
The Baby Gender

So this is what they said. Sorry mommies, i copy paste dari blog korang.

Tanda Anda Akan mendapat Bayi Lelaki:

  1. Anda tidak mengalami morning sickness yang teruk pada awal kehamilan atau mungkin tiada langsung - No. In fact teruk gila muntah setiap hari masa trimester 1
  2. Degupan jantung bayi kurang dari 140 kali seminit - Tak ingt dr kata apa.
  3. Anda rasakan beban berat pada bahagian hadapan tubuh - Yes
  4. Perut anda kelihatan bulat sempurna - I guess Yes
  5. Bentuk perut condong ke arah bawah - Yes
  6. Sukakan makanan yang masam dan masin - No. Normal
  7. Suka makan daging dan keju - Yes
  8. Tapak kaki selalu berasa sejuk - No
  9. Tangan selalu kekeringan - No
  10. Bukan hanya anda, tetapi suami juga mengalami pertambahan berat badan - No
  11. Anda akan kelihatan lebih berseri semasa hamil - No kot. haha rasa pucat. But bila jumpa orang yang jarang jumpa, dorg kata berseri.
  12. Hidung tampak lebih mekar - No. Normal
  13. Selalu sakit kepala - Yes 
So 5/13 je Yes. hehe lets see for perempuan plak.

Tanda Anda Akan mendapat Bayi Perempuan:

  1. Mengalami Morning sickness di awal kehamilan - Yes
  2. Merasakan beban berat pada bahagian punggung dan pinggul - Yes
  3. Rambut anda berwarna agak kemerahan berbanding sebelumnya - No
  4. Bentuk perut condong ke arah atas - No
  5. Perut tampak agak lonjong - No
  6. Mengidam makanan manis - No
  7. Sukakan buah-buahan - Yes
  8. Suka minum air atau jus yang bersifat masam - Yes
  9. Anda jadi lebih cerewet semasa hamil - Yes
  10. Mudah moody berbanding sebelumnya - No
  11. Kulit wajah mudah bermasalah berbanding sebelum hamil - Yes
  12. Tidak suka makan roti bersama kulitnya - No
6/12 untuk perempuan.

What other people predict?
Almost everyone around us predict it's a girl. Almost. Malah takder pon yang cuba teka boy. Even husband and i pon predict girl. Ntah kenapa haha. Plus sister in law compare experience dia ngn aku yang tak emosi sgt pon masa pregnant. awal2 je masa morning sickness rasa penat. tp takder plak mempengaruhi emosi. But only my parents teka it's a boy.

What the Dr said?
Hehe to be continue insyaAllah bila sampai masa nyer saya announce di blog kie.

But it's not wrong to wonder people. hehe. And it's fun. So korang nak make a guess gak tak it's a boy or girl?

*update gambar
 Ni masa 13 weeks. Takder gambar terkini (17 weeks) sbb takmo tgok diri sindri kat camera haha takot. tp keadaan perot berubah ikot baju. tak caya? tak caya sudah. haha kadang2 nampak besar kadang2 tak nmpak langsung bila pakai cardigan. tp dari sisi nampak la. gambar baju turquoise kat entry bawah tuh adalah gambar masa 15 weeks lebih latest dari gambar atas ni. tp taknampak perot plak nti susah korg nk teka. eh gambar ni bukan nak beli baju gown tuh. tuh time singgah booth akak i kat wondermilk. dia jual baju2 girl and topi2 budak2 comel kat sini. patutnyerh okinokiyo.com tp apsal takleh ntah. dah expired kot domain nyerh.

so can u tell boy or girl from the picture above? hehe

Need help on Baby stuffs - stroller, babycot etc

Hi mommies and mommies to be,
Kinda need help here.
I put this lists here, can mommies who read this recommend what's the best brand/type for each category? Contoh: suka stroller A sbb murah and practical. or suka stroller B mahal tp berbaloi gila!! and baby bila duduk dalam tuh senyap je.

Hehe tq. I kinda do some research in those lists but i think experience mommies yang paling best.
Penat dah stalk blog u all satu2. kalau hit nuffnang korang tinggi tuh sbb aku la. hahaha. sorry la. i terpaksa godeh2 entry korg tgok korg beli those stuffs kat ne smerk n price etc.

  1. stroller
  2. babycot
  3. baby carrier
  4. playpen 
  5. carseat
  6. babysling
  7. nursing cover

Cter je la aper2 korg nak bercter pasal any of the lists kie. Price, Brand, Experience guna, Where u guys bought it etc.

Really appreciate your thoughts and experiences here!

Mommy to be :p

Hello Trimester 2!

Well entry ni delay sebenarnye.
Kalau ikot ticker, aku 15 weeks stgh. Kalau ikot dr, aku dah 16 weeks.
Tarikh EDD (Estimated date of delivery) is 25/5/2013.
Tarikh orang dapat gaji tuh!
huhu pandai baby pilih tarikh.
Tp ntah lebih cepat or lebih lambat kua nanti Allah je yang tahu.

Masa 3rd checkup ni, kitorg buat keputusan balik semula ke klinik bangi sebab ING dah tak cover pregnancy checkup. sobs. Both clinic pon dah tak cover. So setelah discuss, kita pilih klinik biasa balik, nanti dah 7 bulan ke atas kita g balik damansara specialist kie. We both kena buat decision wisely for everythg now. hehe

Klinik biasa 2nd checkup include scan+ubat2 obimin+obical tuh je dah cecah RM170.
Kalo kat damansara specialist confirm nak dekat 400++ dah.
So takperla. simpan duit dulu buat masa skg. Nanti nak beranak, dah cecah ribu riban.

So during the checkup, Alhamdulillah dr kata condition smer ok.
and it's our first time see the baby really into human shape!
Allahuakbar. Perasaan sukar digambarkan. Rasa terharu nk nangis smer.

Perasaan muntah2 n loya masa first trimester tuh smer rasa dah takder je bila tgok baby dlm perot.
The baby really active. Bergerak and even lambai2 kat ayah dia. hehe taktaula lambai ke gerak tgn. but the Dr said baby lambai2 tangan. hehe.

Touching sangat tgok ok. Rasa miracle. I guess this is how all mommies/mommy to be feel for the first time rite?
Gender dr kata tgh develop lagi week 14 ni (time checkup tuh). So maybe Dr kata next checkup which is by end of this month dah leh tgok gender. wah cuaknyerh.

Husband wants baby girl. I dun mind any gender as long baby healthy. hehe.
If baby girl, boleh teman i shopping nanti bila dah besar.
If baby boy, boleh la jaga parents masa dah tua nanti.
Haha yerker? Tho i think nowadays, anak perempuan lebih boleh diharapkan banding anak laki. No offence.

Hello world~
Tak kisah la boy or girl, we both will luv u no matter wut.

Mlm pas checkup tgok cter twilight.
Excited tgok anak Bella yang comel.
haha harap baby secomel itu.
(Hurms sumhow my instinct said it's a girl)

Anyway, trimester 2 is great.
With no loya2 smerk.
Tp selera mkn dah kembali kepada normal spt sblom pregnant.
Takleh telan byk2 dah. Haha cpt kenyang.

Bagusla. Berat badan pon dah naik 8 kg.
Before pregnant is 48kg.
Now is 55kg. Gulp.
Dr said my weight still ok tak overweight.
Tp kalau ikot pengiraan betul2 sbnrnyerh mcm terlebih sikit je.
Nak wut cmner trimester 1 nyerh selera makan 2x ganda.
Trimester 2 ni harap normal la balik.
I cant imagine myself at 60kg.
How will i look like? huhu

Nway in trimester 2 ni, rasa badan ringan la senang ke sana kemari.
Buat kjr kat opis pon rasa efficient je.
Tapi cepat sakit belakang kat bawah sikit near vontot if duduk lama2.
Kena beli bantal ni.
If tido mlm2 pon sakit kawasan sama.
So selalu suh husband urutkan n sapu minyak skit.

hehe okie la tuh je update.
Enjoy ur weekend.
Jap g nak buat nasi lemak lalalala. malas nk kuar. masak aper ada je kt umh ni.
Ptg ni nk pickup husband kat KLIA~
Husband selalu g jakarta lately ni outstation je manjang.
Dah mcm rumah kedua dia plak. Mummy redha je la. huhu. sbb g nyerh kejap2. 4-5 hari.

Im at week 14~ :)


Baby expo at Midvel

So like other mummies/mommy to be, i went to midvel with husband tday.
We haven't bought anythg for babies yet before since everyone said it's too early.
But since this expo is only once every year, so we dun want to miss it too!

Before g midvel, g the curve luh sbb ada appointment ngn client buat website.
Ada plak byk booth jual baju maxi cantik2.
Suara nakal dalam hati kata better beli baju utk diri sendiri dulu b4 beli utk baby.
Dapat beli baju cantik. happpy yg tak happy nyerh tak muat la tang perut. Muat tapi tak selesa.
Lupaaaaa la perot dah besarrrr. sigh.
takper. simpan dulu. lepas beranak nti boleh muat. positif!
Yer i never had any prob beli baju on9 or kat luar b4 pregnant. huhuhu.
lepas pregnant, hanya skirt n dress je muat. dress pon byk da tak muat.
sayang tol nk beli baju baru. seluar takya ckpla.
nk beli seluar baru rasa cm bzir.

ok back to the expo thingy.
Parking kat midvel alhamdulillah senang. Maybe sbb opis husband pernah pindah 3 bulan kat midvel, so dia tau parking tersorok kat midvel garden bawah. So tak smpai 10 minit da dpt parking. Alhamdulillah.

Tho i make baby stuffs list, but i really blank how those things looks like.
I studied few stuffs tru mummy blogs b4 but i think it's kinda tough if i dun survey/look the baby stuffs on my own.

So sampai2 je tersengih sendiri. Sbb tak caya. hahaha betul ke ni betul ke ni.
Betul ke ni nak beli barang baby?

Dengan ramai orang nyerh.
Tapi tak plak aku merungut.
Sebab rasa mcm byk items and brands best.
Ada je yang menarik perhatian aku.
Samada sbb ni first time tgok barang baby properly or samada expo ni mmg best taktau la.

Our budget for this expo only RM300.
Since taknak beli any liquid stuffs and pampers yet.
Im still 4 months ++ pregnant.
and bcoz husband said so. haha.
but we do survey for baby cot, stroller, baby car seat, and breastpump medela yg fofular tuh.

Able to convince husband to buy basic clothes for baby, so kinda bought those stuffs first.
Especially dari Pureen yg RM5 sehelai. Dah rasa mcm kat daiso plak. haha
Byk amik baju lubang2.

So this is wut i bought.

bodysuit for 3 months - 6 helai
newborn bodysuits - 3 helai
newborn jumpsuit - 2 helai
newborn short sleeve - 2 helai
seluar panjang - 4 helai
sarung tgn and sarung kaki for newborn - 4 pack. sbb mcm murah. hahahaha amikla la 4. dlm 1 pack tuh pon ada 2 set eh? ntah.

Sebab byk beli barang kat pureen, dorg pon kasik cap bear merah tuh free. hehe. naseb color merah suka!

pastuh sajerh la beli legging/stocking panjang ni. baby kan takleh sejuk2 eh?

Ohs sbb baby taktau gender lagi, so beli la stuffs color general - orange, merah, putih, kelabu, hijau.
No blue please! kalau blue turqoise aku skerk la. kalau baby blue tuh eeee tak berkenan.
Yang tak dalam gambar barut baby, selimut baby, maternity pad and jus prune sedap hehe.

so mummies, ok ker basic ni luh for pakaian baby?
hehe i know byk lagi kena beli.
but since this is kind of first items beli, kira ok la kan?
Alhamdulillah able to spend within the budget.
ada any tips apa yg patot beli lagi?

nway berkenan ngn baby cot kat ekspo td.
Range price - 600-800 include bedding set+tilam. tilam pon nmpak tebal.
Nampak solid n warna putih. huhu.
tp tuhla tak sure. betul ke berbaloi.
So mlm ni nk survey sikit la on9 or mummy blogs baper harga korg beli smerk.
If rasa mcm lebih kurang je, sempat lagi pujuk husband g lagi sok. :p

For stroller lom lagi kot.
Rasa tak best plak td sbb ramai sgt orang. takleh feel sgt. smer pon nk pegang stroller. cmner.
rasa nk jalan2 luh tgok kat physical shop dulu.
plus christmas da nk dekat kan. sure ada end year sales. hehe hopefully.

td tgok medela swing breastpump tuh ada harga yg 660. ada yg 799 include 2 bottles+cooler bag.
tp rasa on9 lagi murah kalau rajen carik kan?
plus masih belum decide nk swing or freestyle?
hurm mommies want to give ur opinion tru ur experience?

setiap ari datang opis awal kol 8 belajar pasal breastpump, breastfeeding smer. Nampak nyerh kena g kelas ni hehehe. suka baca experience mummies yg sungguh2 pump susu tho g travel sana sini.

sbb i fikir kalau i pantang kat johor 2 minggu, if i buat stock susu, cmner nk bawak balik kl dlm 3-4 jam perjalanan tuh? huhu rupanyerh byk je caranyerh.

ok byk plak bebel.
Hope korg have fun gak g expo tadi. I do since like i said it's my first experience buy baby stuffs too~
hehehe siap husband pelik je tak bising pon ckp lapar kat ekspo padahal dah kol 4.30ptg  tak lunch lagi.
ohs mebi sbb dah breakfast nasi lemak awal2 pagi. hehe.

Ohs btw aku rasa senang la shopping trimester 2 ni. sbb perot pon ringan lagi.
hehe so aku ikot je tips buku pregnancy yg aku baca tuh ckp if nak beli barang baby, now (trimester 2) is the right time~
Mak aku siap sporting lagi tanyerh so tak beli stroller ke td? huhu


Week 8 - Week 11 Pregnancy

Promise nak update last weekend tp busy sangat plak.
Anyway meh sajer nk update pasal pregnancy lagi. Nanti next time pregnant, dah leh ingt aper yg berlaku especially trimester 1 ni.

Week 8-11

Jeng jeng jeng! haha sajer je nk kasi saspen. tp memang ni 4 weeks yang paling2 mencabar untuk aku.
Where to start?

- Remember week 7 i already start my nausea? Weekdays after dat bermulah episode muntah2 after work. First time i muntah kat diri sendiri dalam kereta otw balik rumah. Time tuh husband kat indon. outstation lagi. wahhh mencabar! lepas muntah kan mesti rasa weak2 gituh terpaksa la layan diri sorg2. nasib my sister tinggal ngn i. sumhow, takderla sedih sgt.
- n muntah2 tuh happen almost everyday after work around 6.30-7.30pm. Terpaksa la i cepat2 blah dari opis. selama ni berdedikasi sentiasa kjr lebih masa. but those 3 weeks, im the first who punch card n bergegas drive balik.
- when husband balik dari outstation, he has alot of work in da office, so he has to stayback sumtimes until 10pm, again, i have to be strong, drive to work n redah jam balik dengan keadaan morning sickness yg trok. tau2la skg musim hujan. tp alhamdulillah berjaya train diri dah. muntah tunggu smpai toilet kat rumah bukan dlm keter lagi.
- i read from the pregnancy book, 70% of women will have morning sickness. and if you have morning sickness, the percentage of your baby is healthy is high. Wallahualam hope thats true. As long baby is healthy, ill b strong for u.
- Week 10, timing muntah tuh dah sukati tukar. sumtimes kol 12 tghari dah muntah b4 waktu lunch.

Masuk angin
- Seriously masa awal week 7 until week 9 mmg teruk perot ni berangin sentiasa. Sapu minyak angin, minum teh halia, makan makanan ber-garlic, minum air suam, makan sentiasa semua ill try. But still berangin. Tahan jela. so bila kat opis, rasa perot berangin2 yg melampau tuh, i will turun bawah jalan2 sikit supaya tak rasa sgt. Tuh yang kadang2 senang muntah kot. But mmg i sentiasa isi perot.

- takla lapar sentiasa. cuma perot suka berbunyi2. padahal tak lapar. so nak taknak terpaksa telan gak paper walaupon baru je telan food. gituhla. BUT bila dah makan, takleh stop plak. haha sbb takleh bezakan dah lapar dgn kenyang. PARAH. haha so kena control. pandai2 stop. makan kenyang2 pon jap g nanti perot berbunyi lagi. so baik la mkn cm normal je.

tapi takderla selera mkn giler gabeng. takder megidam pelik2. takmo nyusahkan orang sekeliling.

Fast food
- ingat tak arituh takleh bau kfc pizza dan sebagainyerh. Masuk week 10, alhamdulillah dah ok dah leh mkn kfc takder masalah bau smer. huhuhu

Rasa Penat dan mengah
- Yes ni i admit especially waktu pagi. wahhh susahnyerh bukak mata. liatnyerh nk g kjr. serious mental kena kuat beb.
- balik kjr lagi pancit. kena baring dulu pastuh barula leh buat benda2 lain. mungkin sbb penat otak redah jam gak. saper tau jam kat phileo damansara cmne, sure leh feel me. hehe

Pantang bau badan busuk
- ni mmg potong. teros ilang selera makan especially bila lalu sebelah saper2 la yg berbau badan. taknak describe lebih2. sbb annti teringt teros pening haha.

Ohs masa husband kat indon, kebetulan kena balik bp, ada orang nak sewa baju kawin, sbb dah janji, so kuatkan gak mental drive sambil adik teman. takmo kasi adik drive sbb takot nanti aku lagi nausea. at least kalau drive, sng focus. balik ke bp,johor takder masalah but balik ke kl time tuh hujan lebat sepanjang perjalanan. wah mmg dugaan sangat2. menahan ngntuk, perasaan loya, perasaan perut berangin2, stop kat lebih kurang 3 r&r utk nap. huhu tak larat sgt. perjalanan nk dekat 4-5 jam sbb jam n hujan.

n can u imagine, this weekend i have to go back to batu pahat again, while struggle with morning sickness etc as husband outstation again.

takperla dugaan orang lain mungkin lebih berat. Allah takkan duga hamba nya dengan dugaan yang kita takkan mampu hadapi kan?

I didnt know that morning sickness can be really this sick. huhu im not complaining just that it's amazing transformation. B4 this, i thought those ppl with morning sickness must be gedik, mesti tak tahan penat n sakit ni. ahaha until i face it myself. n i understand better now y syurga di bawah tapak kaki ibu. of couse lepas kahwin, syurga kat husband pula. but still if ko dah kawin, dat doesnt mean tak perlu hormat ibu. Allah kasi cash je kat dunia dugaan mcm2 for ppl yg tak respect ibu. Besar sebenarnyerh pengorbanan ibu ni. Bukan je start masa baby tu lahir. but keperitan dia masa awal2 mengandung lagi. Ya Allah, semoga anak kami menjadi insan yang berguna, dan menghormati parents.

Im stronger each day with help and support from my HUSBAND and SISTER.
Alhamdulillah sangat2 this 2 ppl sangat la caring, understanding and tolerate dengan karenah aku yang mcm2.

dorg tolong kemas rumah.
tolong basuh baju.
adik tolong basuh pinggan.
adik aku tolong tapaukan makanan or teman tapau bila husband outstation.
husband masakkan dinner. buat breakfast etc. sangat bersyukur bab ni.
husband kadang2 gosok baju kjr sendiri.
husband hanta n amik dari kjr.
and byk lagi.

terima kasih sangat2 sbb memudahkan hari2 aku. jadi takderla stress sangat.
Alhamdulillah trimester 1 pon dah nk berakhir soon.

ohs btw masa time muntah2 yg terok tuh, time tuh kat opis. mmg tak larat sgt2. siap nangis kat opis. so colleague aku teman g klinik. klinik ni plak cm sengal sbb klinik biasa je. klinik aku checkup d bangi. hari bekerja tak larat la nk ke sana. so g la klinik biasa kat uptown ni. boleh dia ckp blood pressure aku rendah for pregnant woman. dia suh aku g klinik aku checkup immediately. adoi cuak ok. n time tuh husband tgh deal ngn kjr2 opis dia, meeting etc, susah utk dia lari jap dari opis teman aku ke bangi plak. sigh so dat time we have to decide fast either to continue checkup kat bangi or g klinik specialist kat KPJ Damansara since insyaallah nk beranak kat situ. sbb malasla nk ada 2 klinik utk checkup kan.

and at the end we went to klinik specialist kat KPJ Damansara.
ngn dr siva.
Kat sini boleh pakai medical card ING husband aku, so senangla tp since aku da pernah checkup kat klinik lain, kena dpt kan reference letter dari klinik tuh dulu. so masa pergi ni knr la byr sindrik. after this checkup insyaallah da takya byr pakai je medical card husband.

Harga dia wah dah rasa mcm celebrity pregnant g buat medical checkup plak. haha
Dr tuh pon bukan sebarangan dr. Nama dia Dato' Dr Siva. lagila wahh cuaknyerh. haha tp takperla since husband kata ok je. n dr tuh pon ok. byk info yang dia terangkan kat kitorg. my colleague yg suggest g jumpa dr tuh since he's a good gynae.

So scan la baby sekali. wah dah dengar heartbeat dah! time tuh baby dah 2cm kot. ngeh2.
Alhamdulillah dr kata sihat je semuanyerh, cuma biasalah body still nak adapt dgn baby yang makin nk besar, so sbb tuh muntah2.

Itula cternyerh those week 8-11.
Anyway, anyone experience beranak kat KPJ Damansara? Ok tak? share cter with me kie.
Doakan saya dan kandungan sihat smpai lahir kie~
nanti kita cter2 lagi kie~


Week 10-14 baby development video

im super love all videos in baby center page.
It's so pretty and details and i keep on smiling imagine the baby inside me growing like dat.
Since im in week 10 now, want to share with you all the video from the baby center:-

More nice videos can visit here.

About my pregnancy experience of week 8-10, insyaAllah akan ceritakan weekend ni.
Banyak tau cternyerh. hehe so tunggu kie.

Im Pregnant! :D

According to the ticker, im already in week 7 of my pregnancy.
How i feel about the whole thing?
Happy, excited and looking fw for next year!
InsyaAllah if semua dipermudahkan, due date will be by end of May. :)

When is the right time?
Hehe frankly speaking, we feel we are ready to have kids started from last fasting month after 8 months get married.
That time, we just feel, that we were ready to become parents and the challenge that we may face.

After married we kinda look for a place to settle down when we have kids and Alhamdulillah urusan membeli rumah dipermudahkan.
Alot of money and effort into that.

So after everythg settle, and my job kinda steady as well, tho im still busy at workplace, we feel that it's time to have baby as we are not that young anymore.

Sepatutnyerh rumah siap by october 2013 but bila fikir, i cant get pregnant in within a year? err too late. 
or takkan tengah buyut pastu sambil packing barang nk pindah? will be dangerous for my baby rite?
so fikir2 balik, nvm y dun we have baby first then we move to the new house.

so after period lambat, with the instinct im pregnant, check with the pregnancy test, yes im pregnant.
Alhamdulillah rasa cuak but happy after that.
Allah lebih tahu kan when is the right time for us?
The next day checked with doctor kat klinik bangi. Klinik al-huda. mcm ok dr tuh.
mungkin sbb dr pompuan n dia nmpak baik je explain mcm2 pasal pregnancy.
Also the same result. G klinik swasta je and maybe akan teros checkup kat situ if keadaan nyer ok.
Sebab nyerh mcm takder masa je nk check kat klinik government.
At least klinik swasta leh checkup on sunday.
But tautau la depends on next checkup cmner.

Any morning sickness?
Week 1 to Week 4
- Boleh dikatakan takder sickness langsung
- Craving for choco top sundae from MCD je
- That's y masa last time i gugur i tatau sbb badan i tak rasa pelik2.
- ohs but TAKLEH TAHAN bau rokok. rasa baru dia sangat kuat. bila husband baru pas smoking, mmg taknak dekat ngn dia sbb nk muntah
- suka gardening. haha takle blah. ntah naper tiba2. suka gila bila tgok pokok bunga.

Week 5 to 6
- migrain lepas terminum pepsi masa belum check pregnancy test. time minum tuh rasanye early week 5.
- pening lepas mkn coklat. terpaksa say bye to coklat for timester 1 ni.
- takleh tahan bau perfume yang kuat. so ckp ngn husband sembur sikit je perfume.
- start rasa nk mkn kerap bukan byk
- rasa emo2 bila things kat tmpt kjr or anythg tak berlaku spt expected. Cepat je emo
- bau husband adalah terapi minda. rasa tenang. so i always hug him whenever wherever. :p

Week 7 change DRASTICALLY 360 degree
- got car sickness when sit at passenger seat on the way from damansara to bangi. it was terrible nausea.
- bcause of the nausea i dun hav mood to really talk to anyone. sian my MIL. mesti pelik tgok aku senyap je.
- then at work, some of the colleagues ate KFC. got terrible nausea again but still have to finish work at the office. mencabar sgt. odw balik nangis dlm keter masa call husband. smpai umh, terus hug husband smbil nangis2 cter nausea sbb bau kfc kat opis td. husband gelak menenangkan saya. n he cooked that nite.
i cant even think about kfc, mcd or pizza. bau mintak dijauhkan. bcoz of that tak suka g shopping complex time skg ni. penpaham la shopping complex sure bau memacam kan lelagi bila lalu kawasan food. 
- perot masuk angin yang teruk padahal sentiasa isi perut selang sejam. minum air suam etc. so sentiasa knr urut perut. mlm2 n b4 g kjr kena sapu minyak angin.
- takder selera makan lately tp paksa telan sbb taknak perot masuk angin. but still boleh abeskan makanan. kelakar. sbb tak lapar. tp bila makan, habis je.
- SANGAT SUKA SAYUR and BUAH2AN. so not me. haha b4 pregnant husband selalu bising if i cook, sayur mcm main2 je i masak. So masa pregnant ni, baru i appreciate and tau sedapnyer rasa sayur.
maybe bcoz i tak berapa suka mknn berminyak skg so sayur n buah2an rasa sedap giler je.
- emosi mmg teruk if i tak control. cepat sangat nk melenting if certain thg tak kena. or ada orang try annoys me. ikot pesan mak by istigfar byk2 bila rasa marah n kurang senang tuh datang.

Thats all i guess. Takot bila pk aper yg akan berlaku week 8 n seterusnyerh. Sentiasa doa semoga dipermudahkan n kuat. Alhamdulillah setakat ni all the sickness tak menganggu tumpuan di tempat kerja. Belum lagi. Everyday dalam doa i doa semoga kuatkan i hadapi dugaan pregnant di tempat i mencari rezeki. Still i rasa loya2 tuh sikit, i akan turun bawah n jalan2 sikit g kedai tarik nafas sblom masuk opis balik.

Skg ni tuh je la caranyerh. I really hope trimester 1 cepat berakhir. Sebab i want my appetite back. 
Anyway i also drink anmum milk for pregnant women tu everyday sejak tau pregnant. Sedap je rasa dia. I suka. huhu
I harap perasaan suka makan buah, sayur n minum susu everyday ni berkekalan smpai abes pregnant.

Anyway this 2 books really help me to understand A-Z about pregnancy.

Nak beli buku lagi la pasni. Seronok baca benda2 ni.
I also rajin masuk blog mommies tho kadang2 pening byk sgt info.
So sehari satu blog je i akan baca. After this i will start to link the mommies blog at the sidebar kie.

Anyway, i ikot pesan my mom baca surah yusuf and mariam during pregnancy. :)

Okiela nanti bila2 will share again kie. 

Ni dinner td i buat. Mula2 takder apetite. Bila makan, abes. Licin je ok.
Baked dory. My husband's fav and my fav.
Alhamdulillah masih boleh memasak time pregnant tho not everyday. Ikot mood.

8 bulan...

Bukan 8 bulan mengandung...
haha 8 bulan kahwin..
by this 8 months, suami dah biasa dengan saya yang selalu mengigau malam2...

kadang2 dia layan..kdg2 dia malas nak layan..
tp arituh saya suh dia kalau saya berckp2 n nangis2 in sleep, just belai2 kepala saya, n tell me at my ears, "everything's gonna be okie"...
surprisingly he really do it, he tell me dat..

hehe tq hubby sebab sabar melayan isteri yang byk berckp sampai ke tidur.
n sabar melayan karenah saya 8 bulan ni.

ngeee sajer je nti saya cuba update lagi kie.

Elo future house~ hehe

Jap. Im so confuse with this Blogger new interface.
They change it rite?

Nway just nak share kegembiraan baru2 ni.
Actually it's still too early to share but since i hav so lil time this morning for my leisure time, y not?

Ok ingt tak post lepas cter how struggle to get the house loan approve?
Now consider done with Part 1 settle all the legal documentations n now nak withdraw money from kwsp account bersama. Hopefully can be done by next week.

Proses beli rumah ni penat sangat.
Setiap kali selesai 1 proses balik rumah sure mcm taknak buat aper2 nak tros to the bed.

We bought our house at Bandar Seri Putra, Bangi.
Why there?
1) Sbb rumah yg kitorg tgok tuh still reasonable dgn keluasan rumah and kualiti nyerh compare to the other houses.
2) Sbb dekat ngn rumah mother in law n umah akak i. If parents i nak dtg, dorg senang la nak berkunjung ke umah akak i n i. Takya travel jauh2 to Damansara. If parents i and family members datang tumpang tidur pon, more convenient to them insyaAllah.
3) Kitorg suka kawasan tuh. Rasa tak bandar sangat and tak kampung sangat. haha Tepuk dada tanyer selera. Rumah skrg sebelah one utama. So if orang tanyerh ee duduk kat sana nanti takder shopping complex boring. Duduk sebelah OU skrg ni pon takder plak g sana setiap ari. Kdg2 sminggu sekali. Lagipon bagus kan leh berjimat cermat. hehe jauh dari kawasan yg boleh habiskan duit. Ohs cuma kat situ akan ada pasar mlm 2x seminggu. Jadi mungkin duit byk melebur di situ. huhu

Bukan senang nak pilih rumah yg disukai. Sebenanrnyerh plan nak beli tahun depan, tp my friend keep on influence me to buy house this year sbb kata nyerh harga rumah skg melampau2 if tak beli skrg sure later lagi mahal.

Bila fikir balik, ok la y not since i want to work from home anytime soon, better i buy house now so that easier to deal with the banks in terms of when they check work stability, pay slips and etc2.

So bila tgok showroom rumah ni, omigod rasa this is the one. Husband feels the same way too. Rasa macam tenang. Rasa macam we will be happily ever after live here with our kids later. hihihihi.

InsyaAllah rumah ni akan siap bulan October tahun depan. So setahun ni mmg knr ikat perut n berjimat cermat utk persiapan mcm2 utk rumah ni. Any vacation plans pon under consideration je sbb priority adalah rumah dulu. huhu. Takperla bersusah payah skg bersenang kemudian kan. Barulah kita appreciate apa yg kita ada.

Anyway quick update about the new job. It's super great place. The company is small but the people there are super great and so helpful. Plus they are systematic and the bosses are super nice. What else can i ask for? The work is super pressure but i like the way they handle the stress. So tho we deal with stress job everyday, the surroundings make us happy.

Baru kjr aku da asik mintak 2x cuti sbb nk settle kan hal2 rumah ni. adoiyai malu tp nak buat cmner.
Nway dear our future house, husband and i has sacrifice alot for u huhu. Hope berbaloi pengorbanan kami. We work so hard, so much money and time put on u in order to make u ours.

Looking fw for great living there. hehe
For many more years husband n i will b together.
with the future kids. :)
and pretty house decorations perhaps.
and our rabbit can jump around at the house compound.
ngeeee cant wait! :)


Now lets talk about Lasagna~

Sorry dear readers lama tak update blog.
Bukan malas. Tapi saya ni jenis bila byk sgt benda dlm otak, susah nk blogging.
Now lets talk about food that i tried to make before.
Lepas kahwin, saya admit kepuasan memasak yg sedap melebihi dari kepuasan shopping.
If shopping baju cantik, rasa tak pernah cukup.
Tapi lepas try buat benda sedap, bila orang lain suka n happy, rasa semangat nak cuba buat benda lain plak.
Tapi bila gagal masak, pergh rasa geram je bila husband tak abeskan food yang dimasak. huhu normal kan? :p

Setakat ni saya memang bermasalah buat malay food betul2 kick mcm kat kedai.
Ada jer yang kurang. Adaaaa jer. haha
Soto ayam arituh satu2 nyerh yg betul2 sedap.

Yang lain2 tomyam ayam, ikan masak lemak cili padi masih tak sama cam kat kedai ataupon masakan ibu pon. *garu kepala.

Tapi western food yang saya cuba buat kebanyakannyer memang menjadi.
First try buat jadi and husband suka.
Mungkin depend on resipi saper yg kita tiru kot.
So blog yang saya list kan dlm ni jer yg akan saya ikot.
Huhu takmo google resipi yg belum tentu sedap lagi dah haha.

Ok arituh dah few time saya buat lasagna daging.
Pergh sedap. Sebab sedap, saya dah buat untuk husband tersayang, utk potluck di opis, untuk family mertua and family sendiri yang dtg ke rumah arituh.

Cara nak buat dia tak susah.
Lebih senang kalau ada mesin dadu bak kata kak uda.
Sebab nak potong2 sayur2 and bahan2 dia yang lama. Dekat sejam kot.
Husband kata takya membazir beli mesin dadu.
Tapi saya yg suffer lama diri kat dapur ni dia tak kisah pon. Sobs.
Kalau ada rakan baik kawen, mmg nak adiahkan mesin dadu nila mcm berguna jer.

Resipi tiru dari Jintan manis~
Here it is:-

6 keping pasta Lasagna (i pakat brand San Remo) Berapa keping sbrnyer depends on berapa besar bekas untuk buat Lasagna ni

Inti daging
3/4 cawan daging cincang
1 biji bawang putih (dicincang)
1/2 biji bawang besar ( dicincang dadu)
2 biji tomato ( potong dadu)
1/2 biji carrot ( potong dadu)
6 ketul cendawan ( potong dadu)
3 sudu besar tomato ketchup
2 sudu besar olive oil

Bahagian white source
1 cawan susu segar
1/4 cawan tepung gandum
1 sudu besar cheese powder
2 sudu besar butter
1 sudu kecil garam
sedikit lada sulah

Sedikit mix cheese atau mozarela cheese untuk ditabur atas setiap layer lasagna

sedikit hirisan daun pasley kering

1. Buat inti daging dulu, panaskan olive oil dan tumis bawang putih, bawang besar dan tomato ketchup, biar naik bau, baru masukkan daging cincang, kemudian masukkan carrot, cendawan dan tomato, masukkan juga setengah cawan air, sesuaikan rasa, masukkan sedikit garam, gula dan lada sulah biar mendidih dan agak kering. angkat dan sejukkan.

2. Buat White source
campurkan tepung gandum dengan sedikit air, bancuh hingga jadi pes, kemudian curahkan dalam periuk yang berisi susu segar tadi, masukkan lada sulah, butter dan garam, kacau higga pekat.

3. Sedia untuk melapis, ambil acuan petak, dan gliskan dengan marjerin, letakkan 2 keping lasagna tutup pemukaan dasar acuan, kemudian letakkan inti daging ,ratakan keselurahan acuan dan lapiskan dengan white source pula, tabur cheese dan ulang langkah ini sehingga semua nye habis, kiranya lapisan akan jadi 3 set lah, lapisan terakhir white source, tabur atas white source tu dengan cheese dan hirisan dry pasley. Bakar pada suhu 180 darjah selama 30 hingga 40 minit atau sehingga permukaan atas nye perang.

Sedap dimakan bersama brocolli and carrot yang dah direbus. 
Sos cili jangan lupa tau!

 Fresh from oven~

*Sorry gambar dari iphone tak terang dan tak teruja kan. Isk2 ni yg rasa nak beli camera canggih ni.

Selamat mencuba korang. Memang sebijik macam kat Delicious :p.
Bila buat ni husband selalu kata saya buat catuan lasagna.
Padahal mesti sedap kan sbb tuh sentiasa rasa tak cukup kan kan? :p

Setakat ni kalau ikot resipi Jintan Manis memang sentiasa menjadi. Suka!

Home Butt Workout: Tone & Shape For Beginners

Another interesting exercise from home

Nyummy Pancake

Husband is fussy eater because he has been spoiled raised with great homecook dish since small. :p
haha but it's ok i take that as big challenge to polish my cooking skills~

No wonder la his good friend told me before get married with him.
"rai ko tak takot ke kawen ngn alip?"
"naper lak?"
"mak alip pandai masak tau. nanti ko kena masak sedap2"
"maner ko tau mak alip pandai masak?"
"aku membesar ngn dia kot. setiap kali aku dtg mkn umh dia, confirm sedap"
"ala takperkot. takkan la dia cerewet sangat"

[lepas kawen, gulp]
[i asked him, to give me a year to polish my skills]
he said he will give me 20 years. cis

His comments are always so straight forward ok.
ALWAYS huhu.
If he add 2 times, means it's delicious. If he add some comments while eating, means it's not that bad but i have to improve abit. If he just eat 1 time, means it's NOT good enough - not up to his standard. If he don't  finish it at all, ahah u know la why. :(

Well he knows well if my mee goreng cukup bahan or not.
If my spaghetti macam rasa kat kedai or not.
Seriously it's tough to do western food at home because her mom cook western food very well.
Now i knew why i hardly saw him eat mash potato at KFC.
He said that mash potato by her mom is the best.
I tried before at his house during raya open house and herms it's TRUE.
Not only mash potato ok.
Almost all you name it. Her mom's bread pudding is unbelievable taste really good.
That day her mom did that and i was like so jakun ate them with so much expression.
While his other siblings ate them with no expression. Like they used with it already. sigh.

So about the pancake.
I tried 3 times before, follow receipe from Pink stilettos and Nani Rustam but it still not good enough for me. Maybe i didn't measure it rite not sure what went wrong.

But this time i feel i make it right.
It taste good and the portion is just nice for both of us. Sorang dapat 3 keping. :)
I took the receipe from Anjung Norry. Thank you for this resipi. Just nice sbb tak payah nk pk pasal gram.

Here is the receipe:-
1 cawan (130gm) tepung gandum
2 sudu kecil baking powder
2 sudu besar gula
1 biji telur dipukul ringan
1 cawan(240ml) susu (susu segar/susu sejat)
2 sudu besar mentega-dicairkan
*Additional Topping : chocolate chips

Dalam bekas besar, campurkan sekali tepung gandum, baking powder dan gula. Dalam bekas yang lainpukul telur, susu dan mentega dan telah dicairkan. Campuran campuran telur ke dalam campuran tepung perlahan-lahan dan kacau sebati. Pastikan jangan terlebih kacau supaya adunan tidak menjadi keras/liat.

Panaskan Non Stick Pan, bila Pan dah panas, perlahan sedikit api, kaupkan adunan tadi ke atas pan, jarak-jarakkan adunan supaya adunan tak melekat satu sama lain.
*Taburkan chocolate chips.

Terbalikkan pancake apabila gemlembung-gelembung buih keluar dibahagian atas pancake dan bahagian bawah sudah masak dan berwarna perang.
(Picture credit to Pink stilettos)

Yeah i tukar sikit tambah choc chip mcm pink stilettos and it's really delicious.

But maybe next time instead of susu segar i will use buttermilk nak make it fluffier.
But still this is good enough for breakfast.
Boleh dimakan begitu saja or with nutella or with honey.


This morning i ate it with nutella and pisang. hehe sedapppppp ok.

and husband didn't gave any comments while eating it this morning means it's delicious or he just being hungry and it's too early to comment over anythg? :p

8 Minute Abs Workout at Home

Jom kuruskan perut korang~ hehe

Makan2 for family in law

Nak kata housewarming - tak sangat la since housewarming normally for new house?
so i will just call it as makan2 untuk keluarga mertua.

So after discuss with husband, the menu for the lunch will be:-
- soto ayam
- sate ayam (yang ni beli of course)
- cream puff
- honeydew

Lepas tuh bermula la episode stuggle di dapur.

I didn't use any instant perencah soto.
So, i follow the receipes from here. Nyummy. You guys can try too~
Bahan Untuk Kuah Soto:-

  • 2 keping dada ayam, cuci, toskan dan perap dgn kunyit, garam dan halia 1/2 jam
  • 3 batang serai, dititik
  • 1 inci lengkuas, dititik
  • 2 camca besar rempah sup "ADABI"
  • 1 1/2 camca besar rempah kurma "ADABI"
  • 1 batang kayu manis*
  • 1 kuntum bunga lawang*
  • 5 kuntum bunga cengkih*
  • 3 biji buah pelaga*(*rempah tumis)
  • Bahan Kisar Halus:-
  • 1 labu bawang besar
  • 4 ulas bawang merah kecil
  • 3 biji bawang putih
  • 2 inci halia
  • 1 camca teh lada hitam biji
  • 4 biji buah keras
  • 1 inci kunyit hidup
Of course i tak ikot bulat2 ada yang i alter a bit.
Cara membuat kuahnya:-
  1. Dalam periuk, tuang 1/2 cawan minyak, masukkan rempah tumis dan goreng hingga harum, masukkan bahan kisar halus dan kacau goreng hingga terbit minyak. Masukkan rempah sup dan rempah kurma, tuang sedikit air dan kacau hingga rata. Masak guna api sederhana.
  2. Kemudian masukkan kaki ayam, serangka, serai dan lengkuas titik. Kacau hingga rata. Tuang air anggaran 3 - 4 liter. Masukkan 1 camca teh garam dan masak dgn api sederhana. Biar merenih 45 minit ke 1 jam. (Boleh tambah air jika kurang)
  3. Dada ayam yg diperap tadi, goreng hingga masak tapi jgn sampai garing. Angkat, toskan dan bila sejuk boleh lah dicarik halus. Ketepikan.
  4. Penyedian Soto:- Dalam mangkuk, masukkan nasi impit yg telah dipotong dan taugeh. Tuang kuah soto hingga 3/4 penuh. Bubuh kacang goreng, tauhu, begedel, soon, bawang goreng, daun sup/bawang dan akhir sekali lada kicap (jika suka).
  5. Untuk Lada Kicap:- Tumbuk cili padi dan bawang putih hingga lumat, masukkan kicap manis dan gaul rata.

From time to time, i will add alot of masak2 blog links at my right sidebar.

So perencah tuh semua i kali 4. since it's for 14 people. resipi tu utk 4 orang kan. so buatla lebih sikit.
Bolehla dorg bawak bekal balik ke kan. Better lebih dari tak cukup malu.
But still rasa dia lari. I guess it's really not easy to cook for 14 people. sigh.
So i tried to calm down. Teringat tips my mother in law tiba2, if buat sup kalau tak cukup masin, walaupon da tambah garam, try tambah kiub ayam. It's getting better.
Then i tambah kiub sup bonjot plak.
Then alter sikit2 here n there, tambah memacam.......

akhirnyerh kuah soto ku rasa dia marvellous!
Aku rasa la sbb aku mmg gila kan soto ayam. So saya tau soto tuh sedap atau tak.
Rasa cukup atau tak.

Lepas siap kuah soto dalam kol 10.30pagi, masa untuk menyediakan bahan2 dia plak.

Rahsia soto ayam yang sedap terletak pada bahan2 dia:-
1) kacang goreng - goreng jangan sampai hangit tau.
2) begedil kentang - penting sgt ni. I try tiru receipe from here. sumpah sedap sbb husband asik ckp sedap walaupon outcome rupa dia hodoh.
3) suhun goreng
4) daun sup
5) daun bawang
6) taugeh
7) ayam yang dicarik2
8) sambal kicap yang meletop - cara nak buat senang je, beli cili api, blend 25 biji dengan 4 biji bawang putih and gula dalam 1 sudu kecik.
9) bawang goreng rangup and sedap - lepas hiris bawang merah kecik tipis2, letak atas pinggan/dulang. biar kering dlm 30 minit. Pastuh gaul dengan tepung jagung (agak2). taburkan garam sikit kat minyak yang dipanaskan. Goreng dengan api yang sederhana panas. angkat. 

sorry if gambar tak menerujakan sbb amik lepas tetamu balik. huhu almaklumla siap masak 5 minit sebelum tetamu sampai. mmg tak smpat nak snap gambar sbb dah start busy layan tetamu.

sambal kicap wajib pedas tp sedap

Finally the magic soto ayam :p

Somebody eat this with kuah sate. grr spoil the soto magic je. anyone else do this?

trying hard to follow receipe do the cream puff

turns out it become macaroons! pfft haha
but rasa dia not bad la
because the kids love it. hehe

no matter wut, my guests seems to enjoy the food so much.
They even ate second round.

Im so happy!
Rasa 5 jam kat dapur sungguh berbaloi tgok makanan laku.
I even bungkuskan untuk dorg siap2.
Dah beli bekas transparent murah2 kat tesco siap2.

Cooking is my new obsession. :p


Dream working room

Since husband and i work in the same field as we do our freelance work together, we've been planning to make 1 room into working room.

Below are the closest pics that i we love.

Pics credit to Google and Ikea catalogue

I want to put sofa-bed in the bedroom so it can be transform to bed whenever my family members visit to sleepover.

It shouldn't cost so much rite?

I think i will need to invest on:-

  1. sofa-bed
  2. big working table - already have 1
  3. huge bookshelf
  4. carpet
  5. table lamp
  6. curtain/blinds

Hope will be able to achieve by this year. :) Barulah semangat nak buat kjr. :p


Bundle of Happiness

Chinese new year = more holidays = YEY!

  • balek kg - checked
  • lepak ngn bpians - checked
  • first time bawak husband jalan2 kat shopping malls in bp - checked 
  • short break and 1st swimming lesson with hubby at malacca - checked
  • tido cukup time cuti - checked
i loveeeeee public holidays especially when it falls after weekend like this weekend. Looks like husband and i fulfill our holidays with quality activities :p

Anyway last week, in the morning when i want to make breakfast, i saw this thing at the kitchen:-

 plastic bowl tiba2 tersangkut kat pemegang tingkap?

and kat atas pintu dapur ada bowl gak cmni? 

Time tuh bulu roma dah meremang.
Since kat rumah sewa dulu pernah kena kacau dengan hantu.
Tiba2 terpikir takkan hantu ikot kat rumah baru ni?
Sebab i dun put the bowl like that. Takkan husband nak letak cmtuh?

Tiba2 teringat cerita member cina kalau benda2 cmni happen, means yang kacau tuh hantu budak.

Bila husband turun untuk breakfast, i showed him and told him about my theory on 'hantu budak'.
Dengan muka tak bersalah dia kata "I la yang buat"
"Eh kenapa u buat cmtuh?"
"Sebab kalau perompak masuk, benda tuh jatuh, i dengar bunyi so sempat la nk bertindak"

adoiyai tros gelak mcm aper.
Lawak ok. hehe seriously i enjoy marriage life. :) 


How to organize your kitchen

Arini nak jadi Martha Steward on how to organize your kitchen. ecece
haha kasi can la sbb jadi suri rumah seminggu cuti MC kan?

1) Make recipe organizers for a week
- Benda ni sangat membantu untuk anda plan beli groceries as well as tak la kelam kabut tgok resipi masa balik kjr bergegas nak masak. Da lama nak buat bila cuti MC baru la berpeluang nak buat. Alhamdulillah. :D. Yaps boleh je beli satu buku di mana anda boleh tulis semua resipi letak dlm buku tuh. Tapi i rasa dats a bit hard to flip back each page rite? Cuba bayangkan if ada 1000 recipes? Camner nak buat? Receipi organizers ni i tampal kat fridge rumah. Senang nak tgok setiap kali nak masak.

1) For the bg - Beli kertas color tebal sikit ada jual kar popular belila color apa yang anda suka. I beli size A3.
2) For plastic transparent i ukur dulu and potong, bahagi kepada 8 bahagian, selotep kiri, kanan dan bawah sajer tapi atas tak payah selotep.
3) Boleh la guna colorful papers untuk receipes untuk lebih interesting and can differentiate the colors by type of receipes - chicken, fish and others. Tak soletop atas supaya senang nak kuar masuk ikot hari nak masak.
4) Ada 8 walaupon hanya 7 hari seminggu. Slot ke 8 i buat others - means if minggu tu i nk buat bread pudding or cakes or anythg senang. Also boleh buat resipi sayur kat others. Everyday i biasa masak 3 jenis benda - Main dish, sayur and telur biasanya. Sayur i selalu buat sayur goreng je. Sebab tu i tak letak resipi sgt sbb sayur senang hehe berbanding main dish. :p

Atas tak selotep supaya senang nak bawak kuar masuk jadi cmni. If nak lagi cantik, sila taip resipe and all wording pakai computer and print. Rumah i takder printer. Nak guna kat opis cm rasa dosa je. hehe plus i tengah cuti kan.

Bolehla potong paper kecik siap2 cmni letak ikot segment, bila2 free, google la resipi aper nak masak and tulis la atas paper2 ni. Letak box atas peti ais.

Sangat senang kan? So setiap friday nite boleh la discuss ngn husband nak makan aper. So weekend bolehla beli groceries sama2 setelah resipi apa nak masak untuk seminggu dah decide kan. I beli groceries hampir setiap weekend sbb sayur cepat layu. Sayur normally tahan seminggu je. Ayam boleh tahan lama sikit so takyah beli every weekend. Just topup mana yang da abes. :)

2) Peel off onions skin and store in the fridge
- Mak i, akak i, and MIL i semua nyerh suggest buat begini. hehe senang balik kjr tros masak. tahya susah2 nak kupas. Buat stock untuk 2 minggu tros. :) Bila i buat cmni senang. See bila MC sakit, and of course bila sakit, takleh buat kjr berat2 kan. SO lega la bila stock bawang smer byk lagi dlm fridge yg da kupas. So i masak simple2 je. Tak berat pon. Area i leceh untuk tapau food. So walaupon i tengah berpantang, i masak sbb bagi i lagi senang and berkhasiat. Husband kjr, saper nak tapaukan? So masak jer la yg senang2 - sup ikan, ikan masak kicap etc2.

Ohs yer, cili api pon i blend siap2 gak sbb cili api kan cepat layu if simpan lama2.

3) Food Labelling
- Yang ni I rasa dah ramai orang buat which i think sangat la practical. So bila husband tiba2 nak tolong masak untuk anda, dia tak susah2 mencari barangan dapur. Seperti semalam. Husband masak rilek je tanpa panggil i masuk dapur tanpa tanyer mana garam, bawang dan semua nyer. Sebab i dah label semua siap2 and letak kat tempat yang senang nak grab.

Sebelum buat food labelling, i pernah buat sambal ikan bilis and i terletak 2 sudu garam sbb i ingat tuh bekas gula. Sebab if sambal kan gula kena lebih. See bahaya kan? tak pepasal kena la redo balik smbal. sobs. So food labelling can avoid any kind of small incident in the kitchen.

 amik gambar senyap2 masa husband tengah masak

TADAA~ Husband masak nasi goreng sosej untuk makan malam.

If you havent start any of the above, start now because it makes your kitchen more organize and you able to save alot of time in the kitchen. :)

6 days MC

After married i notice few things about my body:-
1) I ate a lot of time but not eat alot. haha it's different thing ok. I still eat the same portion just that im easily get hungry in every 2 hours. So i always bring food to office - bread and chocs. Sebab waktu lapar i mmg pukul 11am and 4pm.
2) I notice i gain few kgs since cincin tunang tak muat da kat jari. Jariku kembang. Nasebla cincin risik beli longgar sikit so just nice dijariku.

Thats all.

Then my period normally it came 7 days late every month. Yeah my circle is not normal like the others. I have 35 days of circle. So this time around my period came a bit late about 9 days late. I thought if it 10 days late i will check with pregnancy test. When my period came, my worries went away.

Until last Sunday nite (8th Jan) somethg happened. So i checked with clinic n the doctor ask me to do some urine test and scan my stomach as well.

The good news is Im pregnant for almost 2 months.
The bad news is i got miscarriage.

So the doctor wrote refer letter to go to any private or government hospital.
I dunno how shud i feel dat time. I think im quite cool with it until that the doctor pushed me to go to the hospital immediately. I went to the clinic alone as husband got urgent thing in the office and i really dun mind at all. It's not that im really sick and all. Seriously it just feel like period pain. Actually the pain has gone just i still got the bleeding.

I tried to discuss with husband but i understand his situation that he cant accompany me to the hospital. You know at that kind of moment u just need him or ur parents and nobody else. Then the dr lagi bising bila i cakap nk buat esok pagi. She said; "awak takder family members lain ke? Awak kena buat arini gak. saya takot ada infection"

Okla so i just nodded and inside the car everyone call. Or did i call everyone? :p cant remember.
I suddenly cried because things happened a bit too fast and i have to digest it all within less than half an hour?
"I got pregnant + i got miscarriage/incomplete abortion + i have to go to hospital to scan and check if i need to clean it all or do i need to do the D&C + Husband cant accompany me due to urgent stuffs at work"

That's a bit hard to digest rite. But alhamdulillah after talked with husband and my mom, Allah bagi kekuatan pada diri i. Husband explain to her mom and asked her mom to accompany me to hospital. At first i segan sangat sbb u know with family members or husband u can totally b u, u can be cranky n all but of course with MIL i have to be strong and be cool with everythg rite? :)

Alhamudillah MIL and SIL i teman g An-nur, Bangi. Lama sangat tunggu kol 2ptg register and im the last one kol 4.30pm my turn. Dr kata takya D&C just biar benda tuh keluar naturally je sbb tak banyak dah yang tinggal. So dapat la i cuti 6 days. And i will have the follow up session next Monday. Time tuh dia akan scan lagi tengok betul tak semua dah keluar.

Doctor said time scan, dia kata rahim i semua smer strong. And the abortion is good actually sbb dia kata 50% benda tuh kurang nutrient/tak cukup kuat. And kemungkinan if i pregnant gak, mungkin anak i cacat. Actually im ok bila dengar tuh sbb i think dats quite normal kan? and i da tanyerh doctor dah, naper i gugur but dr said "when it happens it happens."

- ramai ckp i stress dgn kjr i, which is might true but i think i manage it all quite well. takder plak i berjaga mlm but kjr ofis plak yg byk. mebi dats 1 of the reason.
- food - i takder masak benda yg pedas mahupon yang tajam. For me, normal je.
- 100 plus and panadol bukan penyebab gugur. I asked the dr since i took 1 panadol masa time i rasa period pain tuh padahal bukan period pain it's the miscarriage nyerh pain. 100 plus i amik sbb i rasa lesu few days before.

Benda nak jadi kan. So susah nak ckp penyebab dia apa. Apapon i percaya ada hikmah di sebalik semua ni. InsyaAllah in future i akan lebih berhati2. If terasa period lambat sehari pon akan check. hehe.

and i love my 6 days MC leave. I really enjoy staying home. :)