Are you starting your own business or already have one?

Clap2 if you plan to or already have your own business.
Sebab 9/10 rezeki datang dari perniagaan.

We just launch Ecommerce OpenCart themes at only RM300!
Super cheap ok!

Our price include maintenance free sebulan.
At the same time kitorg akan guide mcamana nak guna template ni dari A-Z.

Tak terer photoshop nak edit gambar?
Tak perlu photoshop pon nak pakai ecommerce template ni!
Korang amik je gambar product korg pastuh upload. insyaallah cantik.
Kalau boleh pakai la background putih kasi cantik sket. Cuba masuk poplook or fashionvalet.
Tengok cmne dorg amik gambar. Senang kan.

Macam mana nak letak image kat slideshow?
Tak reti nak edit cantik2?
We only charge for additional RM50 for the set of 4 images of slideshow.
Nanti dapatla korg image cantik2 mcm kat front page fashionvalet or poplook tuh.
Janji korg send gambar product korg and details.

Backend template ni pon senang nak guna and upload gambar.
Thats why kitorg pakai opencart.

Takder company/business logo n tak reti macam mana nak buat logo?
We do it for FREE if you buy this theme with us. :)

Tak tau nak buat business apa?
Baju budak2, baju perempuan ala2 korea tuh, casing handphones, TUDUNG dan sebagainyerh. Banyak sebenarnyerh.
Pergi je Kenanga mall tuh and borong.
Sediakan modal sikit je la. :)

Tapi janganla bergantung harap pada eCommerce website ni je semata2 untuk jual product anda.
Walaupon opencart theme kami sangat search engine friendly, tapi social media tak boleh diabaikan.
Rajin2 la promote kat facebook dan instagram juga.
Even big brand do that. :)

Tak payah byk cakap.
Masuk sini.
Pilih yang mana berkenan di hati kie. Tekan je BUY/ GET THEME tu.
or if nak tanyerh kitorg macam2 dulu before beli pon boleh.
Just pergi sini.


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