Frankly speaking, im a bit down since last 2 weeks as i just knew the bonus that i got a bit lower that i expected it should be.
You see, i think i work so hard i deserve more.
I knew it because i got alot of bonus from my previous company.
Like 2 years in row with Alhamdulillah satisfied amount of bonus.
But i just have to change job to different company to gain more knowledge and experience.
Here i am where i think i had deliver so much, i even sacrifice go back late nite to make sure the website/website page that will be launch will be smooth without any bugs/errors.
So when i knew that my bonus is not as much as i expected tho the boss said my basic is high and my increament pon da byk, i still not satisfy with it.
I knew they can give me more. But i dun want to argue on that.
2 weeks im being so geram, keep on complain about it to husband and husband keep on calm me down by saying "tuh company dia. redha je la. kalau company kita nanti, any profits, kita yang dapat"
Yet, im not satisfy.
Everyday, i pray to Allah by keep saying redha kan hati aku, tunjukkan jalan yang terbaik buat aku.
Today when husband send me to work, he being so happy as i make him breakfast today.
Haha nowadays since pergi kerja saing 1 keter sejak pregnant ni and dia hantar, so kena gerak awal, so takder masa nk wut breakfast n dia redha kena buat breakfast sindrik pagi2.
But muka dia happy je hantar aku g kjr dengan perut kenyang n breakfast yang disediakan oleh bini tanpa sebarang komplen nk bangun pagi. Yer selalu aku berat je bangun pagi rasa mcm tak pernah cukup la tidur tuh. :p
That moment when he smile and he said he's happy as im making breakfast for him make me realize something.
Ya Allah, ko dah banyak beri banyak 'bonus' dalam hidup aku.
A husband, a partner also best friend yang sangat penting and melengkapi hidup aku.
Ada orang sampai sekarang pon tak kahwin lagi sebab tak jumpa pasangan hidup lagi.
Rezeki yang tak pernah putus.
Tak pernah aku tak cukup makan. Malah kadang2 masih mampu makan di Fish & Co etc etc.
Cuba lah banding kan ngn orang lain yang kerja dorg banyak tanggungan kais pagi makan pagi.
Keluarga yang memahami.
Kedua2 keluarga sangat memahami malah hubungan kami rapat tho jauh from each other.
Other people mcm2 halangan keluarga dorg face masa nak kahwin la aperla kan.
Even my younger sister willing to come to KL, drive alone from Johor to take care of me when my husband is away for his outstation.
Rakan2 yang banyak membantu susah senang.
They always there for me when i need them.
and soon husband and i akan dapat anak. Melengkapi hidup kami as husband and wife.
Ada orang tak boleh beranak and have to spend like 40k rite to try on IVF eh?
Ya Allah, tadi saat tadi, aku realize something yang besar.
Nikmat yang Allah bagi tak terlawan dengan jumlah bonus tadi.
Malah aper yang aku dapat sebenarnyer terlalu banyak.
Aku akan cuba ubah diri lebih baik lepas ni.
Mensyukuri nikmat yang dia berikan ni.
dan akan gunakan setiap saat aku bernafas ni sebaik mungkin dengan orang2 yang aku sayang.
Hello, Feelings.
3 weeks ago