After married i notice few things about my body:-
1) I ate a lot of time but not eat alot. haha it's different thing ok. I still eat the same portion just that im easily get hungry in every 2 hours. So i always bring food to office - bread and chocs. Sebab waktu lapar i mmg pukul 11am and 4pm.
2) I notice i gain few kgs since cincin tunang tak muat da kat jari. Jariku kembang. Nasebla cincin risik beli longgar sikit so just nice dijariku.
Thats all.
Then my period normally it came 7 days late every month. Yeah my circle is not normal like the others. I have 35 days of circle. So this time around my period came a bit late about 9 days late. I thought if it 10 days late i will check with pregnancy test. When my period came, my worries went away.
Until last Sunday nite (8th Jan) somethg happened. So i checked with clinic n the doctor ask me to do some urine test and scan my stomach as well.
The good news is Im pregnant for almost 2 months.
The bad news is i got miscarriage.
So the doctor wrote refer letter to go to any private or government hospital.
I dunno how shud i feel dat time. I think im quite cool with it until that the doctor pushed me to go to the hospital immediately. I went to the clinic alone as husband got urgent thing in the office and i really dun mind at all. It's not that im really sick and all. Seriously it just feel like period pain. Actually the pain has gone just i still got the bleeding.
I tried to discuss with husband but i understand his situation that he cant accompany me to the hospital. You know at that kind of moment u just need him or ur parents and nobody else. Then the dr lagi bising bila i cakap nk buat esok pagi. She said; "awak takder family members lain ke? Awak kena buat arini gak. saya takot ada infection"
Okla so i just nodded and inside the car everyone call. Or did i call everyone? :p cant remember.
I suddenly cried because things happened a bit too fast and i have to digest it all within less than half an hour?
"I got pregnant + i got miscarriage/incomplete abortion + i have to go to hospital to scan and check if i need to clean it all or do i need to do the D&C + Husband cant accompany me due to urgent stuffs at work"
That's a bit hard to digest rite. But alhamdulillah after talked with husband and my mom, Allah bagi kekuatan pada diri i. Husband explain to her mom and asked her mom to accompany me to hospital. At first i segan sangat sbb u know with family members or husband u can totally b u, u can be cranky n all but of course with MIL i have to be strong and be cool with everythg rite? :)
Alhamudillah MIL and SIL i teman g An-nur, Bangi. Lama sangat tunggu kol 2ptg register and im the last one kol 4.30pm my turn. Dr kata takya D&C just biar benda tuh keluar naturally je sbb tak banyak dah yang tinggal. So dapat la i cuti 6 days. And i will have the follow up session next Monday. Time tuh dia akan scan lagi tengok betul tak semua dah keluar.
Doctor said time scan, dia kata rahim i semua smer strong. And the abortion is good actually sbb dia kata 50% benda tuh kurang nutrient/tak cukup kuat. And kemungkinan if i pregnant gak, mungkin anak i cacat. Actually im ok bila dengar tuh sbb i think dats quite normal kan? and i da tanyerh doctor dah, naper i gugur but dr said "when it happens it happens."
- ramai ckp i stress dgn kjr i, which is might true but i think i manage it all quite well. takder plak i berjaga mlm but kjr ofis plak yg byk. mebi dats 1 of the reason.
- food - i takder masak benda yg pedas mahupon yang tajam. For me, normal je.
- 100 plus and panadol bukan penyebab gugur. I asked the dr since i took 1 panadol masa time i rasa period pain tuh padahal bukan period pain it's the miscarriage nyerh pain. 100 plus i amik sbb i rasa lesu few days before.
Benda nak jadi kan. So susah nak ckp penyebab dia apa. Apapon i percaya ada hikmah di sebalik semua ni. InsyaAllah in future i akan lebih berhati2. If terasa period lambat sehari pon akan check. hehe.
and i love my 6 days MC leave. I really enjoy staying home. :)
4 days ago
oh Rai. speechless... just b strong dear. Its okay. still awal lg.u hv plenty of time :) ade hikmah di sebalik semua yg terjadi.. take care Rai..
so sorry to hear that rai. anyway, things happen for GOOD reasons. Allah knows better when is the best for you and your husband. yg penting get plenty of rest! tak nak stress dah okey :)
take care rai :)
sorry to hear this but I can see that you are coping well :) i am extending an imaginary bear hugs to you. take care!
Allah.. sorry for your lost, Rai :( kita doakan awak cpt sembuh & apa yang hilang ni Allah ganti dengan sesuatu yg lebih baik, ameen. Take care!
oh raiiiiii..sad to hear but things happened mesti ade hikmahnye..take care, enjoy ur mc..tunggu rezeki itu datang lagi k..
rai!terkejut gile ok. aritu yg ko post kat fb pasal MC 6 hari jer aku da mcm pelik...manede org demam biase MC 6 hari. Nway.. i always believe u r a very strong woman. Take care. InsyaAllah u'll always be in Allah's guidance.
Tq all~ Really really appreciate all your words. :)
Kuatkan semangat! Mungkin bukan rezeki Rai lg. TAke care Dear.
Akmar: Tq dear~:)
Rai, just read ur entry. Dont worry ada rezeki lain kali. I pernah experienced bnda yg sama only that i don't have any pain. Sepatutnya g clinic nk scan time 11weeks, tapi doc tak nampak apa2 and bg i ref letter g spital putrajaya. Spttnya buat D&C tapi masa night before nk masuk OT, that things keluar naturally. Doc ckp mmg i dr awal tak jadi. Alhamdulillah now dah pregnant balik da lepas 3 bulan dr miscarriage. U pantang tak?
Asz: tq dear. i pantang tp pantang 2 weeks je ok la tuh kan dari takder. hehe insyaallah lambat laun ada la rezeki utk i.
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