
PRELOVED Snuggbaby Toddler SSC

update: SOLD!

PRELOVED Snuggbaby Toddler Soft Structured Carrier SSC 

Price bought: RM315
Price to let go: RM200 (can nego. include postage)
Bought at: 2013
✔️Good condition!
✔️Good SSC
✔️Suitable from 1.5years old up to 4years old .
✔️Not suitable for infants
✔️18.5" wide seating
✔️Maximum tested weight limit is 20kg
✔️Best for front carry and back carry
✔️Nursing on the go!


Umar and his new school bag

Semalam saja la.
Lepas umar discharge dari hospital, bersemangat dia nak p school.

Mula2 aku suh dia rest 1 hari.
Tapi pagi tu energy dia lain macam.
I dun think aku leh handle umar yg byk energy pagi2 dengan aku selsema n batuk.

Maka aku pon hanta dia p school kakaka.
Lepas dia masuk kelas, aku borak la ngn cikgu dia.
Btau pasal umar sakit apa.
Tanye harga school bag yg umar dok zikir suh aku belikan.
Tanye pasal school fees next year.

Insyaallah sambung sekolah situ je.
Since aku rasa byk progress umar sekolah situ.

Btw harga school bag umar rm23 je.
Ok la aku ingat rm50 lebey cmtu haha.
So aku trus la beli tp tak terus kasi umar.
Nak kasi masa dia balik school.

Kunun surprise la kan.

So masa dia masuk keter, aku cakap dengan dia...

"Close your eyes"

"Nah. Bukak mata"

Ya Allah senyum sampai ke telinga lawak benor.

"Bag smart readers!!!! Umar sukaaaa! Ni lah favourite umar!"

Senyum sampai ke petang.

Sampai daddy nye balik, dok tayang kat daddy.

Harini tak sabar nak p school nak tayang kat kawan dia plak.

Err kawan dia la pakai bag tu buat dia nak beli gak sigh.

Kicik2 peer pressure haha.

Naseb kelas dia 7 orang je.

Kalau 15 orang mampuih.

Jom tgok muka budak gembira dapat bag sekolah baru.

Gituuu haha apapon im happy if u happy umar 😉.