak dlm car seat lepas main2 tgok eh da tetido sendiri.
Ataupon kat mall, lepas bf session, tolak pakai stroller eh da tetido.
Aritu kat rumah maktok dia, dia tgok cousin dia baring sambil susu smbil tgok video, dia pon sebok baring. Tp dia x susu la. Aku tgok mata dia da nk terpejam cuma x jd tido sbb cousin dia pas susu dok cuit2 dia ajak main haha.
So sesatu la aku try. Fm first then sleep training without ngempeng insyaallah.
Semoga Allah permudahkan usahaku. 

Somethg to ponder - for mom

Do you think a dad/ husband will think as much as we are? Hahaha
Just wrote this for fun.
Well, there's alot in mummy's mind before going anywhere with their baby/ toddler.

Click to view larger 



It's kinda fun to update everyday if u have somethg to share.
Today i manage to finish up some housechores before went out to buy some stuffs.
Thought to go to ou but there were so many cars there with jam and all so change to tesco. Hehe
Bought some groceries and found some cheap stuffs in mr diy there. 
While in tesco i stopped at baby stuffs area and was in dilemma to buy umar his new bottle milk or not.
Or should i buy the expensive tommee tippee sippy cup? Feeding cup or whatever cup it is.
Maybe if it expensive it will work on umar. Nay my brain just coudnt accept that.
So i ended up grab a bottle milk brand fiffy that only cost RM6.90.
Umar so well behave when we both went out. He didnt try to get out from his stroller at all.
By 4.30pm he fall asleep and continue nap at home until 6.30pm.
Long nap that made me happy as i able to cook for dinner and clean up the kitchen too.
It's always like that. Whatever i think i able to do it by myself, i will do it without need to wait for weekend to buy groceries. Save time, energy and dont have to wait for long queue at the cashier counter.
Im happy and husband will be more happy.
Of course can buy online but sometimes i prefer to go there for some urgent stuffs needed.
Haha alasan sangat nk kuar rumah. 

Then after dinner, i excited to use the new milk bottle to umar.
Since umar love his yogurt drink so much, so i told him "umar nak minum yogurt drink? See mummy pour your yogurt drink here." Sambil tunjuk tuang dlm bottle baru tu.
Umar pon jadi mcm lipas terus kejar aku nk bottle tu.
Haha my instinct said this tactic will work.
He manage to finish the 1 oz yogurt drink sambil baring.
I can see he try to get use with it.
Husband and i happy to see the progress.

But then sbb nap dia ptg td lambat kan, smpai 6.30, so dia takle tido awal plak mlm ni.
Lepas susu, dia boleh cakap "dah. Jom. Bawah" haha sambil tarik tangan aku nak kua bilik.
Ni da besar sgttttt ni. 

Ok la so layan la dia jap main. Sambil aku buat roti john sambil suap dia. Siap dia cakap "lapar".
Hahaha comel sgt ni. Padahal td makan byk nasi with ikan n sayur. Habis.
Tapi tengok la dia lari2 cmne lepas makan.
Aku tgok pon rasa penat.

Lepas makan roti aku still lapar so makan meggi kari plak. Untuk elakkan umar kacau konsentrasi aku makan, terpaksa bukak ipad jap kasi la dia layan 1-2 video.
Abes makan aku pon off la ipad tu.
So dia main jap. Try buat dia nye fm and try letak dlm bottle susu baru dia tadi.
Alang2 da penat melayan budak kecik ni kan. 
Pastu ckp ngn dia umar nak tgok 1 2 buckle my shoes takk? Nak tengok kena minum air ni.
Siap pimpin tangan menuju ke ipad haha.
Dia ikot je ok!! Aku buat dlm 3oz and dia minum dlm 1oz! Thats goood enough for me.
Alhamdulillah. Maap la trick aku ni memang tak sihat langsung.
Ipad for kids mmg tak sihat.
Pastu nk suh anak minum fm, aku terpaksa bribe cmtu kan.
Sigh. This is temporary. For umar and i. Until he's ok to wean off.

Such a great progress tday. Alhamdulillah.
Being a mom aint easy.

Btw husband shared his conversation with his friend tday.
Arini husband pakai shirt lengan pendek.
N he felt a bit cold when had lunch with his colleagues at klcc.
So his friend said nape tak pakai lengan panjang.
Husband ckpla malas nak iron lengan panjang.
His friend siap ckp "la apa guna bini housewife".

Of course husband backed me up.
For all this time i always iron his clothes.
Once in a while, husband will do it by himself.
He knew im tired did housechores, business stuffs and at the same time handling umar.
I always pray to Allah that keep our marriage in peace, may both of us will respect each other better every day. InsyaAllah.

I pity that guy for having that kind of thought towards 'housewife'.
This debate about 'housewife' can go long and i dun want to do so. At least not tday. :)
No one can spoil my happy day tday for 'umar drink his formula milk'. Huhu
Now any formula milk brand wants to sponsor me? So that i can i try other brand without wasting money? Haha

Muka happy nak jalan2. Frame last tu balik dari jalan2. :)


I dun like monday like you working people too because i feel i have to do double routines to cover up the weekend.
I wake up earlier than i normally do this morning to fold up all clothes.
Managed to finish fold up the clothes before umar wake up.
Im glad that husband has ironed his own working clothes for this week. Luv u husband if u read this hehe. He knew i dun like to iron clothes.

I also made extra effort preparing umar's breakfast, lunch, tea time and dinner.
Normally im lazy to take picture, but tday i manage to spare some time to do so.

Toasted bread with peanut butter spread and banana. I cut to those shapes because he's so into learning shapes nowadays. He know and can even pronouce octagon well. 

I luv preparing breakfast for him because he always in good mood in the morning so i have enough time in the kitchen. Sometimes i make pancakes, overnight oats and french toast for him. 

Lunch time a bit tough i have to make somethg quick for him if not he will bugging me in the kitchen n drag me back to the living room. 

So today menu for lunch was terung and kacang panjang tempura. He love it too. Maybe because it was crunchy and he can hold his food on his own. But i gave him a bit rice and sup sayur later on coz im afraid he's not really full by eating that. I am right as he managed to finish that too. His apetite has improved alot i guess!

Tea time i forgot to take picture but i made him pancake with banana. (With lil ice cream on top. I knew unhealthy but it's tea time it's suppose to be cheat time for any of us including umar? :p)

Dinner i just made ikan kembung goreng with sup sayur (carrot+brocolli) gaul ngn nasi. Suka gila dia. Siap jerit bila lambat. Sabo je la. 

Haha dinner lagila x smpat amik gambar. Ni pon teringt before suap. :p 
Pastu husband kecur tengok ikan tu siap suh beli lebih pasni dia pon nk gak hehe.

Lepas makan budak ni aktif main smpai kol 10.30 malam. Kalau main sorg je xpe ni siap ajak aku n lakiku berlari2 keliling sofa ngn dia. So kol 12 mlm aku da makan nasi goreng balik ngn roti 2 keping. Hebat tak akak? Haha. Byk tol tenaga pergi kat umar. Xpe. Asal dia aktif, happy and makan semua makanan dia smpai abes, mmg aku gembira sgt.

Ok nanti i share lain cter lain plak kie.

Ceria kemainnnn before tido. Siap panggil2 "mummmy".


...again on wean off progress

Well...been 3 days in progress try to wean umar off, kinda fail. Haha
Read few mommy blogs that formula milk kinda bad for baby.
Why should train them on bottle if they refuse. Just continue on sippy cup or glass.
Some even said just give them fresh milk.
My umar kinda hate fresh milk.

Try la beli susu kecik cmni harga rm6 oit kat cold storage semalam and he dun like it.
Sedap je aku rasa dah dekat sgt ngn rasa air yogurt kegemaran dia ntah nape dia x sker.
Why umar why. Tak pepasal husband bising kat aku nape beli susu ni mahal. Malas la nk explain kat husbandku yang other moms beli ber tin2 susu formula nak tgok serasi tak ngn anak dorg. I baru bazir RM20 (bought dugro that day) and rm6 of this fresh milk.

Im not sure why but he's ok to drink yogurt drinks or the normal yogurt.
He's ok with plain water too but i have to keep on say 'clever boy' and he will drinks more.
Try that trick to encourage him drink his fm but fail miserably.
Make thgs worst when he refuse to drink plain water after that.
Tday he drink back plain water. Pheww lega.
Karang sembelit ke hapa satu hal kan.

So i think i wanna stop a lil while the effort on try to give him fm.
Instead i want to encourage him to eat more.
His apetite kinda ok not so good not so bad i have to say.
Tho he's a bit picky on certain food he love.
If sometimes i want to introduce him to new food/ menu he will reject it.
So kena pujuk n bagi kata semangat mcm ckp eh kobis ni sedap gila mcm fish.
Then baru dia makan.
It didnt work when we eat outside tho.
That day malas nak bawak food dia masa dinner kat luar, coz i think he's big enough to try to eat normal food like we eat. I am wrong. He dun like it.
Tapi dia suka finger food or anythg yang bewarna.
Contoh, carrot, kobis purple, kacang panjang, fish fillet, roti.
Thats what i notice la. Kalau color pale babai dia tak layan.
Unless kalau dia tgh ngadap kartun smbil makan dia telan je sbb tgh kusyuk layan kartun.
Hurms semoga diberi kesabaran yang tinggggggi for this stage.

Cuba ko kasi banana, ice cream, chocolate, yogurt or kiwi.
Berlari kejar aku. Nyampah.
Tapi tempe pon dia suka.
Bagusla. Darah jawa! Hehe

Ok nak tido. Saje nak update sikit pasal umar gedik.

Umar tido pagi tadi. Hahaha abesla kua kat blog mummy. 
Saper suruh xnk minum susu formula. Booo

Makan takder la byk mana. Kuat nyusuuuuu patotla size aku dari m jadi s skg. Tapi dia punya aktifff hoiiii penatnye. Especially malam lagiler aktif gila. 

Paling best tu skg tgh bfeed tiba2 dia ckp "dah. Finish. Jom". Means dia nak smbung main. Nyampah kan. Cpt sgt besar takk. Pastu bila dah penat. Garu2 kepala cakap "susu. Tido" hehe

P/s: lisa if u read this entry sorry tau i terdelete comment u kat my previous post padahal nak tekan publish comment tertekan delete daa. 


...and the wean off process starts now.

Just now went to one utama after husband came back from office.
Saja la nak cari barang sikit. Sampai2 byk giler keter kat parking.
Eh dah christmas ke apa ni. Sabo je la.
So husband drop umar and i first while he tried his luck to find a parking spot.
Few minutes later, he managed to get a parking spot. Weeeee baru la heppi sbb ada org boleh tgok umar while i looking for my stuffs.

Sbb aeon ada sale (they always have sale.) hehe biasala peak season kan time ni la semua org sebok nak cari hadiah christmas kot.
So g bahagian groceries jap.
Sbb pk if khamis mlm pon da ramai camni apa lagi weekend kan.
So beli la brg2 sket. If tak dapurku tak berasap la. Dapat la beli ikan siakap agak besar - 2 dlm RM11. Murah tu. Selalu kat tesco mahal sikit. Jarang beli so x ingt but i tau tu agak murah. Jangan la compare kat pasar malam mahupon pasar basah ke kan. Kitorg mmg tak g pasar sgt. Pasar mlm g gak kdg2. Tunggu la anak ramai, baru la sebok g pasar kot time tu nanti hehe. Mmg selalu beli groceries kat tesco or hiro je.

Btw since umar dah nak 1 tahun 8 bulan gulppp i discussed with husband before yang i nk start train dia minum formula milk slowly.
So dia tak la terkejut sgt bila sampai masa untuk wean off by the time he's 2 insyaallah.
Bought dugro perisa choc strawberry tu sbb murah RM20 je. Sbnrnye tatau murah ke tak tp rasa murah la compare to susu2 lain.
Mmg nk try yg murah dulu sbb if dia reject takder la membazir sgt.
I didnt plan for susu kambing if wean off.
Sbb im cheapskate hahaha i think insyaallah umar da dapat benefit secukupnye for all this while hasil dari susu ibu sepenuhnya. So sorry umar no susu kambing. Sila minum susu lembu je ye pasni. Mooooooo :p

Balik je budak ni buat hal takmo tido sebok nk main gelak2 lompat atas katil.
So aku tanye dia, umar nak duduk ngn daddy atas katil or nak ikot mummy g bawah basuh pinggan?
Dia boleh tarik tangan aku n jawab "bawah".
Wahhhhh amazing, means he understand what i said.
Mesti sbb minum susu ibu ni sbb tu bijakk kahkahkah im joking mummies. I bukan obses sgt pasal susu ibu ni tau.

Lepas basuh pinggan n kemas toys dia, aku cuba la nak kasi dugro tu.
Dia taknak. Hoihhh. Terpaksa la ckp ni air oren la umar. Nak tak. Siap letak dlm botol straw dia warna kuning. Baru dia minum sikit. Pastu taknak minum lagi.
Naseb la mummy bijak try 1 sudu besar je dugro tu dpt la dlm 2oz.
Aku sua few time adalah dia minum dlm 1oz kot. Kottt. Sikit je tp minum la gak.
Tak jadi kasi pakai botol susu sbb bocor. Aperdaa nanti kita beli botol susu baru k.
Budak ni kan direct feed for all this while. So botol susu ada 1 je sbagai back up.
Newborn nye botol susu adalah tp boleh ke pakai lagi kata lepas 6 bulan knr buang. Sigh. 

Tapi kann dia tido 3 jam x bangun. Im happy sbb sempat buat kjr2 aku sikit.
Padahal aku penat giler tp paksa diri gak buat.

So mmg betul la eh org ckp minum formula milk anak tido lebih lama.
If tak mmg umar setiap sejam bangun for susu ok.
Ikot naseb kdg2 ada la 2 jam sekali bgun.
Gigih kan aku.
Lepas susukan smbung buat kjr. Gituh la.
Sambil bfeed sambil berblog kat ipad. Eh. 

Takpe. Nanti beli botol susu murah2 kita tgok umar nak tak minum.
If taknak, kita beli sippy cup kartun2 ke hapa.
Im soooo looking forward for wean off soon. Sorry umar. Mummy need my me time.
Sbb aku tgh buat 1 project ni. I hope can release this by early 2015 insyaallah. Seronok sangat buat benda ni. Yg tak seronok bila tgh syok buat, umar bgun nk susu. Buat benda ni perlukan konsentrasi penuh. And i love this new project so much.
So mummy really need time at nite. And you have to drink fm no matter wut. :p

Eh btw korg bagi susu fm apa kat anak korg?
Berapa tin korg habis sebulan? Berapa rm spend kat susu?
Botol susu apa korg pakai?

Kalau tak keberatan, share la experience korg wean off pretty please???

Sorry banyak tanye i baca too much info. So saja la, if korg share kat sini, sng la i baca. Btw i baru sebok mintak sample susu kat website2 susu. So takder la membazir beli byk susu just nk tgok serasi ngn umar ke tak. Cuma cepat ke lambat nk dapat sample nye tu tatau la tu kan.

Enjoy your weekend korg!


What's your favourite body wash for kids?

Ini bukan entry sponsor mahupon contest.
Tapi mmg entry betul2 ikhlas ni.
Since umar ni ada minor enzema dari kecik - kulit jenis sng berkudis if cuaca panas or kering.
Aircond sgt tak boleh panas sgt pon tak boleh.
Solution dia kulit budak ni kena selalu sapu lotion. <-- doctor yang ckp.
Amboi manja tol kulit umar ni. 
Makin besar makin ok. Dulu kecik2 nyampah je kulit muka n kulit kaki x berapa smooth.
Skg baru halus mulus.
So i sgt berhati2 la dengan body wash n lotion dia.
If tak serasi certain brand tuh, i will stop using it.
Tried few brands before, and yang paling serasi adalah brand pigeon.
Aku suka bau dia semua. Masalahnye a bit pricey.
Umar pon da besar, so i think it's time to change different brand yang murah sikit.
Aritu si umar ni tertumpahkan body wash dlm bath tub dia, hoi aku nmpak RM je dlm buih2 sabun tu wuwuuu.
Tak leh jadi, kena tuka brand lah. Pokai la cmni kan.

So we tried carrie junior orange for his body wash.
Omg i just love the smell on umar. Rasa nk makan. Hehe
Harga pon okla tak mahal sgt dlm RM8 lebey utk botol sederhana.
Baru 3 hari pakai setakat ni kulit umar nampak ok.
Please serasi please hehe. Murah dan bau sedap.
Ini yang kita mahu kan.

Kalau habis nanti nak try different flavour plak la.

So mummies, what's your favourite bodywash brand for your child?


Back to normal routines

It's good to be back at home again.

....and lots of thg to do.
Need to vacuum carpet.
Need to mop the floor. 
Need to iron husband's clothes. 
Need to wash dirty clothes.
Clean up fridge.
Clean up kitchen.
Clean up umar's toys.
Unpack clothes.
Update business stuffs.
Reply email clients.
Design blog for client. 
Make breakfast.
Cook for lunch and dinner.
Fold up clothes.
...and many more.

Some of them are daily routines so no complaint.
Ergh...nvm i can do ittt.
Penat tapi kerja rumah if delay or ter skip, boleh haru biru semuanye.

Today i made nasi ayam for dinner.
Lately umar ni perhal ntah nyampah takot sgt ngn blender.
Vacuum x takot plak.
Nanges mcm apa bila aku blend bahan2 nk buat nasi ayam.
Jgn harap la aku nk pujuk or tenangkan dia dulu. Budak tu if susu dah gone 15 minit.
Aku ada masa stgh jam-40 minit je utk masak n kemas dapur.
So sila la nangis umar. Aku selamba je teros buat nasi ayam.
Dah settle semuanya baru aku terus susukan umar n mandi ptg terus.
Keep on telling umar, "time is money. Mummy have no time to waste"
Sorry lil boy u better overcalm ur fear.
Tp berbaloi la masak nasi ayam dlm keadaan stress sbb umar makan habis. Licin.
Dia x mkn ngn ayam. Aku gorengkan dia ikan pari. Ada sup carrot n broccoli. Ngn nasi ayam.
Nangis banyak. Lapar la kan. Bagus.
Husband lagila gembira sbb favourite food dia.

Btw sambung cter aritu. 

Kesian my mil towards the last day we stay there, suara dia makin takder. N dia susa nak tido malam. Susah nak breathing katanye.
So aku pon try la avoid berckp dengan dia sgt takot keadaan makin worst kan.
Sigh. Aku pon da cuba sedaya upaya tolong paper kat situ.
Most of the time kitorg tapau or mkn kat lua je. Breakfast kdg2 mil prepare smthg kdg2 aku beli nasi lemak.
Takkan aku nk ckp xya buat breakfast. Kot2 dia mmg nk mkn kan. So biarla.
If dia penat or tak larat sure dia x buat. Ada la 2x je aku masak.
Satu time tu aku buat paprik sayur n ayam goreng.
Pastu ada satu time tu aku buat nasi goreng daging.
Tu je la. Hehe yg lain beli.
Si umar daniel tu pantang aku lama2 kat dapur sikit mula la drama syahdu dia.
Nti sian mil aku gak yg pening dgr dia nangis kan.

Pastu alang2 kat bangi perasaan nak g bbw sgt la kuat. Haha padahal budget so so je.
Tp pk if tak pergi rugi la pulak.
Pulak tu si umar ni mmg suka baca buku.
Ajak adik ipar aku g. Kol 8.15 dah sampai sana dengan semuanya tak mandi. Hehe.
Alhamdulillah umar bagi kerjasama. Dia tahan 1 jam je. Lepas tu start cranky sikit.
Okla tu. Sempat gak aku pilih buku dia betul2. Budget aku rm100 je utk umar. So dapatla dlm 10 buku cmtu. Kot. 1 buku utk aku. Nak menabung utk bbw tahun depan la lepas ni. Hehe
Mmg heaven pergi. Sbb tak ramai sgt org kat bahagian kids compare to tahun2 before aku pergi.
So after this mmg aku akan pergi lepas subuh lagi. Please jgn tiru i. Nanti crowded. :p

Nak bawak budak g tempat cmni sng je. Bagi balloon beli kat petrol station b4 smpai and bagi makanan. Aku bagi hash brown mcd tu sesambil pilih buku. Dia suka sorong bakul tu. So aku tarik stroller dia, umar tarik troli tu. Haha boleh imagine?

Dah tulis kat instagram saje la cter kat sini balik.
Lepas bayar kan akan melalui kawasan popup book tuh kan, so adalah aku sparekan duit sikit ingt nk belila popup book utk umar. Tp semua pon best. Sigh susahnye nak pilih. Jd aku pon tak beli popup book. Haha boleh cmtu. Nak pilih will take time. Si Umar tu sampai menjerit "mummmmmy jommmm".
Terkejut aku si umar boleh buat ayat. Walaupon 2 perkataan je. Tp bermakna la utk aku. Hehe means dia tau apa dia nak.
So nampak ada block book abc tu tunjukla kat umar, teros dia stop cranky.
Bagusla. Teros aku bayar. RM20 yg berbaloi sbb dia enjoy main sampai skg.

Tahun depan kita beli banyak2 buku lagi kie.

Pastu alang2 da kat bangi seminggu, so aku pon terasa nak gunting rambut kat kedai bini jovian tu - capellobynina kat bangi. Deret paparich atas kedai tudung hajra x silap. Aku da baca ig drg ada tempat main budak dlm tu. So aku pon confident bwk umar. Aku ngn umar je la. Yg aku lupa si umar ni takot gunting rambut. Bila dia dengar bunyi hair dryer n nampak gunting, teros dia nangis n jerit2. Semua staffs situ try tenang kan dia. Gagal. Last2 dia duk kat aku sambil staff tu potong rambut aku. Nyampah mmg tak bagi chance langsung kat mummy nak have 'me' time kan.

Siap aku bfeed dia kunun nak kasi diam. X diam pon. Sambung melalak. Naseb saloon muslimah. Sukati aku je nak bfeed smbil potong rambut kan. Naseb la budak yg potong rambut aku tu sporting. Most of them budak2. So muka pon mcm takot2. Naseb potong rambut aku lawa. Harga Rm50. Termasuk cuci. Cuma aku bengang sikit dia cuci rambut aku air smpai masuk telinga. Pastu siap tanye ohs akak tak suka air masuk telinga eh. Aku jawab la aah tak. Pastu aku terpk eh ada ke org suka air masuk telinga. Lain la kalau dlm swimming pool kan. Xpe la dik. Akak maapkan. Dia nerbes kot. Insyaallah will come again with NO Umar. Hehe. 

Walaupon awak banyak songeh tp awak bijak n sgt menghiburkan! 
Semakin byk ckp. Dah pandai nyanyi2. Pandai joget2. Pandai panggil mummy daddy. Dah banyak makan. Dah kenal byk benda. Siap sebut snowman n snow. Belajar dari youtube la tu.
Paling baru bila kitorg tanye question dah pandai jawab yes n no. Comel ok.

Okla nk tido. Zzzzzz


3 Must-Have Luggage For Travel Lovers

It's almost end of the year again and i believe some of you have made plans to go somewhere either in Malaysia or other countries.
I didn't go anywhere this year but i always travel to PIL's house almost every weekend. (which 1 hour distance from our home)
Is that consider as travel too? hehe
Still i hate packing as it's not easy to pack for 3 tho it's just for weekend. Should be grateful rite as 3 is consider a small number.
But after i finished packing, i feel like a winner! Normally we will have 3 different of luggages for my husband, umar and i. So that we will easily find our stuffs. haha

By the way as i mention in my previous entry, we stay at PIL's house this week as to accompany MIL as BIL and FIL was away for their outstation/travel.

By that means i have to pack more than i normally do!
Afraid not, i manage to do it in short time of period and so far, i didnt forget to bring anythg.
3 luggages, and a stroller inside a myvi bonet. Not bad rite?

I'm not an expert but i believe that having 3 different kind of luggage is really helpful.

1) Trolley Pull Bags
First, i packed mine. Obviously i have to bring more clothes for different purpose. hahaha. Normally this trolley bags are perfect for the individuals who are travelling long distance or abroad especially you will be bringing a lot of things with you. Women who are heavy packed travellers will definitely find the trolley luggage bags a big use for them the entire trip. <--- couldnt agree more.

With the wheels under the bag, you could carry your luggage easily through the airports or the hotel lobby. I also bring this bag when i gave birth to umar at the hospital that day. I just dumped my clothes and umar's stuffs inside and husband just stroll the luggage without any hassle.

2) Balik kampung bag
The second type of bag is the simple ‘balik kampung’ bag which you have to carry in your hand. This is umar's bag as his stuffs are all so tiny and just nice packed inside this kind of bag.

This bag is advisable to those who are travelling locally or in a short distance from their home. If you are staying at a local destination during the weekends, pack lightly with a few change of clothes, toiletries and have fun.

3) Backpack Luggage
Suitable for individuals who love travelling the backpacking style. This is totally husband's type of bag. I couldn't believe that he can pack that light even tho we stay here for a week. 

The backpack luggage bags are designed to fit most of your things and necessities. Backpack travelers could carry the bag on their shoulders while travelling such as camping, jungle trip, hiking trip or island hopping.

If you are planning for a vacation and wondering where to get these suggested bags, check out ZALORA as it offers luggage bags online from various local and international brands at an affordable price.

...when a stranger approached us

Was tired to write anythg but i feel like to update my blog this week.
Remember this week i was in bangi for a week?
A lot of things happened to the family actually.

Both of my niece n nephew got dengue. My niece was admitted since her condition quite bad.
Because she is still small - 7months old.
It was so sad to hear about this but we knew Allah knews better.
So last sunday we visited her at hukm cheras.
Lucky there was small play area inside the ward and umar didnt tantrum at all.
He's so happy play with the cousins. He's in the stage of making friends.

Btw lil niece was so weak. She's in critical condition now. We pray to Almighty Allah hope she will recover soon.
I cant stand seeing children get sick.
Still remember of umar got hfmd before. 3 days admitted in ward feel like a year.
Btw i hope sil and bil will be tough go through this situation.
Since it was government hospital, alot of abondoned sick childrens was there too.
Some of those kids was crying and no one around him. That child only 8months old! The nurse was not around too. My sil said the nurse there dun really care about the patients there. They will keep themselve bz with their handphones. It's true. 1 time i try to borrow scissor from the nurse to cut the plastic wrap that cover the gift toy for lil niece, the nurse was bz on her handphone while a baby crying inside the ward!

Went back home, keep telling umar how lucky he is compare to those unfortunate child.
May Allah protect them.

Today accompany my MIL to hospital putrajaya for her after-surgery checkup.
She cant drive at the moment so i volunteered to drive. Takder orang lain pon dah. Pity her.
All this while before her surgery she said she went there alone for her medical checkup and all.
Finding parking spot at hospital putrajaya was tough! MIL showed the area she used to park before and it was damn far. She's old and have to walk that far? I end up park at the sama area too as no place else to park. But before that i drop her at the entrance first. 

Umar just wake up after i park. So i decide to wait inside the hospital while waiting for MIL.
You cant expect a toddler can just sit still rite? After entertain him with some cartoon, feed him with some biscuits and all, he wants to walk.
Ok la i let him out from his stroller and busy chasing him around.
After a while we both getting tired and umar start to ask for susu.
Ok la susu kan kejap pastu nampak ada kawasan playground indoor tp ramainye budak.
Dah la main ganas giler.
So try bawak g park kat lua plak walaupon panas terik. It was almost 11am that time.
Because im so sleepy and period pain is killing me now, u just read my attachment below kie. :p

Yg i tak tulis kat situ is lelaki tu ckp rumah dia dedekat situ je.

Alhamdulillah ntg happen. I believe this is a test and reminder from Allah so that ill be extra careful when going out with umar. Dun worry. Lepas ni BIL dah balik. So insyaallah dia la yg akan drive MIL pergi checkup next few days.

My MIL punya checkup habis pukul 11.30am td. Pity her. Wait for 1 hour plus jumpa doc 15 minit je. So ajak MIL pergi alamanda sbb ketiak i dah panas uolls and i dah kebulur. I suh mil jaga umar jap sementara i tolak stroller n amik keter. Umar masuk keter dia tantrum n cry sbb nak susu. Mmg waktu nap dia pon. Tp i nk susukan dia kt alamanda je. Smpi alamanda susukan jap pastu ckp ngn dia nk balloon x. Baru dia behave x cry kat stroller.

Makan kat chicken rice shop. Suap umar makan, bersungguh2 dia makan. Ler lapar sgt ke. Tuh la saper suh nangis beria2? Kan da lapar. Lepas makan, nampak plak balloon free color oren. Mmg dia suka n tros good mood smpai la ke rumah.

Balik rumah mndikan umar, pukul 2.30 ptg we both pengsan tido smpi 4.30 ptg.

Eh to be continue... Ngntuk sgt x larat nk cter.
Tgok muka umar je masa main kat playground td k.

Hi saya belom mndi lagi time ni.

Mak saya da pecahkan balloon saya ni. :(

Last nite

I know it's weekend and no one gonna read my blog unless im vivy yusuf. :p
Im at PIL's house now.
We will stay here for a week coz FIL and BIL outstation/travel for few days.
I kinda amazed with myself coz able to pack clothes for the 3 of us in a short time of period.
Another story, i just have to blog about this as today was the first time my husband bathed umar after so long didnt do so. The last time was during my confinement period.
He's lucky to have me rite?

Being a housewife is no joking people.
Sometimes susah nak terangkan kat partner yg all we need are lil gesture like that.
Take a moment entertain ur child. 
I knew how tired office life is.
Tp tuh la as parents and marriage couple, u just need to tolerate and help each others no matter how small u think it is, it means so much for your partner.
PLAY YOUR PART. Dalam islam pon xde ckp bini knr buat a-z kjr rumah.
Tak susah pon. Trust me. That will make a better and healthier relationship and it will affect the growth of the child as well.
Tak. Entry ni bukan entry bergaduh laki bini haha. Selalu mak aku pas baca blog akan tanye gado ngn alip ke.
Nope. This is just a reminder for myself or anyone else who read it through my beautiful marriage journey.
Btw if i could freeze the moment husband bathed umar just now, i will do it or record it :p.
Umar, if u read this 1 day and if you have doubt if daddy ever bath u when u small, yes he did.
Twice through your 1y7m old life. :p

Ok, got it mommy! Now do u think i look funny with this hat?


Umar at 1y 7m

I still have 3 stuffs in my to do list that need to be done before i sleep.
Ngntuk giler mmg x dpt la aku nk buat before tido. Esok lepas solat Subuh je la sambung!
Ni pon gigih taip entry time bf umar ni pakai ipad. 

Umar at his stage where he's developing his vocabs very well.
He recognize and can pronounce some animals, fruits, shapes, and colors quite well too.
Abc n 123 boleh kata dah pass. He recognize and can pronounce each quite good.
Not that he knows everythg, but he can follow whatever i say now.
Tho a bit pelat here n there n of course he cant pronounce long word yet like hippopotamus.
It's more fun to communicate with him. For example just now before sleep normally we had out chat time...so i said to him,"umar loves who??"
N suddenly he replied "mummy...daddy" hahaha MELTS OUR HEART ALOT.
Of course we said that thousand times to him before this but he never respond back.
He can said mummy n daddy when he was 1y2m like dat.
Now he called us clearly by name. Only when he desperately need somethg from us! Grr
Obviously me when he needed his milk and his dad when he wants daddy to take him to upstair. Somethg like that.

This 2 days i went to the mall during day time to find somethg for my stuffs.
Normally i avoid to go there with umar without his daddy because at this age he is so active!
He's ok to sit in the stroller but not so long. Means as long the stroller didnt stop. Haha of course it wont happen. I have to rush find my stuffs in a short period of time if not umar will scream in the store. Sigh.

Time management is very important. Means i can only go out after his lunch time and before his nap time.
So yesterday i choose to be outside a bit longer as i need him to sleep in his stroller so that i can have quality time to choose stuffs that i want to buy. First i brought him to kids store first and let him play there. Then after i breastfeed him i purposely stroll him without make any pitstop and pray he will fall asleep in the stroller. It worked!
He passed his nap time but at the end he able to fall asleep on his own. 
Pheww so i have 1 hour to choose my stuffs.

Still i forgot to buy somethg. Grrrr i need to go to stationary shop again. Huwaaa malas tol nak tunggu daddy dia balik baru g sbb husband balik lambat lately sbb byk kjr kat opis. I tak sker susahkan dia.
I tau balik kjr sure penat.
Nvm for the time being i knr guna je apa yg ada maybe esok after daddy balik dari work since it's friday he will b ok? Penat ok handling toddler at this age.
Dulu masa dia baby sng ya amat. Bfeed je n tido sindri dlm ssc dia. Hoho. :p

Kat the curve ada tempat playground baru utk budak2. Indoor n masih bersih dan baru.
Umar mula2 mcm blur nk main yg mana satu dulu pastu tros jd spiderman.
Itu pon aku bersyukur sbb dia masih stage behave bebudak lain main ganas kemain aku mmg ikot je ke mana umar pergi. Weekdays ok la x ramai sgt org weekend jgn harap aku nk kasi umar main situ. Ramai gilers.

Susah tol nk pujuk balik. Terpaksa ckp nk main seesaw x balik ni baru menurut perintah. Mmg x la nk g playground pepetang sbb ni pon nk dekat sejam kat sini. Time is money umar. Balik rumah terus masak untuk dinner kitorg plak. 

He started show interest to play lego. He loves it but this one i bought medium size of lego bodoh2 kat daiso tu. Dia suka but too small for him to handle at this moment. So dia buat main masak2 dengan periuk2 aku. Haha ok la tu kretip juga. Ada lego yg besar dia suka tp sikit sgt. Maybe kena beli kat mr diy. I saw it that day. Nampak cam ok. Ini pon nk pitam aku kemas b4 tido. Belum campur alphabet blocks dia lagi. Byk betol mainan IQ ko yg susah nk kemas umar. Tak susah pon semua aku campak dlm container. Haha. Aku before tido wajib kemas sbb bangun tido x sker tengok rumah serabut2. Especially kitchen mmg aku cuba settle kan basuh sblom tido. Kdg2 je bila umar tido lambat sgt mmg tenaga aku pon da suku2 nk habiskan basuh. So kalau cmtu bangun tidopas solat subuh teros aku bersihkan dapur n mainan umar.

Budak tgh develop brain. Layan kan je la. Penat yg tahap kdg2 aku leh meletop kalo lapar so food mmg knr sentiasa ada sbgai pengubat hatiku. :p setakat ni mmg gigih masak setiap ari. 

Btw minggu dpn duduk bangi seminggu mmg pntla aku nk packing bwk brg budak kicik ni. Sana x byk toy so dia akan cpt boring. So aku akan make sure bwk fav toy n book dia.

Resepi pumpkin pie kegemaran semua!

Seriously i love my pumpkin pie! <-- gila puji diri sendiri.
Hahahaha tak pernah rasa mana2 pumpkin pie tp teringin buat satu hari tu.
So i tried and sedap sgt. Pastu kasi my parents rasa. My husband rasa. Jiran rasa. Family in law rasa.
My dad suka. My neighbour suka. Umar suka. Husband makan. Haha takle ckp suka. Sbb husbandku itu sgt la fussy. So kalau dia makan tu kira dah hebat sgt la tu.

Tahap kesukaran takla susah sgt takla senang sgt.
Tp sbb satisfaction makan dia melebihi segalanya, maka selalu gak la aku buat.
Plus barang2 nk buat pon murah. Cuma guna buttercup, pumpkin yg RM1 lebey tu, susu pekat sikit and gula. Kan ke best tu. Murah dan sedap. Kalau korg boleh buat pavlova buat ni aper la sgt. Makan Pumpkin pon byk kelebihannye kan. Salah satu khasiat labu adalah kulit akan bertambah halus. 

Tanpa membebel lagi, kat bawah ni resepinya:-
(Resepi di bawah ni untuk 2 bekas pastry. So kalau nak buat untuk 1 bekas pastry je, boleh cut half of the measurement k.)

Untuk buat pastrynya:
2 1/4 cawan tepung
250g butter
1/4 sudu teh garam
3 sudu besar air sejuk (dari fridge)

isi (bergantung pada size labu. Di bawah untuk size labu sederhana besar)
3 sudu pekat manis
2 sudu besar gula
2 biji telur
2 sudu teh serbuk kayu manis

1. Untuk pastry, campur tepung, sedikit garam dan butter. Setelah gaul sebati, campurkan sedikit demi sedikit air sejuk. Gaul sampai adunan tidak melekit pada jari.
2. Letak adunan dlm plastic dan letak dlm fridge.
3. Adunan harusla sejuk sedikit sebelum digunakan.
4. Untuk isi, steam kan pumpkin sehingga lembut.
5. Ambil isi dan gaulkan dalam bekas bersama telur, gula dan susu. Letak gula dan susu sedikit demi sedikit sehingga mencapai manis yang anda suka. Taburkan sedikit serbuk kayu manis. Adunan untuk isi labu harus la tidak terlalu cair atau terlalu pekat. Ala2 adunan untuk buat cekodok tu.
6. Keluarkan adunan pastry dari fridge dan buat kan pastry anda dalam bekas pastry. Sila google or youtube cara membuat pastry jika tidak pasti. Cucuk2 dengan lidi sebelum bakar.
7. Bakar kulit pastry dlm 15 minit pada api 180 deg. Make sure color dia kuning keemasan.

8. Tunggu sejuk seketika dalam stgh jam, kemudian baru la tuangkan adunan isi pumpkin anda di atas pastry tadi.
9. Bakar pada api 180deg selama 20minit. 
10. Keluarkan dan cuba cucuk dengan lidi. Jika tidak melekit, texture nye dah perfect. If macam melekit cuba tambah lagi 5 minit.

Tunggu sejuk dahulu baru simpan dlm fridge.

Lepas sejam baru la boleh makan! Pumpkin pie sedap dimakan ketika sejuk.

Paling perfect makan pumpkin pie sambil minum coffee petang2. Uuuuuu