
Weekend and stuffs...

My parents are here over last weekend~
camni la perasaan jumpa parents sebulan sekali. sigh~
i hope damansara-batu pahat tu dekat macam damansara-bangi je. so that every weekend will be able to visit both family.
hehe..yerla korg bekerja bercakap dengan other human being everyday.
i bercakap ngn umar and husband je everyday.
selain bercakap dengan otak sendiri setiap ari eh? :p
tak merungut. malah bersyukur and berharap path ini berterusan.
I love being a housewife.
Puas. Penat. Feeling blessed bila dapat besarkan umar sendiri. Dapat masak untuk husband hampir setiap hari (kecuali weekend).
Bak kata ayah aku, kat kl ni macam2 boleh berlaku.
naseb baik awak housewife.
Alhamdulillah. biar pon banyak benda i have to sacrifice.

Btw, since parents here, sonok la update cerita ngn mak and abah, husband pon suka sebab maksudnyerh aku rajin bangun pagi buat breakfast kahkahkah selalu liat betullll nak bgun pagi.
emo. coz i worked till late nite.
and umar akan bangun by anytime. sometimes 9, 10 or 11 depends what time he will sleep a nite before.
arghh housewife sure understands...

but i want to change my schedule again.
i dont want to sleep late nite anymore.
i want to sleep early and wake up early.
and i will sleep when umar had his nap (if time permit and i finish my daily routines)

as my mom send 1 msg before and rasa sungguh terkesan.
cehh selama ni husband cakap memang tak terkesan ke?
aku selalu cakap 'u ni mempunyai masalah tau. u took things too serious. even tiny stuffs'
and he replied, 'u pon ada masalah. apa i cakap masuk telinga kiri. keluar telinga kanan'. -_-

Btw Sabtu pagi dalam pukul 1 keluar rumah saje la pergi the curve dulu, nak pergi daiso.
petang tu ada birthday party anak member kol 4, tapi malas la nk tunggu pukul 3 baru kuar rumah kan?
panas sgt cuaca oit.
sedap jalan2 jap kan. kasi umar penat and supaya dia nap dalam keter secukupnyerh b4 g birthday party tuh.
tau2 je la budak kalau tak ckup nap, nanti dia buat perangai cranky dia.
uit tak larat mak nak handle ok.

so sampai the curve adala dlm 1.30. ok la ada masa nak jenjalan jap and ajak husband makan kat ayam penyet dulu.
Yes makan on time penting ok untuk ibu menyusukan anak and umar. :p

Skirt cantik dari @alvinacollection (ig) or fb here :)

Btw dalam 2 minggu ni umar mempunyai masalah nak makan agak kritikal.
haha adalah dlm 3 suap je nak mkn for each meal. Penat sgt kejar budak kecik ni.
I tried ALL FOOD.
His favourite pasta, bubur, nasi, blend stuffs, a bit keras, keras, biskut, sweet stuffs, Pie. Almost everythg.
Hate to chase him around.
Went to friend's house that day and her daughter same age as umar.
budak tu yang kejar aku nk makan makanan umar. hahaha. habis ok dia makan. umar nyerh? sebok main mainan. makan fruits je.
yes, umar love fruits so much.
so it's not about the food i prepare.
It's him.
I still dun get it wuts the problem.

Until last weekend at the Ayam Penyet restaurant that i discover he just love to eat OUR FOOD.
I mean real food.
no wonder that day when i tried to give him nasi beriani, he show interest to eat it.

So back to the story at the Ayam Penyet restaurant last Sat, i happily feed him nasi ayam penyet.
Umar didnt show any more tantrum during lunch time outside.
Mummy happy. Daddy happy.
and we all live happily ever after.

Masa kat kedai tuh, before food sampai, and bagi umar makan,
time tuh umar start la drama dia nak keluar dari kerusi, diri kat kerusi.
At the same time i try to whatsapp my sister to remind her to take our house key from our neighbour, as she left it at our house.
My husband da ckp, eh tengok umar. but i told him, please watch him forawhile, i want to whatsapp my sis first.

Then seperti biasa umar campak toy dia kat lantai and all.
and then food sampai and all, kitorg pon makan laju2.

Dalam keter on the road baru kuar the curve, i just noticed that my hset is not with me.
Duhh try cari kat semua tempat, call my phone, memang takder bunyi.
sah takder. tapi kat mana?
rasa kat ayam penyet la kan.
rasa macam tak logic je tertinggal sbb im so positive i put it back inside my bag.
Well, sometimes things happened kan?

Kena la bebel2 ngn husband jap sbb dia kena patah balik to the curve.
Tadah je la telinga oit.

Dipendekkan cerita, memang takder tak jumpa phone ku kat situ.
Dalam keter sebok tukar password semua benda.
Then terus g besday anak member.

Okla since umar tak meragam sangat.
hehe dia sebok main toy kat rumah tu.
n then excited minum air oren.
first time i kasi dia minum air oren.
takperla. besday anak orang. kasi can sikit. :p

lepak situ sampai kol 6.40 singgah rumah PIL jap.
borak2, solat asar and maghrib, balik ke damansara.
fuhhh, penat sgt.
settle dinner, and mandikan umar pukul 10.30malam. hehe
takper cuaca panas dimaapkan.
plus umar pon da besar.

He's soooo happy when the grandparents, auntie and his uncle around.
Melekat kat aku bila nak susu or bila atuk2 dia solat je.
Lepas mandi siap boleh nak pergi bilik dorg tak sudah2.

Paling best petang tadi.
Lepas susukan dia, tengok dia still nak nap, aku turun jap g dapur sebok nak potong2 bawang jap.
memang da pk, lagi 15 minit aku akan kejut umar bawak turun.
taknak kasi dia tido petang lama sangat.
Boleh tak dia turun tangga sendiri. tak nangis langsung bangun tido???
Selalu dia bangun tido, confirm nangis!
Ni rasanya dia tau ramai orang kat bawah, dia excited nak main punya pasal, siap turun tangga sendiri.

Mestila aku kena bebel lagi sbb tak letak umar kat baby cot kan.

Esok atuk2 dia da nak balik.
Mesti umar buhsan dah takder gang main.
well umar, kena la biasakan diri kan.
ini la realiti hidup.
mummy pon jumpa atok2 umar bukan selalu :(

nanti insyaallah panjang umur, kita jumpa lagi hehe.

okla tuh je nak bebel.
EH wait. Pasal phone ku???
Alhamdulillah dah dapat balik dah.
Pekerja restaurant ayam penyet the curve call cakap jumpa bawah sofa.
mungkin tercampak masa time umar campak toy2 dia tuh.
Benda nak jadi kan??

Alhamdulillah takyah bazir beli phone baru.
Dugaan kecil Allah kasi ni supaya aku jadi lebih alert and careful next time.
Thank you for the reminder ya Allah. :)

Other story, aku da buat satu ruang khas untuk umar main kat sebelah living hall.
Rasa happy sbb umar fully utilize it and dah tak sepahkan ruang tamu.
Nanti kat rumah baru kita decor2 k. kat rumah ni buat simple2 je la.
janji umar main kat ruang dia, and i still can do houseworks. :)

before letak rak atas meja

lepas letak rak

somebody so excited with his lil space

Yes, so excited kita kena musnahkan yang ini dulu. :p