
Pregnancy update and umar

Saje la nak cter pasal kelmarin dan smlm.
Aku da masuk week 12 pregnant ni dah hujung2 trimester 1 patotnye da kurang la night sickness nye tp makin terok plak hujung2 ni.
Kali ni seawal kol 4 ptg aku da takde perasaan nak telan makanan + xle bau bebukan.
Pukul 9 malam waktu kritikal time tu la aku muntah. Pfft.
Dah 2 minggu aku x dinner just makan light2 before 8pm macam buah or biskut kering.
Tu pon aku muntah kan. LOL.
Aku harap minggu depan or next 2 weeks aku dah leh jadi normal.
Sian laki aku, balik kjr, aku mmg takle nak layan dia sgt.
Nak ajak borak pon aku tak larat. Lembik and nak baring je.
Layan umar main pon sambil baring.
Umar memang aku kasi dinner b4 7.30pm dia da habis makan.
By 6pm aku da siap mandikan dia.
Dia pon nap ptg awal skg. 12.30tghari dah nap. Kol 2.30ptg da bgun. Haha penat kat aku la tp takpela bila malam mmg kitorg tido awal kol 10mlm da pengsan.
Dinner husband pon gigih sempat aku siapkan dlm keadaan lembik2 tu.
Ntg fancy pon. Tp insyaallah kenyangla utk husband ku makan.

Btw umar allergic with cushion cover kat rumah aku kot. 
Smlm dia selsema tahap cranky pepagi. Grr stress aku.
Pastu nyesal sbb termara umar bila dia tido ptg sayu je tgok umar.
Sorry umar.
Yerla bila anak sakit mak nye pon penat ok. Aku cuma mampu kemas umah and masak je smlm.
Tak touch pon on9 business aku smlm sbb aku penat.
Pastu ptg dia da hyper walaupon hidung dia tersumbat.
Malam tu dia susah nak tido. Tido dlm keadan hokhekhokhek nangis. Sian tol.
Aku pon sengal tak clean kan nose dia padahal ada je nose spray tu mmg boleh bersihkan hidung anak waktu selsema. Yerla mlm td aku lepas muntah rasa selfish nak tido je xnk pk apa.
Pastu laki aku terbgun nak cari spray tu tak tahan sian kat umar.
Lepas spray hidung dia, umar mintak susu, teros dia tido lena smpai pagi.
Barula anak happy, mak pon happy dpt tido ye.

Pagi ni dia bgun awal, alhamdulillah getting better.
Still selsema tp tak terok mcm smlm.
Aku kasi ubat flu and spray lagi hidung dia kasi clear.
Pagi td aku da settle lipat baju yg hampir 12kg LOL.
Now umar tgh nap baru la ada masa sikit nak ngadap on9 businessku.
Beginila cter housewife. Sakit pon kena ngadap gak semuanya.
Tp still bersyukur masih kuat masa day time boleh la buat macam2.
Allah duga sikit je waktu malam cmtu.
Okla nti kita cter2 lg.

Budak selsema tgh nap time ni la mummy dia jd lipas kudung mcm2 nak buat.


Raya haji, balik kampung dan balik dari kampung

Haha sebab selalu bz, maka biarla aku update sekaligus ye. 

Raya haji
Tahun ni, turn beraya haji di bangi. 
Of course suasana berbeza tanpa mama tahun ni. However life goes on.
So aku, akak ipar aku n biras da plan awal2 nak masak apa.
Biras aku exceptional la sbb dia da sarat. 7 bulan pregnant tp still dia bawak dessert pavlova hehe.
Akak ipar aku kata nak buat ketupat pulut and rendang ayam.
So aku pon plan buat daging kari, nasi impit, kuah lodeh and sambal udang. Pastu kitorg beli kuah kacang sbg tambahan.
Baru la raya ku complete. Sbb aku bukan boleh makan pulut sgt. Setakat setoet rasa2 tu boleh la. Biasala tekak berbeza.
Macam lodehku tak berapa laku kt bangi padahal sedap giloks cuma aku tak la potong segala sayur perfect mcm mak aku potong haha. Gilo berapa jam aku kat dapur kang. Janji presentable and rasa perfect. Gituu.

Preparation buat lodeh

Nyums! Alhamdulillah happy perot aku haha

Kalau kat johor confirm lodehku laku huhu. Tapi tak kisahla yg pasti aku bersyukur sbb kegigihan aku a day before kat dapur berbaloi sbb semua pon turn out sedap. Kalau sedap kat tekak aku sedapla kat tekak dorg haha. Cuma style kat bangi lain sikit. Pagi makan benda2 tu tghari makan lain.
So aku awal2 ckp aku tak masak lunch lain. Korg repeat la makan ye sape yg lapo.
So by lunch time aku panaskan balik lauk.
Pastu husband aku dapat daging korban sikit akak ipar aku dtg buat nasi daging.
Sedap tp aku rasa sikit je la. Lepas kol 4pm tekak n perot aku da takle makan benda heavy2.

By the way pagi tu lepas makan dlm kol 10 pagi kitorg g kubur mama baca yassin ramai2. Umar sbb dah kali ke 2 g kubur dia sangat2 behave alhamdulillah. We miss u mama. Hope u r happy we came to visit u that day.

Camtu je la cter raya haji.

Anak korg gila main egg tak? Anak aku ye. Gado ngn cousin dia sbb egg ni je haha. Sorg ada, sorg takde. Gado la apa lagi. Terpaksa aku g 7e beli egg color sama, baru dorg ok n main sama2 balik. Pitam mak.

Ptg layan budak2 ni main gado main gado. Malam balik rumah. Sbb esoknya plan tido melaka smlm.

Balik kampung
Sebenarnya plan nak balik kg aku minggu depan. Tp alang2 husband aku cuti hari jumaat baikla balik je weekend ni. Sekali harung penat haha. Boleh gitu? Tapi kitorg tido smlm kat melaka saja la. Kunun nak kasi umar swim kat swimming pool apartment service ayah alip. Tp ramai sgt org. Umar pon takot nanges2. Aku pon rimas. The best place kat bukit gambang aritu. Cetek n tak ramai org sesuai utk beginner mcm umar.

Takpela umar next time kita try lagi kat tempat lain bukan cuti sekolah ok.

Esok pagi2 dlm pukul 8.30 pagi gerak dari apartment ayah alip. Tp byk la persinggahan. Mula2 drive tru mcd breakfast pastu singgah klebang sbb umar cakap nak tgok beach.

Sabtu pagi haze memang terok kat melaka tahap pedih mata. Adalah 15 minit je kitorg kat sini pon kasi umar jenjalan atas pasir sikit. Hehe. Pastu dlm keter dia teros tido sampai la kat bp. Senang tol travel dgn umar. Tp harusla kasi makan kenyang2 dulu before tu.

Happy sgt umar jumpa atok2 dia n cousin2 dia sampai skip nap ptg n mlm masa tido meracau2 sikit. Penat sgt la tuh. Aku pon happy alhamdulillah dpt jumpa mak abah. Terubat rindu ok.

Mak bekalkan aku ayam masak merah and ayam masak paprik. Haha sedap gila aku makan sorg2 dlm keter masa otw balik kl. alip bz drive dia kata takpe mknla nti dia tapau mcd je. Bagusla. Sbb aku ptg mmg tak lalu mkn. Tghari n pagi je aku leh menikmati makanan. Hoih sedap gila rindu tol masakan mak. Alip kata untungla dapat makan makanan mak. Dia da takle. Sedey plak aku dgr. Nanti aku buatkan dia soto ayam huhu.

Jamm balik kl mmg terok tol. Kol 1 ptg aku dari parit raja. Well, cuti awam kan. Redha je la. Itu pon stop kat tangkak utk solat. Naseb umar behave masa on the road. Nyanyi2 bebel pasti tido balik. Smpai damansara kol 6.30pm pastu umar mengamuk nak jalan lagi dia kata. Haha sabo je la anak. Mak pak nye dah kepenatan gila gabeng.

Btw sbb aku happy dapat balik kg aku, arini aku extra rajin tros kemas rumah, vacuum carpet, basuh toilet, basuh baju n dry kan siap2 (thanks to dry machine self service tu), sambil tunggu 25 minit tunggu baju kering, aku sempat beli brg dapur kat tesco. Beli siang weekdays senang. Tak ramai org, takya tunggu kat counter lama2 n aku takde mabuk2 nak muntah. Kalau malam aku mmg lembik. Aritu beli groceries malam, balik rumah aku tros muntah n lembik. Yang tak best beli siang sbb husband takde. Booo. Takpela. Buat yang termampu. Janji by now aku da lega semua benda da settle. Tinggal nak masak je kol 5 ptg nti.

That's basically my raya haji, weekends n monday hehe. How bout u?


Hello Baby Y

Dear baby y,
I just put initial Y tho i havent decide for your name yet.
You will just turn 3 months this week and still long way to go for the complete you.
You are just as big as prune yet you hear so many things from the inside.
Allah knows everythg but im sure you feel what i felt today.
Baby Y, this time around i didnt vormit much, only once.
But i do craving to eat alot of stuffs.
For today it's char kuew teow without taugeh and with telur mata.
I think it only cost about RM5/ RM6 yet your dad cant fulfill it due to his stupid reasons.

Im sorry your brother and you heard us fighting over stupid things but hey that's all marriage is about i guess. We always end up fighting over stupid thgs.
N im not sure why he end up buying roti nan for me and you.
For god sake the curry smell make me wants to puke right away.

Your dad wont understand this thg for the rest of his life because he just heartless like that.
I dun even think he cares about how i feel or about what i want either.
I only try to be strong rite now because of you and your brother.
The last thg i ate tday is oreo at 6pm.
Sorry Baby Y for having parents like us.
All i know ill do the best for you and your brother.

Be patient for tnite kie.
Tomorrow im gonna bring u and your brother jalan2 a bit.
We'll eat somethg nyummy for breakfast.
For now bear with the empty stomach and sleep ok?


Weekend and haze

The haze is really bad.
I really dun want to go out tday but have to since....

1) im craving to eat asam pedas. Did grocery shopping last weekend but si pemotong ikan takde. So pergi weekdays la senang tak payah berebut. Alang2 beli 2 jenis ikan. Ikan pari and Ikan merah. Tesco tgh murah skg ikan. Td ikan pari panjang betul lebar plak tu RM8 je. Aku jarang beli tp aku rasa murah betul boleh buat 2x masak tu.

2) tersalah beli pampers umar. Sengal betulla. Beli time rushing cmtu la. Time tu aku da pancit kan econsave, ingt da amik brand yg aku selalu beli. Mmg betul tp rupanye jenis yg lekat2 untuk baby tu. Alahai umar da pakai jenis sarung. Try gak la malam td ampes budak ni asik la suh bukak balik. Terpaksa la beli baru td. Anak la anak.

3) i need to tapau lunch there sbb pagi td bz urus bungkus postage customers. Tapau kat food court tesco murah and sedap ok. I bought 3 type of lauk with 1 nasi only cost me RM10! N it's really nyummy. Td aku tapau ikan kerisi asam pedas, ikan goreng untuk umar and pedal goreng. Dah la ikan jenis besar2. Memang sedap plak tu. May Allah blessed them for cook with sincerity.

Sejam je da settle. Dlm keter aku nak muntah bau haze yg terok. Tp bersyukur la smpai umah boleh berkurung je takya keluar. Sian korg kerja kat luar. Bersabar kie. Aku pon tak basuh n sidai kain arini sbb aku still penat weekend travel.

Well, i had great weekend coz i dun need to cook for 2 days. Hooreys~

Last friday we had doa selamat for the SIL who will go further study oversea. So each of us cook somethg. My biras and SIL made lontong, ayam rendang, spaghetti carbonara and SIL bought pizza. So i just cook mee hoon goreng, sambal sotong and karipap sardine to compliment other food. Husband said sedap all the food i masak. I dunno where i got the energy to made those tho especially during my mabuk-nausea-pening-low blood pressure on off moment haha. I guess when it comes to cook for the loved ones, Allah make it easy for us rite? Thank you Allah.

Not much food wasted. Each of us tapau some back.

On saturday morning, did some checkup with doc. All is good except the doc said i had low blood pressure, i must always had pening on off. Haha coudnt agree more. And worst when i reach PIL's house i had bad headache and it only gone after umar had his nap. Haha not sure whats that suppose to mean. When umar wake up, we brought him to the park to play bubbles with the sil. Saja la kasi luangkan masa before adik iparku terbang rabu depan ni. Setahun x jumpa lepas ni. Despite the bad haze, the park still full with people.

Haze plz go away asap.

Sunday, bought groceries at econsave bangi (it's really cheappppp buy stuffs there compare to tesco or hiro), tapau lunch at 1 restaurant nearby, and teros balik damansara. It was nice, just rest at home and husband made dinner weeee.

Dinner last nite by husband. Ntah la apa nama ni. Aku mmg request simple2 je sbb dinner aku takle telan byk.

That's basically my weekend. I couldnt wait to make asam pedas ikan pari kejap lagi for dinner. Hope sedap.

Week 9

Entering week 9 now, it's getting tougher by 4pm onwards.
My body felt tired that time and worst thg i cant sleep even for 5 minutes!!
The house was quiet, umar was having his nap, aircond was on, phone was silent mode not even in vibrate mode, and i had shortest nap than before - 3 minutes!
By the time i struggling to sleep back, umar wake up with his wide smile.
There goes my evening nap.

Dinner was worst - i can now able to eat 2 spoon of rice! Haha pastu ratah lauk n minum air je.
The only meal time i still enjoy was my breakfast. So far i dun have morning sickness at all.
Night sickness - YES!!

Tapi timbang berat 54.5kg.
Naik 4.5kg. Byk gak tu in within 2 months.
I have 7 more months i dun want to gain weight too much.
Dunno la tapi bagus gak la kurang apetite makan malam malam ni perot aku first time tak sebu sbb aku telan sikit je td.
So tomorrow onwards i hope ill be able to maintain like this.
I had digestion prob past 1 week at night. I sleep in sit position.
I felt better at 12am.

Btw thank you husband sabar betul dia ngn aku this 1 week.
Byk dia tolong buat kjr rumah, tolong lipat kain and tolong basuh berak anak. Alhamdulillah sgt2.
Umar plak bila nampak daddy da balik, bila dia berak, dia suh daddy dia yang wash hahaha.
Sayang both!
Potty train aku stop jap sbb keadaan aku yg cmni tak larat la.
Sambung balik trimester kedua nti.

Okla nak tido.

Morning sickness and life update

Right now im in week 8 of my pregnancy.

i dunno why it's called morning sickness when mine started at 4pm onwards. Haha ntg worst so far i still can manage it. Cuma malam kesian kat umar. Mummy tak larat nak layan dia nyanyi2 sbb bloated yang amat. Tido pon da mcm kura2 meniarap. Haha padahal baby baru sebesar raspberry katanye.

I need to organize my wardrobe. I cant fit into my s/m clothes anymore. That day i bought poplook skirt size L and im cursing like hell. Haha sbb besar gila. I promise i did measure correctly. I still blame the poplook im sorry. 

I can only take 5-10 mins nap at the evening. Sigh i need more but dats the longest i can sleep. No wonder sebelum ni kat opis dulu aku tak boleh nak tido lama pon kat opis. Mmg gitu la nap nye acah2 ayam ahaha except weekend mmg berjaya nap stgh jam happy tol. Tgok umar nap rasa rugi tol tak nap but wut to do.

Umar in the stage very hyperactive. Lucky i already take the easy parcel service (sometimes they sux buy hey they did their job so wutevs) so alhamdulillah umar didnt give me any trouble during this pregnancy except the potty training not so well. Ptg aku give up pakaikan pampers. Penat aku naik trun suh dia g toilet. Byk dah incident nye haha. Redho je la mak! Aku buat bila aku rajin haha. Budak ni pandai da g toilet tp nye bila dia tgh main dia leka. Aku lagi ler sebok manjang sama la leka kenkadang.

What? I didnt do anythg wrong.

Btw my parents are here for a week. So happy that i got company, and umar la orang paling happy. Manjang nak lekat dengan tok tip dia. Bagusla jugak senang kjr aku haha. Semalam bwk parents aku g ikea. Sementara beratur beli food tu si umar ni cranky yg berlari here n there. Sian ayah aku knr kejar. Aku g siang so husband aku kjr. Haha ayah aku kata penat tol bawak umar keluar. :p

Well tu je la nak cter. Alhamdulillah on9 business went well. Aku restock ready stock harempants seminggu je abes. Syukur. Aku cuba ikot tips yang diberikan carl suami belle tu.

- jaga solat fardhu
- solat dhuha

Yang lenlen2 tu kena pepandai la market business kan memacam cara. Usaha doa n tawakal. Insyaallah Allah kasi. Korg follow la carl tu kat instagram. Memacam tips dia kasi for business. Aku byk ikot. Soon aku harap aku mampu untuk lebih byk bersedekah. Insyaallah.