
Bye2 2015

Im 25 weeks pregnant.
That means 5 bulan pregnant ye? Ke 6? Pfft yang pasti EDD i 12 april hehe.
Kalau bulan 5 kan senang boleh buat besday umar skali.
Tapi dah pk, nanti nak buat akikah baby 2nd ngn besday umar serentak.

Nak beranak kat mana pon tak pk lagi.
Time umar beranak kat tropicana hospital tp sbb jahitan tu amik masa 6 hari utk recover plus nurse kk check kata jahitan tu tak betul aku seriauuu taknak beranak situ dah. Padahal experience beranak situ sangat la ok. Doc n nurse n ward semua ok.
It's ok masih ada masa fikir.

Btw for umar, makin active n bijak.
Naseb la aku amik Shaklee skrg, kalau tak sure umar n rumah tak terurus wey.
Hahaha memang tenaga yg byk diperlukan untuk handle kedua2 nye.
Siapa nak amik set shaklee boleh la contact i kie. Whatsapp 0123318084. Serius lain sgt time pregnant umar dulu malam2 selalu cramp kaki and backpain. Now no more. Penat bila malam tu biasa la. Tp bangun tido pagi biasanye dah recover.
Yerla jd housewife bukan sng, nak masak, nak kemas rumah n nak handle umar, fuhhh.
Sesambil buat on9 business.
Minggu depan sempena tahun baru nak start potty train umar.
Semoga dikuatkan semangat.

Last weekend cuti kitorg picnic kat morib je. Aku tak pernah g pon. Aku da fikir mesti tempat tu cramp mcm teluk kemang port dickson kotor n ramai org. Hahaha tak pon! So muchhhh better. Bersih la jugak time aku pergi tu and tak ramai org.
Yang paling penting pantai dia bersih. Umar berlari sepuas2 hati kat situ.
Terasa nak pergi lagi esok. Cuma tengokla rajin or tak je.
Ni pon kuatkan semangat bangun awal pagi. Siapkan bekal nasi lemak. Gerak dalam kol 7.30 pagi.
Sampai sana dlm kol 8.30pagi cmtu. Just nice le.
Siap mandikan umar kat tandas awam lepas tu.
Aku suka la kesimpulannye.
Kalau ada rezeki insyaallah before beranak harap dapat la bercuti betul2 tepi pantai lama2 sikit.

Laut tengah surut so jauh gak la laut so umar main lopak air je. Hehe elok la kan.

Siap taknak balik padahal da comot 1 badan haha

Lepas mandikan umar kat toilet kat situ, bawak dia main kite plak. Bukan main happy.
Balik teros pengsan.

Aku tak balik kampung masa cuti ni sbb penat nye nak harung jamm. Walaupon rindu sgt kat mak abah. Sigh.

Okla untuk 2016 nanti, aku harap:-
1) on9 business semakin berjaya
2) diberi kesihatan baik
3) berjaya homeschool umar utk setahun
4) organize rumah dengan lebih cantik dan tersusun
5) bykkan memberi/ bwk parents g holiday
6) bykkan saving
7) perhaps umrah ujung tahun who knows kan?

Tu je kot hehe 
Btw aku bersyukur sgt set akikah aku jual tru @shortalesbunny and @shortalesbunny_kids sgt menggalakkan. Alhamdulillah.

Alhamdulillah for the supports.

Bye 2015~ you've been great despite all the challenges.


Batuk kering

Last weekend we ate sate after visited SIL who just gave birth at kajang hospital.
Since pergi sekali keter ngn FIL we all ikot je la dorg nye plan.
Aku pon da lapar n umar lagi ler.
Lucky i always bring umar nye bekal ke mana2 sbb tempat sate tu takde nasi and all.
Pheww, walaupon i bwk nasi and egg je tapi boleh la untuk isi perut umar dinner mlm tu.
Cuma budak ni terlebih hyper main ngn cousin dia kat hospital, im pretty sure he would be really hungry plus we ate quite late at 9.30pm like that.

End up the next day i got sore throat.
Masa pregnant ni aku senang alah makanan pedas or berempah la. Sabo je la.
Mmg takleh sebarangan makan.
Tp masih rajin berjalan di big bad wolf esok nye haha ada rezeki sikit beli la buku untuk umar.
Alang2 otw balik bangi ke damansara singgah la kejap kan. Rugila if tak singgah.
Mmg pergi kids session je and tapis buku ikot budget n tros bayar.
But really love to go there again next time.
Maybe our timing was great, not really crowded with people, umar pon sgt behave dok je dlm stroller makan roti with daddy dia, senang tol kjr pemilihan buku.
Sejam je pon i pilih but satisfied with my purchase.
My sister pon da belikan byk buku cter utk umar so i choose more on activity books plus saw his fav cartoon book 'peppa pig' story book and belikan.
N buku peppa pig tu jd fav umar tetiap ari nak baca buku tu jerrrr buku yang lain2 taknak baca pfft.
Tp aku pon suka buku peppa pig tuh.
Haha not only we already familiar with the characters tp illustration and popup2 nye pon cantik.
Berbaloi la rm15 for that kind of book.
Korg kalau nak anak terer speaking london boleh la suh tgok kartun peppa pig tu.
Not only the msg is good, the dialogues are easy to understand by childrens too.

Pastu smpai rumah ioll dah rasa lain mcm.
Batuk non stop.
Sambung la ke isnin n selasa.
I kumur asam jawa tu mmg works hilang sakit tekak tp boleh plak kelmarin aku kena batuk kering.
First time aku rasa aku knr cmtu.
Non stop batuk. Tekak rasa gatal gila. N takle makan ubat batuk sbb pregnant. Pfft.
So aku pon pantang la 2 hari tak makan berminyak, tak pedas n tak minum coffee.
Minum byk kali tea lemon n ginger wih honey really legakan my throat.
N for tday i feel so much better tp tunggu sok n lusa la hope recover sepenuhnya.

Now my mom pon tgh batuk.
I cannot imagine cmne my mom handle.
I batuk kering sehari pon rasa stress lagila my mom yg selalu amik masa sebulan utk recover.
Sian kan. I pray for my mom's recovery.


Sayang umar...

Semalam umar demam.
Seperti biasa bila umar demam mak pak nye yg lebih.
Bangun pagi semalam je ada objek panas merengek2 sebelah aku.
Argh sudah. Kol 8 pagi aku check demam dia dalam 38.8 deg.
So aku kasi ubat demam. Lama tol umar tido smpai kol 10 pagi.
Aku kejut n suap breakfast.
Naseb masih berselera.

Pas mandi dia sambung tido. Skip lunch.
Petang dia bgun ckp nak makan. Lega.
So aku kasi makan nasi habis.
Tapi kena gak g klinik sbb umar batuk n kebetulan ubat batuk dia da abes.
Dalam penat layan umar demam, suap makan buat kerja2 rumah, time to cook dinner.
Aku masak cepat2 tp sedap haha sbb aku tau confirm husband aku balik awal sbb da btau nak g klinik kan.
Alip kalau smpai rumah memang cepat je lapar nak dinner.
Aku buat nasi goreng sempoi and ayam masak paprik je.
End up aku yg tak sempat makan sbb rushing mandikan umar, solat n g klinik.
Doc ckp umar ada viral fever. Sbb tingggi gak demam umar, kena la cucuk ubat kat bontot.

Tapi aku kagum.
Sbb umar dah besar haha.
Dulu masuk bilik doc je da nanges.
Ni tak nangis pon. Doc suh bukak mulut pon dia ikot je dgr.
Ohs lagi 1 aku perasan dulu kat rumah FIL aku, dia takot ngn ayah mertua aku. Skg dah ok siap pimpin tangan.
Dulu aku kena berada dekat ngn umar kalau dia nak kemana2 main ngn cousin dia skg takya.
Tak heran dah aku.
Malah pandai plak tu bawak diri.
Masa doa selamat last weekend, tgh baca yassin, aku dgr suara dia gelak paling kuat masa main ngn cousin2 dia.
Ntah apa bende ye yg kelakar.
Sbb umar duduk rumah je ngn aku.
Risau la dia pasif mcm aku masa aku kecik2 dulu aku sgt pasif.
Maybe sbb aku byk bwk dia beriadah petang2 main ngn neighbours dari kecik so dia boleh la bersosial. 

Btw sambung cter umar demam.
Balik rumah malam smlm, umar teros tetido skip dinner.
Tapi aku kejutkan dia jugak untuk minum susu.
Kol 3 pagi dia terbgun mintak nasi huwaaa mmg takla aku nak trun dapur 3 pagi.
Naseb dia tido balik.
Tp kol 7 pagi terbgun mintak roti. Ok yg tu xde hal hehe.
Lepas breakfast, bwk dia naik basikal keliling taman, main kucing neighbour, aku plak yg ngntuk gilers.
Aku suh umar tgok kartun kat tv aku tros auto tetido.
15 minit je pon aku terlelap.
Aku bukak mata tgok umar pon tetido kat kaki aku.
Haha ok la tu.
Boleh la aku settle kan kjr paper yg patot.

Lama gak la dia tido nak dekat kol 11.30 pagi baru bgun balik.
Pastu berpeloh la aku nak suh dia nap petang plak sbb dia dah ter nap pagi lama.
Naseb berjaya dengan aku sekali ter nap ptg haha.
Penat hoi jaga budak sakit, uruskan rumahtangga, uruskan on9 business.
Tapi aku bersyukur sbb dapat la gak nap ptg bila penat sgt. Syukur hoiiii dulu x dpt nikmat cmtu.

Pastu confirm da tak demam sbb dia da start membebel nonstop sambil make a mess in every corner of the house. Batuk je sikit.
Well, we prefer the chatty umar than the sick umar sbb the sick umar sgt kasihan tido melepek je.
Pastu dia asik ckp gigi sakit.
Aku check takde lubang mahupon makanan terselit pon.
Aku syak dia demam ni sbb ada gigi geraham nak tumbuh ni.

Alhamdulillah umar da baik demam. Okla gotta sleep now. Another day tomorrow~ 


Tentang Shaklee dan pregnancy

Alhamdulillah dah 7 hari consume Shaklee.
Hari ke 6 baru nampak effect dia.
Hari ke 5 aku kena tawaf ou old wing n new wing. Malam knr keluar lagi tawaf the curve cari urgent stuff haha.
Yang kat ou tu dahla aku n umar je, pastu tak bwk stroller. Bygkan.
Balik mmg penat giler. Malam tu pengsan tido.
Naseb umar dah tak bangun tengah malam lagi mintak susu. Lega. Dia bangun pagi2 je mintak susu.
So i got straight 7 hours sleep.

On the 6th day, i able to wake up without feel tired.
AMAZING. Never happen to me before dah penat jalan mcm apa a day before the next day penuh tenaga.
But my fault because i feel so energetic, i end up do all the housechores in the morning - lipat kain, sidai kain, vacuum rumah and basuh toilet. All that in the morning.
End up petang start da sakit kaki. Hahaha so sila jangan lupa diri ye.
Berpada2 la buat kjr tu ikot kemampuan diri. 

Setelah 7 hari consume Shaklee, i started to know and undertand that it is important to take the Shaklee supplements at the right time so that you will get the energy you needed at the right time too.

Kenapa masa mengandung perlukan Supplements tambahan?
Nutrisi lengkap untuk mommy and baby. Masa pregnantkan umar dulu, i just consume Salindah. Hasil dia memang dapat anak yang bijak and aktif dan hensem iaitu umar daniel (mampuih angkat bakul) tapi i suffer at trimester 2 and 3 with leg cramps and backpain. I dont know how but i just able to go tru the pregnancy. Maybe sebab i jarang masak time tu sbb i kjr. Balik kjr kitorg tros makan kat luar. 

Pregnant kali ni, yes i suffer from backpain and leg cramps again at trimester 2. Husband pon penat dengar i ckp cramp2 malam2. Tapi this time around, i cant afford to be sick like that. I have to cook everyday, i have to do housechores, i have to take care of umar and at the same time tak mengabaikan tanggungjawab sebagai isteri. Oh wait, i have to handle my online businesses too! At this time, i knew my body lack of nutrition and i need supplements ASAP. Sebab masa berpantang umar amik shaklee and it really works on my body that time, so this time around, i try shaklee again untuk Set lengkap Kehamilan Shaklee. Harga memang mahal sikit tapi insyaallah berbaloi sbb tahan few months.

Ni semua manfaat Supplements shaklee yang diambil untuk set pregnancy shaklee

Trust me ambil ubat doctor kasi tu tak cukup. Kalau korang try to eat balance food everyday pon boleh ke korg terkejar makan buah, minum susu, makan balance protein + carbo + zat besi + etc everyday. Alhamdulillah if korg berjaya. I think untuk yang terkejar2 masa and tahu takkan dapat nutrisi lengkap everyday boleh la cuba set shaklee ni. Sbb terbukti memang works. 

Remember prevention is better than cure. Jangan dah jatuh sakit baru nak cari supplements. Jangan kena bed rest baru cari supplements. Kalau dah rasa body lain macam tu cepat2 la consume supplements. Kena berusaha and invest sikit untuk yang terbaik pada diri dan keluarga. Kalau diri sendiri sihat, baru la boleh jaga keluarga kan?

I promote bukan sbb i baru nak jual. N i tak jual benda i rasa tak works for me. Kalau nak ikotkan dari dulu lagi i patot jual shaklee tp biasa la i mcm uolls dah masuk 30-an, badan da rasa lesu time pregnant baru serabut nak beli shaklee balik. Haha better late than never. Lepas ni insyaallah i akan berterusan ambil shaklee.

Kalau rasa nak beli set shaklee pregnancy and set shaklee untuk masa confinement boleh whatsapp i kie kat 0123318084. Insyaallah i bagi harga terbaik sbb akhir tahun ni memang dorg kasi diskaun kaw2.

Shaker tu untuk guna masa ambil esp pagi2.

Kalau nak creative lagi boleh la buat resepi air macam ni. Nyums!

I will consult you when is the right time to consume shaklee. Sbb aku dah try pagi, ptg n malam. So nak tau waktu mana yang paling berkesan, boleh la whatsapp i kie.

Life updates

Lot of things happened pass this 1 week. Let me recap few that i can remember.

1. 2 parcel customers tertukar. Glad that finally both of them got their items back! Pheww

2. Umar terkunci kan aku kat belakang rumah masa aku nak angkat kain. He didnt use key. He just use chopstic. So korang boleh imagine tak betapa cerdik and lasak nye umar sekarang. Btw i able to guide him to take the key but i think he was too nervous he was not be able to take the key properly. It was hang on a high area. But good job umar. He just 2 years plus yet he can listen to my instruction properly. To pull a stool and climb on the stool definitely need a courage. He never climb on that stool before. I kinda afraid he might fall down but lucky ntg happen. He tried few time using other thgs but his height is not enough for him to reach the key. So i whatsapp my husband and he rushed back 1 hour later. Funny part was when he was tired tried everythg, he lie down on the carpet continue watching his disney junior on tv and forgot about me for about 15 mins. I was so tired giving instruction to him too so i just sit down on the floor outside browsing ig and fb hahaha. It was definitely memorable moment for us. Both neighbours asked for what happened try to help but i told them nvm my husband was rushing home. I kinda sure the topics for their dinner was "you know what our neighbour got locked outside the house by her son..."

3. Aku terlanggar anak kucing jiran semalam. Tp still hidup kaki depan je patah. I was so sad i hardly sleep yesterday and i keep cry all day. But a long sleep make me feel better. They send the poor kitten to the hospital and cost them 2k. Hurms. But they didnt blame me. I already check under the car no kittens when i reverse the car. I kinda sure the kitten suddenly appear from somewhere. The sad thg is it's umar's fav kitten. Paling manja ngn aku n umar.

Pastu baca quote ct lagi buat aku kuat. Allah takkan duga kita dengan dugaan yang kita tak mampu hadapi. Somethg like that.

At the same time im happy that my akikah set / newborn set sangatla macam pisang goreng panas. Alhamdulillah sgt2 skg tgh restock items and now tinggal few more je ready stocks.

Visit @shortalesbunny or @shortalesbunny_kids

Visit @shortalesbunny or @shortalesbunny_kids

Visit @shortalesbunny or @shortalesbunny_kids

Some of customer feedbacks.

Some of customer feedbacks.

Okla gotta need to sleep now. Tomorrow im gonna start my day with shaklee. Will share the experience later samada cramp malam2 ni hilang ke tak lepas ni. N adakah tenaga aku cukup utk handle umar yang active nyeeee + doing housechores + on9 businesses.