
Home Butt Workout: Tone & Shape For Beginners

Another interesting exercise from home

Nyummy Pancake

Husband is fussy eater because he has been spoiled raised with great homecook dish since small. :p
haha but it's ok i take that as big challenge to polish my cooking skills~

No wonder la his good friend told me before get married with him.
"rai ko tak takot ke kawen ngn alip?"
"naper lak?"
"mak alip pandai masak tau. nanti ko kena masak sedap2"
"maner ko tau mak alip pandai masak?"
"aku membesar ngn dia kot. setiap kali aku dtg mkn umh dia, confirm sedap"
"ala takperkot. takkan la dia cerewet sangat"

[lepas kawen, gulp]
[i asked him, to give me a year to polish my skills]
he said he will give me 20 years. cis

His comments are always so straight forward ok.
ALWAYS huhu.
If he add 2 times, means it's delicious. If he add some comments while eating, means it's not that bad but i have to improve abit. If he just eat 1 time, means it's NOT good enough - not up to his standard. If he don't  finish it at all, ahah u know la why. :(

Well he knows well if my mee goreng cukup bahan or not.
If my spaghetti macam rasa kat kedai or not.
Seriously it's tough to do western food at home because her mom cook western food very well.
Now i knew why i hardly saw him eat mash potato at KFC.
He said that mash potato by her mom is the best.
I tried before at his house during raya open house and herms it's TRUE.
Not only mash potato ok.
Almost all you name it. Her mom's bread pudding is unbelievable taste really good.
That day her mom did that and i was like so jakun ate them with so much expression.
While his other siblings ate them with no expression. Like they used with it already. sigh.

So about the pancake.
I tried 3 times before, follow receipe from Pink stilettos and Nani Rustam but it still not good enough for me. Maybe i didn't measure it rite not sure what went wrong.

But this time i feel i make it right.
It taste good and the portion is just nice for both of us. Sorang dapat 3 keping. :)
I took the receipe from Anjung Norry. Thank you for this resipi. Just nice sbb tak payah nk pk pasal gram.

Here is the receipe:-
1 cawan (130gm) tepung gandum
2 sudu kecil baking powder
2 sudu besar gula
1 biji telur dipukul ringan
1 cawan(240ml) susu (susu segar/susu sejat)
2 sudu besar mentega-dicairkan
*Additional Topping : chocolate chips

Dalam bekas besar, campurkan sekali tepung gandum, baking powder dan gula. Dalam bekas yang lainpukul telur, susu dan mentega dan telah dicairkan. Campuran campuran telur ke dalam campuran tepung perlahan-lahan dan kacau sebati. Pastikan jangan terlebih kacau supaya adunan tidak menjadi keras/liat.

Panaskan Non Stick Pan, bila Pan dah panas, perlahan sedikit api, kaupkan adunan tadi ke atas pan, jarak-jarakkan adunan supaya adunan tak melekat satu sama lain.
*Taburkan chocolate chips.

Terbalikkan pancake apabila gemlembung-gelembung buih keluar dibahagian atas pancake dan bahagian bawah sudah masak dan berwarna perang.
(Picture credit to Pink stilettos)

Yeah i tukar sikit tambah choc chip mcm pink stilettos and it's really delicious.

But maybe next time instead of susu segar i will use buttermilk nak make it fluffier.
But still this is good enough for breakfast.
Boleh dimakan begitu saja or with nutella or with honey.


This morning i ate it with nutella and pisang. hehe sedapppppp ok.

and husband didn't gave any comments while eating it this morning means it's delicious or he just being hungry and it's too early to comment over anythg? :p

8 Minute Abs Workout at Home

Jom kuruskan perut korang~ hehe

Makan2 for family in law

Nak kata housewarming - tak sangat la since housewarming normally for new house?
so i will just call it as makan2 untuk keluarga mertua.

So after discuss with husband, the menu for the lunch will be:-
- soto ayam
- sate ayam (yang ni beli of course)
- cream puff
- honeydew

Lepas tuh bermula la episode stuggle di dapur.

I didn't use any instant perencah soto.
So, i follow the receipes from here. Nyummy. You guys can try too~
Bahan Untuk Kuah Soto:-

  • 2 keping dada ayam, cuci, toskan dan perap dgn kunyit, garam dan halia 1/2 jam
  • 3 batang serai, dititik
  • 1 inci lengkuas, dititik
  • 2 camca besar rempah sup "ADABI"
  • 1 1/2 camca besar rempah kurma "ADABI"
  • 1 batang kayu manis*
  • 1 kuntum bunga lawang*
  • 5 kuntum bunga cengkih*
  • 3 biji buah pelaga*(*rempah tumis)
  • Bahan Kisar Halus:-
  • 1 labu bawang besar
  • 4 ulas bawang merah kecil
  • 3 biji bawang putih
  • 2 inci halia
  • 1 camca teh lada hitam biji
  • 4 biji buah keras
  • 1 inci kunyit hidup
Of course i tak ikot bulat2 ada yang i alter a bit.
Cara membuat kuahnya:-
  1. Dalam periuk, tuang 1/2 cawan minyak, masukkan rempah tumis dan goreng hingga harum, masukkan bahan kisar halus dan kacau goreng hingga terbit minyak. Masukkan rempah sup dan rempah kurma, tuang sedikit air dan kacau hingga rata. Masak guna api sederhana.
  2. Kemudian masukkan kaki ayam, serangka, serai dan lengkuas titik. Kacau hingga rata. Tuang air anggaran 3 - 4 liter. Masukkan 1 camca teh garam dan masak dgn api sederhana. Biar merenih 45 minit ke 1 jam. (Boleh tambah air jika kurang)
  3. Dada ayam yg diperap tadi, goreng hingga masak tapi jgn sampai garing. Angkat, toskan dan bila sejuk boleh lah dicarik halus. Ketepikan.
  4. Penyedian Soto:- Dalam mangkuk, masukkan nasi impit yg telah dipotong dan taugeh. Tuang kuah soto hingga 3/4 penuh. Bubuh kacang goreng, tauhu, begedel, soon, bawang goreng, daun sup/bawang dan akhir sekali lada kicap (jika suka).
  5. Untuk Lada Kicap:- Tumbuk cili padi dan bawang putih hingga lumat, masukkan kicap manis dan gaul rata.

From time to time, i will add alot of masak2 blog links at my right sidebar.

So perencah tuh semua i kali 4. since it's for 14 people. resipi tu utk 4 orang kan. so buatla lebih sikit.
Bolehla dorg bawak bekal balik ke kan. Better lebih dari tak cukup malu.
But still rasa dia lari. I guess it's really not easy to cook for 14 people. sigh.
So i tried to calm down. Teringat tips my mother in law tiba2, if buat sup kalau tak cukup masin, walaupon da tambah garam, try tambah kiub ayam. It's getting better.
Then i tambah kiub sup bonjot plak.
Then alter sikit2 here n there, tambah memacam.......

akhirnyerh kuah soto ku rasa dia marvellous!
Aku rasa la sbb aku mmg gila kan soto ayam. So saya tau soto tuh sedap atau tak.
Rasa cukup atau tak.

Lepas siap kuah soto dalam kol 10.30pagi, masa untuk menyediakan bahan2 dia plak.

Rahsia soto ayam yang sedap terletak pada bahan2 dia:-
1) kacang goreng - goreng jangan sampai hangit tau.
2) begedil kentang - penting sgt ni. I try tiru receipe from here. sumpah sedap sbb husband asik ckp sedap walaupon outcome rupa dia hodoh.
3) suhun goreng
4) daun sup
5) daun bawang
6) taugeh
7) ayam yang dicarik2
8) sambal kicap yang meletop - cara nak buat senang je, beli cili api, blend 25 biji dengan 4 biji bawang putih and gula dalam 1 sudu kecik.
9) bawang goreng rangup and sedap - lepas hiris bawang merah kecik tipis2, letak atas pinggan/dulang. biar kering dlm 30 minit. Pastuh gaul dengan tepung jagung (agak2). taburkan garam sikit kat minyak yang dipanaskan. Goreng dengan api yang sederhana panas. angkat. 

sorry if gambar tak menerujakan sbb amik lepas tetamu balik. huhu almaklumla siap masak 5 minit sebelum tetamu sampai. mmg tak smpat nak snap gambar sbb dah start busy layan tetamu.

sambal kicap wajib pedas tp sedap

Finally the magic soto ayam :p

Somebody eat this with kuah sate. grr spoil the soto magic je. anyone else do this?

trying hard to follow receipe do the cream puff

turns out it become macaroons! pfft haha
but rasa dia not bad la
because the kids love it. hehe

no matter wut, my guests seems to enjoy the food so much.
They even ate second round.

Im so happy!
Rasa 5 jam kat dapur sungguh berbaloi tgok makanan laku.
I even bungkuskan untuk dorg siap2.
Dah beli bekas transparent murah2 kat tesco siap2.

Cooking is my new obsession. :p


Dream working room

Since husband and i work in the same field as we do our freelance work together, we've been planning to make 1 room into working room.

Below are the closest pics that i we love.

Pics credit to Google and Ikea catalogue

I want to put sofa-bed in the bedroom so it can be transform to bed whenever my family members visit to sleepover.

It shouldn't cost so much rite?

I think i will need to invest on:-

  1. sofa-bed
  2. big working table - already have 1
  3. huge bookshelf
  4. carpet
  5. table lamp
  6. curtain/blinds

Hope will be able to achieve by this year. :) Barulah semangat nak buat kjr. :p