
Are you starting your own business or already have one?

Clap2 if you plan to or already have your own business.
Sebab 9/10 rezeki datang dari perniagaan.

We just launch Ecommerce OpenCart themes at only RM300!
Super cheap ok!

Our price include maintenance free sebulan.
At the same time kitorg akan guide mcamana nak guna template ni dari A-Z.

Tak terer photoshop nak edit gambar?
Tak perlu photoshop pon nak pakai ecommerce template ni!
Korang amik je gambar product korg pastuh upload. insyaallah cantik.
Kalau boleh pakai la background putih kasi cantik sket. Cuba masuk poplook or fashionvalet.
Tengok cmne dorg amik gambar. Senang kan.

Macam mana nak letak image kat slideshow?
Tak reti nak edit cantik2?
We only charge for additional RM50 for the set of 4 images of slideshow.
Nanti dapatla korg image cantik2 mcm kat front page fashionvalet or poplook tuh.
Janji korg send gambar product korg and details.

Backend template ni pon senang nak guna and upload gambar.
Thats why kitorg pakai opencart.

Takder company/business logo n tak reti macam mana nak buat logo?
We do it for FREE if you buy this theme with us. :)

Tak tau nak buat business apa?
Baju budak2, baju perempuan ala2 korea tuh, casing handphones, TUDUNG dan sebagainyerh. Banyak sebenarnyerh.
Pergi je Kenanga mall tuh and borong.
Sediakan modal sikit je la. :)

Tapi janganla bergantung harap pada eCommerce website ni je semata2 untuk jual product anda.
Walaupon opencart theme kami sangat search engine friendly, tapi social media tak boleh diabaikan.
Rajin2 la promote kat facebook dan instagram juga.
Even big brand do that. :)

Tak payah byk cakap.
Masuk sini.
Pilih yang mana berkenan di hati kie. Tekan je BUY/ GET THEME tu.
or if nak tanyerh kitorg macam2 dulu before beli pon boleh.
Just pergi sini.


Umar, Barney & development so far (4 months & half)

I introduce umar to barney since he's 2 months old.
muahaha wut to do. mummy just have to find ways to distract u from being bored.
Now i know why ur daddy gimme that ipad mini. humms.

So far, i only introduce him 3 barney series on youtube - the abc, counting 123, and lets play school.
Umar enjoy them very much!
To the extend he can watch it until the end if i didnt stop the video from keep playing.
sabo je la anak.

I just have to do it so that i can do my own stuffs for a lil while like pray and pam susu early in the morning.
Ohs also it works when i want to have my breakfast peacefully without him being 'hekhekhek'.
hahaha once he watch it, he just laugh, smile n so concentrate on it.
Husband said it's bad for Umar. But i dun see why it's bad because the content is good.
Umar can learn english, ABC, 123, animals and alot of nice songs tru it.
n most importantly mommy wont miss any prayers anymore. haha

Yeah i admit before this, i dunno how to manage things properly yet.
At night, umar a bit tough.
For example at 10pm, masuk bilik untuk dia tido. tp dia tak tido.
Dia nak main, susu, main n susu n orang agah2 dia.
kadang2 bila susukan dia, punyalah lama, end up aku tertido n termiss solat isyak.
so ill make sure wuteva happen, but make sure he got his milk first, then agah2 dia jap,
pastuh aku on barney.
zapp aku g solat n get ready to sleep with umar.

kadang2 malas nk suh husband gilir2 check kan.
sbb kadang2 dia kat bawah aku kat atas.
dia tgh buat kjr smer kan.
kata jd mak ni, kita akan bcome more multitasking in wuteva we do.

So yeah, now bila bukak barney je, dengar lagu je, umar dah gelak2 gembira.
aku imitate lagu barney pon leh leh sengih2 senyum suka.

aku da tau dah theme birthday party dia taun depan aper. hahaha
kalau la ada party ye umar. :p

i couldnt find other better cartoon than barney yet.
i mean yang sesuai untuk age dia skg.
arituh dia tgok upin ipin senyap tp takder senyum n gelak mebi sbb takder lagu2 kot.

pastuh arituh aku bukak video alif ba ta boleh plak dia tengok muka aku byk kali mcm cakap "next mummy!"
hahaha abesla nanti kalau anak aku tak pandai ngaji ni cmner. jgn nak omputih sangat la umar.
at least huruf alif tuh kena kenal sbb tu nama daddy awak! :p

takper slow2. nti aku bukak byk kali la video alif ba ta tuh mesti dia suka lambat laun ye tak.
dulu kecik2 masa baru lahir dia suka je dgr asma al husna masa lepas mandi nak stop kan dia nanges.

okiela enjoy some pics from my instagram n some are not from my instagram.
Dah 4 bulan stgh dah umar. woot! time flies~

dah boleh rollover masa 3 bulan 25 hari. lambat update kat blog. sorry la busy. hehe

ni masa bawak kuar g kenny rogers shopping mall baru bukak kat bangi. behave sangat ini budak dok dlm stroller. alhamdulillah semoga umar behave smpai besar yer. tp mungkin sbb ada toy yg sangkut kat carrier dia tuh hah. pastuh bawak teether dia sekali. takder la dia terliur tgok mak bapaknyerh mkn.

tangan dah kuar mencapai semua benda termasuk la bintang2 kat playpen dia. hehe
Playpen ni letak kat ruang tamu bawah senang aku masak2 kat dapur or mkn.

(anak kita tengah comel ni. takder saper nak jadikan talent untuk advertisement aper2? wakakaka leh buat funding untuk future study dia :p)

Cheerful lil boy. setiap ari tak pernah jemu layan umar. tak pernah berenggang lagi.
dah tak minum pakai botol susu. haha sbb dah tak koser nak train (for now).
dari panaskan ebm basuh botol strelize pastuh try sumbat dia nangis2 uih malas den.
nama pon suri rumah (setakat ke hari ni). DF jer la. sok lusa tataula.
tp aku masih ngepam every morning je sebagai cukup syarat plus if tak pam dulu confirm dia muntah.
umar daniel ni mmg jenis minum ajerrr takmo stop.
Semoga dimurahkan rezeki untuk umar daniel selalu.

Soon he will start his solid food.
Aku dah start membaca blog2 korang. hehe
byk plak benda alah kena beli eh.
naseb food blender baby bullet tuh dah beli awal2 b4 beranak.
so takderla sakit sangat nak beli mcm2 nti kan.

aper lagi nak update?
ohs maybe next entry i can post up on how i manage time as suri rumah sepenuh masa tp sambil buat my on9 business.
Sajer jer la share. supaya korang tak boring baca blog aku. lambat benar update kan.
nak update pasal issue ni supaya new mommy to be out there can prepare mental kie.
coz as working mommies sure dah byk tips kat blog dorg.
as suri rumah pon mungkin dah byk gak tp sajerh la aku pon nak cter gak cmner life nyerh.
Insyaallah till next entry~

Btw kalo korg follow IG aku leh la tgok video2 umar yg funny (bagi aku la. haha bagi korang aku tatau. beserla saper nak puji anak sindri ye tak? :p)
If ada yg follow IG aku tp aku tak approve bukan aku sombong tau sbb kadang2 aku tgok profile korg mcm takder gambar or takder description langsung or tak letak nama betul aku takotla nak approve random ppl. gituh.



2 years and hope till jannah insyaAllah

MARRIAGE isn’t about Happily ever after. It’s about work. And a commitment to grow together and a willingness to continually invest in creating something that can endure eternity. Through that work, the happiness will come.

Today, 8th oct remarks 2 years of our wed anniversary.
Marriage teach us alot about life and patience towards each other.

Bila bergadoh, rasa tak mungkin mampu cium bau syurga.
Bila happy, rasa tak mungkin ada saper boleh ambil rasa gembira tuh.

Marriage is life, and it will bring ups and downs. Embracing all of the cycles and learning to learn from and love each experience will bring the strength and perspective to keep building, one brick at a time.

Quotes taken from here.

But im happy with our life.
Apertah lagi dengan kehadiran Umar Daniel. Alhamdulillah.
Sungguh cantik apa yang Allah aturkan untuk kami.

Btw, 1 baju kahwin dah terjual. 2 more to let go.
Pretty blog templates for brides to be. Don't miss it!