Jap. Im so confuse with this Blogger new interface.
They change it rite?
Nway just nak share kegembiraan baru2 ni.
Actually it's still too early to share but since i hav so lil time this morning for my leisure time, y not?
Ok ingt tak post lepas cter how struggle to get the house loan approve?
Now consider done with Part 1 settle all the legal documentations n now nak withdraw money from kwsp account bersama. Hopefully can be done by next week.
Proses beli rumah ni penat sangat.
Setiap kali selesai 1 proses balik rumah sure mcm taknak buat aper2 nak tros to the bed.
We bought our house at Bandar Seri Putra, Bangi.
Why there?
1) Sbb rumah yg kitorg tgok tuh still reasonable dgn keluasan rumah and kualiti nyerh compare to the other houses.
2) Sbb dekat ngn rumah mother in law n umah akak i. If parents i nak dtg, dorg senang la nak berkunjung ke umah akak i n i. Takya travel jauh2 to Damansara. If parents i and family members datang tumpang tidur pon, more convenient to them insyaAllah.
3) Kitorg suka kawasan tuh. Rasa tak bandar sangat and tak kampung sangat. haha Tepuk dada tanyer selera. Rumah skrg sebelah one utama. So if orang tanyerh ee duduk kat sana nanti takder shopping complex boring. Duduk sebelah OU skrg ni pon takder plak g sana setiap ari. Kdg2 sminggu sekali. Lagipon bagus kan leh berjimat cermat. hehe jauh dari kawasan yg boleh habiskan duit. Ohs cuma kat situ akan ada pasar mlm 2x seminggu. Jadi mungkin duit byk melebur di situ. huhu
Bukan senang nak pilih rumah yg disukai. Sebenanrnyerh plan nak beli tahun depan, tp my friend keep on influence me to buy house this year sbb kata nyerh harga rumah skg melampau2 if tak beli skrg sure later lagi mahal.
Bila fikir balik, ok la y not since i want to work from home anytime soon, better i buy house now so that easier to deal with the banks in terms of when they check work stability, pay slips and etc2.
So bila tgok showroom rumah ni, omigod rasa this is the one. Husband feels the same way too. Rasa macam tenang. Rasa macam we will be happily ever after live here with our kids later. hihihihi.
InsyaAllah rumah ni akan siap bulan October tahun depan. So setahun ni mmg knr ikat perut n berjimat cermat utk persiapan mcm2 utk rumah ni. Any vacation plans pon under consideration je sbb priority adalah rumah dulu. huhu. Takperla bersusah payah skg bersenang kemudian kan. Barulah kita appreciate apa yg kita ada.
Anyway quick update about the new job. It's super great place. The company is small but the people there are super great and so helpful. Plus they are systematic and the bosses are super nice. What else can i ask for? The work is super pressure but i like the way they handle the stress. So tho we deal with stress job everyday, the surroundings make us happy.
Baru kjr aku da asik mintak 2x cuti sbb nk settle kan hal2 rumah ni. adoiyai malu tp nak buat cmner.
Nway dear our future house, husband and i has sacrifice alot for u huhu. Hope berbaloi pengorbanan kami. We work so hard, so much money and time put on u in order to make u ours.
Looking fw for great living there. hehe
For many more years husband n i will b together.
with the future kids. :)
and pretty house decorations perhaps.
and our rabbit can jump around at the house compound.
ngeeee cant wait! :)
Hello, Feelings.
3 weeks ago