Hi all~
Semangat arini even tho tido tak ckup mlm td.
Harap stamina bertahan smpai end of tday.
Sorry tak sempat reply comment satu2 kat last post.
Nanti i reply kie.
Saje nk cter pasal checkup last weekend b4 terlupa.
Checkup on Saturday morning.
Dr awal2 dah btau kena datang kol 7 untuk minum air gula, n datang balik 2 hours after that.
Being us, wake up for Subuh insyaallah will be ok, tp kol baper kah last2 berjaya bgun?
6.45 pagi kie.
Dengan tak mandi nyerh dedua :p, berjaya sampai PUSRAWI kol 7.15am.
Awal2 dr da ckp kena puasa dari mlm, perot dah berbunyi kelaparan.
Pastuh minumlah air gula yang nurse kasik.
Mak aih, seksa ok! Husband kasik semangat kata minum je jangan rasa kat tekak.
Kalau dah memang lalu lidah n tekak cmner la taknak rasa ye tak?
So pas berjaya abeskan air gula ngn penuh seksa and nurse tebuk sikit jari untuk amik darah sket, husband ajak plak g carefour padahal baru kol 7.45am.
Huhu mmg takla, teman dia g beli breakfast n balik umh, nk tido jap sbb ngntuk sgt.
Plus nak mandi! :p
Datang balik dlm kol 9.30 and nurse amik darah sket lagi kat jari.
Pastu mmg checkup ari yang sama, so tunggu la giliran.
Punya lah lama kali ni tunggu. Selalu tak pernah lak lama cmni.
B4 jumpa dr, nurse datang check berat badan n tekanan darah.
Kan takot tambah 2kg kan last entry, rupanyerh kalini naik 1.5kg je.
So now total berat is 60kg.
Yey. lega. Berat naik normal.
Tarik napas lega.
Dalam kol 11pagi baru dapat jumpa dr.
Perot n baby dah nyanyi2 kelaparan.
Dr cakap everythg ok.
Baby pon dah 850g.
Talk to dr about my weight concern, n he said dun worry much about it since kali ni naik pon 1.5kg.
Mmmg for pregnant woman, supposely boleh naik until 2kg for each month.
So dia suh control mkn mcm apa yg aku buat skg la.
and dr kata pregnant woman normal to gain weight from 12kg to 20kg during 9 months pregnant.
Of course i kalau bley nak bawah 20kg.
But will try my best not to exceed gain 15kg until bulan 5 ni.
Anyway, thank you all for your comments and concern not to take the anmum.
I really respect your opinions.
But i have decide to continue take anmum but this time strictly i wont add anymore sugar.
hehe bcoz i think my baby need to absorb the nutrients from the milk.
n me tooo!
Dr pon cakap baby takderla overweight setakat ni on track je.
850g on week 26weeks++
I also feel better after control what i eat.
Makan nasik jugak tp cut into half portion.
Dah change to wheatmeal bread summore.
I think sumhow i just have to trust my mother instinct ecece.
Apapon, tinggal 3 bulan je lagi untuk aku control pemakanan.
Better late than never.
At least i realize my mistakes and i try.
So new mommy to be out there.
Try to control wut u eat dari awal pregnant lagi kie.
hehe once in a while okiela.
My fault i amik almost everyday. Yogurt drinks or vitagen.
Favourite tuh.
But lain orang lain.
As for me, benda tuh betul2 memberi impact.
Orang pregnant mmg craving for sweet stuffs.
Tapi try amik dari fruits not from drinks.
Once in a while yes u can eat cakes etc2.
Weekend ni (1-3Mac) ada baby expo kat KL convention centre korg g ke?
Hello, Feelings.
3 weeks ago